
Phrases related to: theres more than one way to skin a cat Page #84

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mind's earThe mental faculty or inner sense with which one produces or reproduces imagined or recalled sounds solely within the mind; the supposed organ within the mind which experiences such sounds.Rate it:

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minitari (minari) alicui mortem, crucem et tormenta, bellumto threaten some one with death, crucifixion, torture, war.Rate it:

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mint chocolate chipUsed other than as an idiom: see mint, chocolate chip.Rate it:

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misericordiam alicui commovereto excite some one's pity.Rate it:

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misericordiam alicuius concitareto excite some one's pity.Rate it:

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misery loves companyRepetitious, droll, depressing revelations of one's hard luck, always being left out of the fun, the prizes, never invited, always overlooked and pleading that others will come to the rescue!Rate it:

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misfortunes never come singlybad things or situations always come in groups, they never come in a single way.Rate it:

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missed the boatrefers to something someone didn't do and maybe regrets not doing; often followed by "on that" or "on that one"; can also be said sarcasticallyRate it:

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mit sozialistischem GrußA politically correct way to close a note or letter.Rate it:

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mobilia sequuntur personamCommon law doctrine holding that personal property held by a person is governed by the same law that governs that person, so that if a person who is legally domiciled in one jurisdiction dies with property in a second jurisdiction, that property is legally treated as though it were in the first jurisdiction.Rate it:

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modest proposalUsed other than as an idiom: see modest, proposal.Rate it:

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moitié figue, moitié raisin1. Partly willingly, partly by force. 2. Half one thing and half another. 3. Half in jest, half in earnest.Rate it:

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money pitA possession or financial commitment that creates substantial ongoing expenses, especially one whose costs are considered to be unsustainable.Rate it:

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money's worthA good or service which is considered to be of a value equal to or greater than the amount of money expended for it.Rate it:

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monter à la têteTo go to one's headRate it:

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moon on a stickEverything; all that one could desire (especially as an unreasonable demand).Rate it:

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moral high groundA position or point of view which is ethically superior or more reputable, in comparison to others which are under consideration.Rate it:

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mors alicuius luctum mihi attulitsome one's death has plunged me in grief.Rate it:

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morte multare aliquem (Catil. 1. 11. 28)to punish any one with death.Rate it:

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mortem occumbere pro patriato die for one's country.Rate it:

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mortiferam plagam alicui infligereto inflict a mortal wound on some one.Rate it:

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mother of all ....The largest oneRate it:

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motor mouthOne who talks incessantly; a chatty or loquacious person.Rate it:

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mouth offTo talk impudently, especially to one's superior.Rate it:

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move downUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see move,‎ down.Rate it:

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move forwardUsed other than as an idiom: see move, forward.Rate it:

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move houseTo change one's place of residence.Rate it:

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move inTo start living or working in a new place; to transport one's belongings to a new home or workplace; to make one's home or workplace into a suitable environment.Rate it:

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move the goal postsTo unilaterally change the rules, or terms of an agreement, especially in an unfair or underhand way.Rate it:

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move upTo move one's position to allow others to occupy a place.Rate it:

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muddle alongTo live or work in an unplanned and unorganised way.Rate it:

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muffin topUsed other than as an idiom: see muffin, top; the top of a muffin, sometimes removed to be eaten separately.Rate it:

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multitudo circumfunditur alicuia crowd throngs around some one.Rate it:

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multum (nihil) ad communem utilitatem afferreto considerably (in no way) further the common good.Rate it:

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muneri aliquem praeficere, praeponereto appoint some one to an office.Rate it:

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munus explere, sustinereto fulfil the duties of one's position.Rate it:

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mur à hauteur d'appuiA wall breast high (so that one may lean against it).Rate it:

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muscle upTo force one's way into or through.Rate it:

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muscle upTo make stronger or more powerful.Rate it:

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mutton dressed as lambA mature woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman, especially if a deliberate attempt to appear young.Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

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my cup runneth overTo have more than is needed or wantedRate it:

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my lips are sealedSee keep one's lips sealed.Rate it:

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my name isA common way to identify oneself.Rate it:

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nail biterOne who bites or chews his or her fingernails.Rate it:

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não custa nadaSaid to justify doing something that is easy to be done, especially when one is reluctant or doubtful about doing it.Rate it:

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não me digaUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see não, me, diga.Rate it:

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nary aNot one; none.Rate it:

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ne faire ni une ni deuxTo make no bones about it; To make up one’s mind quickly.Rate it:

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ne l'offensez pas, car vous n'y trouverez pas votre compteDo not offend him, for you would get more than you cared for.Rate it:

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A cat
B fridge
C house
D mouse