
Phrases related to: theres more than one way to skin a cat Page #93

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punire aliquemto punish some one.Rate it:

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pure finderUsed other than as an idiom: see pure, finder.Rate it:

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push itTo make an extraordinary or risky effort; to behave in a way which tests the limits; to expect too much.Rate it:

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push offto commit a foul by pushing against an opponent to both accelerate more quickly and push the opponent in the opposite direction.Rate it:

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push pastTo rudely force one's way in front of another.Rate it:

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push the boat outTo do something, especially spend money, more extravagantly than usual, particularly for a celebration.Rate it:

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put a sock in itTo be quiet; to shut one's mouth; to stop talking.Rate it:

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put asideTo ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.Rate it:

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put down rootsTo feel that one belong in a place.Rate it:

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put hair on somebody's chestTo make a person stronger or more masculine.Rate it:

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put hair on someone's chestTo make a person (especially a male) stronger or more masculine or mature.Rate it:

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put her there (pronounced put 'er there)something said to someone when extending one's hand, inviting you to shake hands with them in agreement or sympathyRate it:

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put oneself acrossTo explain one's ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality.Rate it:

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put oneself in someone's shoesTo try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person. To empathise.Rate it:

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put out a fireUsed other than as an idiom: put out a fire.Rate it:

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put out a fireTo address a problem, especially an unexpected one caused by the incompetence, negligence, or misconduct of another person.Rate it:

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put throughTo pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.Rate it:

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put up or shut upDesist from saying something unless one is able to prove it.Rate it:

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putty in someone's handsOne who is readily manipulated or controlled by another person.Rate it:

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puxar a brasa para a minha sardinhato toot one's own hornRate it:

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QT (also QT and qt)Mysteriously; silently; no one knows.Rate it:

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qu'il n'en soit plus questionDo not bother me about it any more; Let bygones be bygones. Rate it:

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quaestionem poscere (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to get a question submitted to one.Rate it:

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quality over quantityHaving the best or perceived best of something rather than a lot of cheap or less valuable versions.Rate it:

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quand le chat n'est pas là, les souris dansentwhen the cat's away the mice will playRate it:

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quand on a de l'esprit, on se tire d'affaireWhen one has brains, one gets out of any difficulty.Rate it:

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quand on prend du galon on n'en saurait trop prendreAs well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb; One cannot make too much of a favourable opportunity.Rate it:

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quand on veut trop serrer l'anguille, elle s'échappe“Much would have more and lost all”; He who is too greedy loses everything. Rate it:

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quasi praeteriens, in transitu attingere aliquidto make a cursory mention of a thing; to mention by the way (not obiter or in transcursu).Rate it:

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que siUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see que, si.Rate it:

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queen elizabeth iiOnly two affectionate eyes of one woman, were able to make the entire planet go to tears - – Queen Elizabeth IIRate it:

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quelque sot le feraitOne would be a fool to do that.Rate it:

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quem sabeUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see quem, sabe.Rate it:

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quer saberUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see quer, saber.Rate it:

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quero verSaid of something one is confident that will not happen.Rate it:

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qui a compagnon a maîtreOne is often obliged to give way to the wishes of those with whom one is associated.Rate it:

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qui a terme ne doit rienNo one is obliged to pay before a debt is due.Rate it:

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qui chapon mange, chapon lui vientHe that has plenty shall have more.Rate it:

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qui deux choses chasse, ni l'une ni l'autre ne prendBetween two stools one falls to the ground.Rate it:

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qui dort dînesleep allows one to go without foodRate it:

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qui est bien qu'il s'y tienneRest content where thou art; Better dry bread at home than roast meat abroad.Rate it:

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qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un sonOne should hear both sides of a question.Rate it:

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qui porte épée porte paixOne sword keeps another in its scabbard; Si vis pacem, para bellum.Rate it:

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qui se fait bête, le loup le mangeIf one is too confiding, one is imposed upon. Rate it:

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qui trop se hâte reste en cheminThe more haste, the less speed; Slow and sure wins the race. Rate it:

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qui veut la fin veut les moyensWhere there is a will there is a way; If you want the end you must not stick at the means.Rate it:

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quick sandThe kind of sand that when you step in it, you sink. The more you move, the faster you sink. It can be deadly.Rate it:

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quick-fireHaving one thing coming rapidly after another.Rate it:

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quod googleWhich one should Google.Rate it:

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quod maius estwhat is more important.Rate it:

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