
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #89

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slam dunkA high-jump approach to the basket and a one-hand slam of the ball through the hoop!Rate it:

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slap leatherTo make a quick motion to draw one's handgun from its holster, especially in a duel in the Old West.Rate it:

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slap your mama!When something is so good or desirable that one would perform the most unthinkable act to acquire or defend the possession of.Rate it:

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sleep inTo sleep late; to go on sleeping past one's customary or planned hour.Rate it:

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Sleep on ItTo take time in taking a decision , to delay one’s decision or plan because it is yet to be ponder uponRate it:

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sleep with the fishesTo be killed and have one's body disposed off in the sea or other body of water.Rate it:

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slender reedA person, fact, or resource on which one can rely only to a limited extent.Rate it:

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slim downTo reduce one's weight; to become thinner.Rate it:

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slip awayTo disappear; to elude one.Rate it:

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slip someone's mindTo be forgotten; to escape one's memory.Rate it:

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slippery as an eelSo slippery that it is almost impossible to hold with one's hands.Rate it:

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slippery slopeA chain of events that, once initiated, cannot be halted; especially one in which the final outcome is undesirable or precarious.Rate it:

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slug it outTo have an intense argument or fight until one side prevails.Rate it:

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small fryOne or more children.Rate it:

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small fryOne or more small or immature fish.Rate it:

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small potatoesOne or more persons or things of relatively little consequence, importance, or value.Rate it:

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smart arseOne who is particularly flippant or insolent or tends to make snide remarks or jokes.Rate it:

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smell bloodTo sense that one has an advantage over an adversary or rival.Rate it:

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smell the barnTo experience heightened anticipation or to act with renewed speed or energy as one approaches a destination, goal, or other desired outcome, like a livestock animal at day's end returning to its barn.Rate it:

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smoke upTo smoke all of one's supplies.Rate it:

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sniff testAn informal reality check of an idea or proposal, using one's common sense or sense of propriety.Rate it:

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snow on the mountaintopGray or white hair on one's head, especially as an indication of aging.Rate it:

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snow on the rooftopGray or white hair on one's head, especially as an indication of aging.Rate it:

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so ist das Lebensuch is lifeRate it:

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so-and-soA name used to take the place of an epithet.Rate it:

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societatem inire, facere cum aliquoto associate with some one.Rate it:

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socium aliquem asciscere (B. G. 1. 5)to make some one one's ally.Rate it:

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soft touchA person or group which is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one which loans or readily gives money to another.Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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Solo, unus de septem (illis)Solon, one of the seven sages.Rate it:

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solum vertere, mutare (Caecin. 34. 100)to leave one's country (only used of exiles).Rate it:

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some oldSome, some unspecified or yet-undetermined one (especially for emphasis).Rate it:

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sometimes the solution to the problem is the problem itself but points to other.Sometimes in life we wonder why this things happen and while wondering we are trying so hard to find the solution to what happened but infact it should be happened to make us strong, but some we need friends, or elder to show us the solution..Rate it:

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son affaire est faiteHe is a dead man (of one dying); He is done for; He is a ruined man.Rate it:

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sort oneself outTo organize or solve one's personal problems.Rate it:

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souhaiter la bonne année à quelqu'unTo wish some one a happy new year.Rate it:

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sour grapesA putting down or expression of disdain about something that one desires but cannot have.Rate it:

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souris qui n'a qu'un trou est bientôt priseIt is good to have more than one string to one’s bow.Rate it:

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southpawOne who is left-handed, especially in sports.Rate it:

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Sow your wild oatsTo do absurd and inappropriate things in one’s youth, to do silly things and activities when youngRate it:

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spannerA stupid or unintelligent person; one prone to making mistakes, especially in language.Rate it:

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spare no effortTo do everything within one's powers to achieve something.Rate it:

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spare tyreAn extra tyre carried in case one of the vehicle's tyres is damaged or deflated.Rate it:

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spaz outTo lose one's physical or emotional control.Rate it:

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spazz outTo lose one's physical or emotional controlRate it:

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speak for oneselfTo provide an opinion only on one's own behalf.Rate it:

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speak volumesTo express more than one actually said.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who serves in a subordinate or menial role.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who plays a leading or substantial role as a supporter, proponent, etc. representing a group, cause, or point of view.Rate it:

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special deliveryA particular posted letter or package which is delivered in this manner; a particular act of conveying such letters or packages to one or more recipients.Rate it:

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It's best to look on the __________ side.
A sunny
B bright
C right
D just