
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #84

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quod reliquum est vitaethe rest of one's life.Rate it:

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rabattre le caquet à quelqu'un (pop.)To take a person down a peg; To stop his jaw; To cut his cackle.Rate it:

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radices agere (De Off. 2. 12. 73)to take root.Rate it:

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rain checkIn social interactions, a polite way to turn down an invitation, with the implication one is simply postponing it and that another time would be acceptable.Rate it:

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Rain CheckA ticket stub that allows an individual to attend an event on behalf of a canceled one; a paper piece that allows someone to buy a sold-out product at discounted or sale price later onRate it:

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rain or shineIt doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or whatever happens; whatsoever the conditions or the weather is; it's most commonly used to say that an event still happen (will not be canceled) even if it rains; See also, come rain or come shineRate it:

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raise a handTo raise one's arm and hand.Rate it:

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raise cainTo cause trouble; to behave in a disruptive manner; to make a problem; the phrase is actually "raise Cain" since Cain is a person's nameRate it:

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ramasser le gantelettake up the gauntletRate it:

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rationem belli gerendi mutare (Liv. 32. 31)to change one's tactics.Rate it:

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rationem habere alicuius reito have regard for; take into consideration.Rate it:

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rationes putare cum aliquoto balance accounts with some one.Rate it:

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reach outTo extend one's hand forward.Rate it:

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reach outTo make more friends, to increase one's group of friends or acquaintances.Rate it:

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reach-aroundAn ostensibly thoughtful gesture, especially one performed to win favour or mitigate unfair treatment.Rate it:

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reap the harvestMy plan for this quarter is to concentrate upon one main item in our brief catalog and hope to reap a harvest from this thrust!Rate it:

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reap the whirlwindTo suffer bad consequences in one's actions.Rate it:

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rebrousser cheminTo retrace one's steps, to turn back.Rate it:

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rebus divinis interesse (B. G. 6. 13)to take part in divine service (of the priest).Rate it:

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reckon withTo take into account.Rate it:

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red-handedWith hands that are red.Rate it:

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rede wenig, rede wahr trinke mäßig und zahll bar.One should speak not too much and should say true and even drinking a lot should ever pay cash.Rate it:

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redeem oneselfto resolve, or make up for, one's previous folly.Rate it:

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referre in reos aliquemto put some one on the list of the accused.Rate it:

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refrenare cupiditates, libidinesto bridle one's desires.Rate it:

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rei publicae deesse (opp. adesse)to take no part in politics.Rate it:

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rei publicae muneribus orbatusbanished from public life.Rate it:

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relever le ganttake up the gauntletRate it:

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religionem alicui afferre, inicere, incutereto inspire some one with religious scruples.Rate it:

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rem actam or simply actum agere (proverb.)to have all one's trouble for nothing.Rate it:

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rem bene (male) gerere (vid. sect. XVI. 10a)to manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill.Rate it:

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rem familiarem neglegereto neglect, mismanage one's household matters.Rate it:

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rem familiarem tuerito manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill.Rate it:

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rem publicam alicui permittereto give some one unlimited power in state affairs.Rate it:

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remplir son mériteTo act up to one’s reputation.Rate it:

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render unto CaesarTo give to one's state or government, especially in the form of a tax payment.Rate it:

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rendre gorgeTo have to pay back money unjustly acquired; To disgorge one’s ill-gotten gains.Rate it:

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rentrer dans sa coquilleTo draw in one’s horns.Rate it:

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rentrer par une oreille et ressortir par l'autrego in one ear and out the otherRate it:

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repulsam ferre consulatus (a populo) (Tusc. 5. 19. 54)to fail in one's candidature for the consulship.Rate it:

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res ad victum cultumque necessariaethings indispensable to a life of comfort.Rate it:

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res ad vitam necessariaethe necessaries of life.Rate it:

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res humanae or simply reshuman life.Rate it:

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res humanas infra se positas arbitrarito feel superior to the affairs of life.Rate it:

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resipiscere (Att. 4. 5. 2)to recover one's reason, be reasonable again.Rate it:

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respicere aliquidto have regard for; take into consideration.Rate it:

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responsum ab aliquo ferre, auferreto extract an answer from some one.Rate it:

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rex-patA repeat expatriate, one who becomes ex-patriated a second time.Rate it:

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rick rolledBasically on youtube,you're probably gonna find lots of links, some of them link to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", which if you do find one, you have been rick rolled.Rate it:

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riddle me that, BatmanSaid to demand that the listener take notice of a question or situation just mentioned, especially one that is particularly difficult to solve or explain.Rate it:

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Another one ___________ the dust.
A eats
B grabs
C swallows
D bites