
Phrases related to: King Man Lee Page #9

Yee yee! We've found 502 phrases and idioms matching King Man Lee.

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my honey-do'sHoney-do's are the little chores requested by a spouse: A wise man will seek to discover these needs on the part of his spouse and accomplish them promptly:Rate it:

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navis longaa man-of-war.Rate it:

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nemo doctusno man of learning.Rate it:

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nihil cum aliquo contrahereto do no business with a man.Rate it:

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notam turpitudinis alicui or vitae alicuius inurereto injure a man's character, tarnish his honour.Rate it:

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nous faisons peu d'état de cet hommeWe consider that man very little; We take little account of that man.Rate it:

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nuntium remittere alicui (De Or. 1. 40)to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman).Rate it:

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occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendumto give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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odium implacabile suscipere in aliquemto conceive an implacable hatred against a man.Rate it:

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oh, nuts!It is something like saying Aw Man!Rate it:

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on loge à pied et à chevalGood entertainment (accommodation) for man and beast.Rate it:

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on ne saurait faire boire un âne s'il n'a soifOne man can take a horse to the water, but twenty cannot make him drink.Rate it:

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out of sightHow was the party? Out of sight, man!.Rate it:

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pato anteojilloAnas specularis King. La cabeza es negra café por encima y por debajo café rojiza. Una mancha blanca ovalada a los lados de la cara le da su nombre. En Chile está presente desde Valparaíso al sur.Rate it:

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Pericles summus vir illius aetatisPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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Pericles, quo nemo tum fuit clariorPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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Pericles, vir omnium, qui tum fuerunt, clarissimusPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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pericula alicui impendent, imminentdangers threaten a man.Rate it:

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perniciem (exitium) alicui afferre, moliri, parareto compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin.Rate it:

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pestem alicui (in aliquem) machinarito compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin.Rate it:

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picture cardking, queen or jackRate it:

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pin moneyAn allowance of money given by a man to his wife or to other dependents for their personal, discretionary use. [from 16th c.]Rate it:

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post homines natoswithin the memory of man.Rate it:

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potestatem, copiam alicui dare, facere with Gen. give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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pressure is a privilegeSaying by Billy Jean King and hanging as a plaquette in one of the stadiums in the US openRate it:

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principem civitatis esseto be the chief man in the state.Rate it:

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quem intellegimus sapientem?what do we understand by "a wise man"?Rate it:

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qui a bu n'a point de secretsWhen wine sinks, words swim; In vino veritas; Drink washes off the daub, and discovers the man; What the sober man has in his heart, the drunkard has on his lips.Rate it:

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qui ne sait pas être fou n'est pas sageHe is not wise who does not sometimes make merry; It takes a wise man to make a fool.Rate it:

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qui sert à l'autel doit vivre de l'autelEvery man must live by his profession.Rate it:

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quiche-eaterA man who is effeminate or who lacks some putative masculine virtueRate it:

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quicumque vultA forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.Rate it:

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real men don't eat quiche(aphorism, humorous) The stereotypical man does not do things that are considered effeminate, as to do so would imply they are effeminate.Rate it:

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regem restituereto restore a king to his throne (not in solium).Rate it:

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rendre un homme camusTo stop a man’s mouth; To make a man look small.Rate it:

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repudium dicere or scribere alicuito separate, be divorced (used of man or woman).Rate it:

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rice queenA non-Asian man who is mostly attracted to East Asian men.Rate it:

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rizzwhen a MAN not woman has emaculate rizz it is when they can talk to girls with romantic appeal or romance.Rate it:

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salus, caput, vita alicuius agitur, periclitatur, in discrimine est or versatura man's life is at stake, is in very great danger.Rate it:

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sans qu'il y paraisse, c'est un homme fort instruitWithout making any show he is a very well-informed man.Rate it:

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sapere (Off. 2. 14. 48)to be a man of sense, judgment.Rate it:

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sauve qui peutevery man for himself - more literally "save yourself if you can"; most literally "may he save himself, whoever can"Rate it:

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savoir ce que quelqu'un a dans le ventre (fam.)To know what a person is worth, what he thinks; To know the stuff a man is made of.Rate it:

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scrupulum ex animo alicuius evellere (Rosc. Am. 2. 6)to relieve a man of his scruple.Rate it:

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senatum alicui dare (Q. Fr. 2. 11. 2)to give a man audience before the senate.Rate it:

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sensum, iudicium habereto be a man of taste.Rate it:

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she could be his motherOne could be someone's parent, said of a woman older than a man.Rate it:

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she was batting her eyes like a frog in a hailstorm.A phrase used to describe a woman flirting with a man in a most obvious way to the point that it’s comical.Rate it:

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short back and sidesman's haircutRate it:

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skirt chaserA man with amorous intentions who habitually seeks out female companionship.Rate it:

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Early to bed, early to rise makes a man...
A wealthier than other guys
B more satisfied
C grow to full size
D healthy, wealthy and wise