
Phrases related to: mean time to failure Page #9

Yee yee! We've found 887 phrases and idioms matching mean time to failure.

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buried treasureSomething, having been concealed for a long time, which later is found and is profitable.Rate it:

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burn some rubberAn expression of intent to drive ruthlessly, speedily, wildly, illegally: Express the intention to perform tasks, agendas in wild abandon, in order to impress, gain an advantage, recover lost time or missed opportunity:Rate it:

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business before pleasureAn admonishment that discharging one's obligations must take precedence over devoting time to pursuits meant solely for one's own gratification.Rate it:

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Busman's HolidayTo spend free time in same task people do during their working timingsRate it:

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busy workWork or activity performed with the intention or result of occupying time, and not necessarily to accomplish something productive; routine work of low priority undertaken for the sake of avoiding idleness.Rate it:

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butter one's bread on both sidesTo profit from two things at the same time, especially when those things seem contradictory or incompatible.Rate it:

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by and byGradually,after a timeRate it:

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c'era una voltaonce upon a timeRate it:

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c'est le diable qui bat sa femme et qui marie sa filleIt is raining and the sun is shining at the same time.Rate it:

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c'est un avocat manquéHe is a would-be barrister; He is a failure as a barrister.Rate it:

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carry overTo transfer (something) to a later point in time.Rate it:

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cash on the barrelheadMoney in the form of paper currency or coins, paid immediately at the time and place of a transaction.Rate it:

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casual expressiona word in the dictionary that has an alternate definition than the dictionary definition or a phrase that means something different than its words put together would literally mean when put togetherRate it:

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catch someone's driftIf you catch someone's drift (or get someone's drift) it means you understand what they mean; this phrase is used especially when you want to get an idea across to someone but you don't want to exactly speak the words you mean or if you think the listener may be confused about what you meanRate it:

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ce garçon gaspille son tempsThat boy fools his time away.Rate it:

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ce mot m'est échappéThat word escaped me inadvertently (i.e., I did not mean to say it).Rate it:

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ce n'est pas tous les jours fête1. Christmas comes but once a year. 2. One cannot always have “a high old time,” but must work as well. 3. Life is not all beer and skittles.Rate it:

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cela arrive comme marée en carêmeThat comes very seasonably, just at the right time.Rate it:

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cette pièce a fait fourThat piece was a failure, a frost.Rate it:

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change horses in midstreamTo change plans or approaches at an inopportune time, such as when an effort is already underway, generally considered an inadvisable thing to do.Rate it:

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che ora èWhat time is it?Rate it:

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che ore sonoWhat time is it?Rate it:

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China syndromeA hypothetical kind of catastrophic failure in which a nuclear reactor melts through the floor of its containment system and penetrates the earth's surface, continuing downward as if (from a Western Hemispheric point of view) traveling through the planet toward China.Rate it:

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circle the drainTo be in rapid decline or a state of downfall, especially as leading to inevitable utter failure or destruction.Rate it:

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clock is tickingTime is running out; a deadline is approaching.Rate it:

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clock outTo end work; to officially record a time when one terminates a period of work.Rate it:

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clock outTo officially record a work-termination time for.Rate it:

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cold day in HellThe time of occurrence of an event that will never happen.Rate it:

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collect dustTo remain untouched and unused for a long period of time.Rate it:

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come in handyTo be useful or helpful, especially at some time in the future.Rate it:

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come to a headTo suddenly reveal that which has lain latent for a time.Rate it:

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come togetherUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: to come together. To meet. To arrive at a destination with someone after having travelled there with each other. To achieve orgasm at the same time.Rate it:

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comment celaWhat do you mean?Rate it:

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convivia tempestiva (Arch. 6. 13)a repast which begins in good time.Rate it:

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cool itCalm down, relax, take a time out.Rate it:

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coon's ageA very long time.Rate it:

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cop off withTo successfully engage the company of someone for a period of time.Rate it:

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Couch PotatoA person who loves spending time in front of a screen watching dramas, movies or playsRate it:

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count outTo determine that a competitor has lost a match, by a referee's enumeration aloud of the increments of time for which the competitor has been incapacitated.Rate it:

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cracked the whipMy former boss demanded much in the manner of results, production. In addition he worked us long hours without advance notice, without overtime, rather promised US time-off in the future.Rate it:

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cross pathsTo be, by chance, in the same physical place at the same time, as a result of two completely separate journeys.Rate it:

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cross that bridge when one gets thereThat is a discussion for another time; alternative form of cross that bridge when one comes to itRate it:

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cry one's eyes outTo weep for an elongated time, or in an excessive manner.Rate it:

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cuánto tiempolong time no seeRate it:

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cut shortInterrupt and curtail before the planned end time.Rate it:

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d'ici là il passera bien de l'eau sous le pontIt will be a long time before that happens.Rate it:

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dans la fouléewhile you're at it, at the same timeRate it:

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dans le même tempsat the same time, at once, simultaneouslyRate it:

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dans le même tempson the other hand, at the same time, then againRate it:

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dar las tantascause someone to take a long timeRate it:

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