
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #95

Yee yee! We've found 4,900 phrases and idioms matching take one's life in one's hands.

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une face de carêmeA sad, pale, woe-begone face (like that of one who has fasted all Lent).Rate it:

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une fois n'est pas coutumeIt is only this once; One swallow does not make a summer; Once does not count.Rate it:

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une porte mal graissée chanteOne must pay well to keep persons quiet.Rate it:

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uno ab alto"One over all"Rate it:

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uno ab altofrom one heightRate it:

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until hell freezes overForever; One will never in their life get the results that they want, no matter what they're doing involving the situation.Rate it:

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unus et alter diesone or two days.Rate it:

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unus mihi restat scrupulus (Ter. Andr. 5. 4. 37) (cf. too religio, sect. XI. 2)one thing still makes me hesitate.Rate it:

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up in herehere; in this place; it doesn't mean "up" (higher) literallyRate it:

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up the ying yangFar more than one needs.Rate it:

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use it or lose itHuman abilities require repetitive usage or practice lest one become, rusty. out of tune, uncoordinated:Rate it:

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use upto take or occupyRate it:

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uti aliquo (familiariter)to be on intimate terms with some one.Rate it:

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uti aliquo amicoto be friendly with any one.Rate it:

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va pour mille francs!Done! I’ll take £40.Rate it:

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valetudini consulere, operam dareto take care of one's health.Rate it:

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valley of the shadow of deathValleys on earth one must walk through, that is, part of the human experience.Rate it:

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vectigalia, tributa alicui imponereto impose tribute on some one.Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vee have vays of making you talkThis is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.Rate it:

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velle aliquem (Plaut. Capt. 5. 2. 24)to wish to speak to some one.Rate it:

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venenum sumere, bibereto take poison.Rate it:

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venire contra factum propriumNo one may set himself in contradiction to his own previous conduct.Rate it:

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ventis reflantibus (Tusc. 1. 49)with the wind against one.Rate it:

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ventri deditum esseto be the slave of one's appetite.Rate it:

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verbis alicuius, e.g. salutare (Liv. 9. 36)in some one's name; on some one's behalf (not nomine alicuius).Rate it:

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verbis non omnia exsequi posseto be unable to say all one wants.Rate it:

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verbum ex aliquo elicereto extract a word from some one.Rate it:

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versurā solvere, dissolvere (Att. 5. 15. 2)to pay one's old debts by making new.Rate it:

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vestigia alicuius sequi, persequi or vestigiis aliquem sequi, persequito follow in any one's steps.Rate it:

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vestigiis alicuius insistere, ingredi (also metaph.)to follow in any one's steps.Rate it:

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vestimenta (et calceos) mutareto change one's clothes (and shoes).Rate it:

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vete con la música a otra partescram; get outta here; go take a long walk off a short pierRate it:

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viam ingredi, inire (also metaphorically)to enter upon a route; to take a road.Rate it:

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viam persequi (also metaphorically)to continue one's journey, pursue one's course.Rate it:

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victoriam exploratam dimittereto let a sure victory slip through one's hands.Rate it:

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videant or dent operam consules, ne quid res publica detrimenti capiat (Catil. 1. 2. 4)let the consuls take measures for the protection of the state.Rate it:

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vier Augen sehen mehr als zweitwo heads are better than oneRate it:

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vim adhibere, facere alicuito use violence against some one.Rate it:

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vincula rumpereto burst one's chains.Rate it:

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virtutem pristinam retinereto live as scrupulously moral a life as ever.Rate it:

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virtutis perfectae perfecto munere fungi (Tusc. 1. 45. 109)to live a perfect life.Rate it:

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virus acerbitatis suae effundere in aliquem (De Amic. 23. 87)to vent one's anger, spite on some one.Rate it:

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vita honesta (turpis)a virtuous (immoral) life.Rate it:

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vita occidensthe evening of life.Rate it:

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vita occupata (vid. sect. VII. 2)the busy life of a statesman.Rate it:

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vita omnibus flagitiis inquinataa life defiled by every crime.Rate it:

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vita omnibus flagitiis, vitiis deditaa life defiled by every crime.Rate it:

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vita privata (Senect. 7. 22)private life.Rate it:

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vita rusticacountry life (the life of resident farmers, etc.)Rate it:

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Wise _____ owl.
A old
B night
C bearded
D feathered