
Phrases related to: two high Page #9

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le beurre et l'argent du beurreone's cake and eating it too; two mutually exclusive things, such that one can only choose one over anotherRate it:

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leadI would have the tower two stories, and goodly leads upon the top. — Bacon.Rate it:

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lead outA race tactic, used to set up a rider for a sprint finish, in which one rider on a team will ride at a very high rate of speed with a teammate following directly behind in his slipstream thus enabling the following rider to gain speed without expending as much energy as he normally would. See drafting.Rate it:

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les deux armées en sont aux mainsThe two armies are in close combat, have come to close quarters.Rate it:

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les grands sont les plus exposés aux coups du sortHigh winds blow on high hills.Rate it:

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less is moreThat which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity.1855, Robert Browning, "Men and Women":Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.1954, "'Less Is More'," Time, 14 Jun.:The essence of Mies's architectural philosophy is in his famous and sometimes derided phrase, "Less is more." This means, he says, having "the greatest effect with the least means."2007, Gia Kourlas, "Dance Review: An Ordered World Defined With Soothing Spareness," New York Times, 3 Mar. (retrieved 22 Oct. 2008):The program, which features two premieresRate it:

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like the windquickly, at a high speed.Rate it:

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loca edita, superioraheights, high ground.Rate it:

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long timeUsed as part of greeting of two people who have not been in contact for a long time.Rate it:

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lost twinStill birth of one of two twins leaving only 1 living twinRate it:

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love triangleWhen two people are romantically pursuing the same third person, or when one person is pursuing someone who is pursuing someone else.Rate it:

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LVThe ISO 3166-1 two-letter code for Latvia.Rate it:

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magna sibi proponere or magna spectareto have a high object in view; to be ambitious.Rate it:

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make a virtue of necessityC. 1595, William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, act 4, sc.1.Rate it:

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make for????, translator unknown, author Galileo Galilei, Two Chief World Systems.Rate it:

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man at armsa soldier of the High Medieval to Renaissance periodsRate it:

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married sectorAny of two or more flight sectors in an itinerary that can not be rebooked or changed separately from the other sectors, due to fare rules or market restrictions.Rate it:

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marry in haste, repent at leisureTwo things together too soon will lead to problems.Rate it:

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Mary Celestea ship found empty of all people, in good condition, seemingly abandoned on the high seasRate it:

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match made in heavenA marriage that is likely to be happy and successful because the two people are very compatible with each other.Rate it:

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match made in heavenA very successful combination of two people or things.Rate it:

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match made in hellA marriage that is likely to be unhappy or abusive and unsuccessful because the two people are very incompatible with each other.Rate it:

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match made in hellA very unsuccessful or conflicting combination of two people or things.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA stalemate, or a confrontation between two or more sides that no side can win.Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA confrontation between two or more armed parties, neither of which wants to attack first (fearing that the other could retaliate), but neither of which will disarm (for fear the other will attack).Rate it:

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Mexican standoffA near-collision between two trains, an averted cornfield meet.Rate it:

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monter sur ses grands chevauxTo ride the high horse.Rate it:

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moving along at a snail's paceThe slow start of an agenda, the maintenance of a slothful effort, spending half a day to complete a two hour job.Rate it:

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muck aboutTo be playful; full of fun and high spirits.Rate it:

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mur à hauteur d'appuiA wall breast high (so that one may lean against it).Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

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never the twain shall meetUsed to emphasize that two subjects are so different that they cannot coexist or agree with each other.Rate it:

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Nilus praecipitat ex altissimis montibusthe Nile rushes down from very high mountains.Rate it:

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noblesse obligeThe honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank; in American English this often includes the expectation of benevolent actions such as helping those less fortunate.Rate it:

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nose bleed seatsVery high seats in a sports arena or stadium (known for making your nose bleed because of their elevation)Rate it:

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nosebleed seatA seat high in the back of bleachers, stands, or the balcony at a theater.Rate it:

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nosebleed sectionThe seats high in the back of bleachers, stands, or the balcony at a theater or stadium.Rate it:

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nous sommes à deux de jeuWe are even; We are a match for each other; Two can play at that game.Rate it:

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occupare loca superiorato occupy the high ground.Rate it:

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oil and waterTwo things which are incapable of mixing or coexisting harmoniously with each other.Rate it:

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omni vita atque victu excultum atque expolitum esse (Brut. 25. 95)to have attained to a high degree of culture.Rate it:

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on l'a mené tambour battantThey led him with a high hand; They played the martinet with him.Rate it:

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on ne peut être au four et au moulinOne cannot be in two places at the same time.Rate it:

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on the horns of a dilemmaFacing a choice between two equally undesirable alternatives.Rate it:

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one and the sameThe same person or thing. Used to emphasize the identity or equivalence of two things.Rate it:

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one fleshTwo people united by marriage.Rate it:

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one's left nutA very high price to be willing to pay for something; usually used after the verb give.Rate it:

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one-night standA single sexual encounter between two individuals, where at least one of the parties has no immediate intention or expectation of establishing a longer-term sexual or romantic relationship. As the phrase implies, the relationship lasts for only one night.Rate it:

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one-night standEither of the two partners involved in such a single sexual encounter.Rate it:

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Oreo cookieA threeway involving two black participants and one white participant between themRate it:

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When soldiers come home from war, we tie a _____ ribbon 'round the old oak tree.
A blue
B yellow
C pink
D red