
Phrases related to: take ones lumps Page #9

Yee yee! We've found 783 phrases and idioms matching take ones lumps.

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à la guerre comme à la guerreOne must take things as they come; We must take the rough with the smooth.Rate it:

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doTo take drugs.Rate it:

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plus fin que lui n'est pas bêteHe who can take him in is no fool.\n It would take a smart man to deceive him.Rate it:

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that's the way life isThat is the way things happenCertain things cannot be changed, helped or improved; struggle and objection are pointless.1935, Louis Bromfield, The Man Who Had Everything, page 279:That's the way life is, and there's no use trying to go against it.1979, Jay Edward Abrams, A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Redemption, ISBN 0310511011, page 45:There are no standards, no values; that's the way life is. Learn to accept it and slide with it. Stop fighting it.2002, B. Eugene Ellison, Rings of the Templars, ISBN 059524050X, page 337:Shit happens; that's the way life is. In fact, I want you to take an additional thousand for your efforts.Rate it:

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whore outTo prostitute, take advantage of, exploit, show off; to hire out or provide to others like a whore; to pimp, swap one's sex partner.Rate it:

(1.00 / 2 votes)
à votre air on ne vous donnerait pas vingt-cinq ansFrom your looks I should take you for less than five-and-twenty.Rate it:

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accordez-vous si votre affaire est bonne, si votre cause est mauvaise, plaidez. [j. b. rousseau , épigrammes, ii. 19]If you’ve a good case, try and compromise; If you’ve a bad one, take it into court.Rate it:

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act uponTo take action on the basis of information received or deduced.Rate it:

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ad opus faciendum accedereto take a task in hand, engage upon it.Rate it:

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after youA gesture, usually polite, urging another person to take a turn at something ahead of the speaker.Rate it:

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age before beautyA phrase said to allow older people to go before younger ones.Rate it:

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aliquem in or ad consilium adhibereto consult a person, take his advice.Rate it:

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all rights reservedThe copyright holder of a creative work reserves all copyright-related rights, typically including the right to publish the work, to make derivative works of it, to distribute it, to make profit from it, to license a number of these rights to other people, and to forbid these uses by any unauthorized people, thus being entitled to take legal action against infringement.Rate it:

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animum capere, colligereto take courage.Rate it:

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animum recipere (Liv. 2. 50)to take courage again.Rate it:

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animus alicui accedit, crescitto take courage.Rate it:

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arma capere, sumereto take up one's arms.Rate it:

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attrape!1. Catch! 2. Take that! 3. It serves you right.Rate it:

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augurium agere, auspicari (N. D. 2. 4. 11)to take the auspices, observe the flight of birds.Rate it:

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bark up the wrong treeTo attempt or pursue the wrong thing; to take the wrong approach; to follow a false lead.Rate it:

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bat on a sticky wicketTo take action in unfavourable conditions.Rate it:

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bite off more than one can chewTo try to do too much; to take on or attempt more than one is capable of doing.Rate it:

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bite someone in the arseTo punish or take retribution on.Rate it:

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Bite Your TongueTo hold ones words or to have control over what one is willing to say, to being ashamed of something that has been said or trying not to say itRate it:

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boire la goutte (fam.)To have a drop; To take a nip.Rate it:

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broad shouldersThe ability to take criticism, or accept responsibility.Rate it:

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brush downUsed other than as an idiom: see brush, down. To remove something with a brush, or ones hands using a downward brushing motion.Rate it:

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buck upCheer up; take courage; take heart.Rate it:

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business before pleasureAn admonishment that discharging one's obligations must take precedence over devoting time to pursuits meant solely for one's own gratification.Rate it:

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bust outto bring out, to take outRate it:

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c'est à prendre ou à laisserYou must take it or leave it; It’s a case of Hobson’s choice.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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call rollTo make a roll call; to take attendance.Rate it:

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call someone's bluffTo take action on the basis that another person is bluffing.Rate it:

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Call the ShotsTo take charge, to order, to make the decisionsRate it:

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call the tunetake control of something.Rate it:

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capere aliquem vivumto take a person alive.Rate it:

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carry onTo take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it.Rate it:

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carry the canTo take responsibility, especially in a challenging situation.Rate it:

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cart awayTo take something away in order to dispose of it; to remove a large volume of materials.Rate it:

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catch nappingTo surprise; to take advantage of the lack of watchfulness of.Rate it:

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catch someone nappingTo take advantage of someone's inattention.Rate it:

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causam popularem suscipere or defendereto take up the cause of the people, democratic principles.Rate it:

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ce sont les paresseux qui font le plus de cheminLazy people take the most pains.Rate it:

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chew the meat and spit out the bonesTo take in a great deal of information and selectively disregard some of it as invalid or inapplicableRate it:

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cibum sumere, capereto take food.Rate it:

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clap onto temporarily add something to an existing part, especially to add an additional sail to take advantage of a fair windRate it:

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Clip Your WingsTo cut off luxuries and privileges or take away the power and authority enjoyed by someoneRate it:

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close to homeAffecting people close to, or within, ones family circle.Rate it:

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come fromTo derive one's opinion or argument from; to take as a conceptual starting point.Rate it:

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