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taking the edge off
Relieving the pressure; having an alcoholic beverage to calm emotions
added by jilldelvir
5 months ago
crazy as all outdoors
A joking way of describing someone who is always getting into trouble from decisions they make.
added by kooplboom
5 months ago
earning brownie points
getting credit for something
added by anonymous
5 months ago
double or nothing
Statement of bravado. Usually involving a risky or gambling choice to keep going or move forward. Can also be used as a version of: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. -If you don’t take a risk, you’ll not get any reward, if you don’t try something, you won’t get any gain
added by Boblit
5 months ago
seeing red
Blood is boiling with anger
added by anonymous
5 months ago
hot wax
Wax is heated to remove hair from sensitive areas.
added by anonymous
5 months ago
give the benefit of the doubt
Attribute as true or take the side of someone or statement when there remains missing information or evidence.
added by Boblit
5 months ago
building me up
Supporting me; boosting my confidence
added by jilldelvir
5 months ago
safe harbor
A place of retreat that is safe from threats of all kinds
added by
5 months ago
smooth like butter
To be suave, charming, smooth-talking.
added by anonymous
5 months ago
a marathon is not a sprint
This means we need to pace ourselves—if we try to go too fast, we will run out of gas.
added by macemiller
5 months ago
click bait
A headline that enticed users to open an article
added by anonymous
5 months ago
click bait
A headline that enticed users to open an article
added by anonymous
5 months ago
my cup runneth over
To have more than is needed or wanted
added by Boblit
5 months ago
geeze freeze
Like when Biden Freezes mid sentence.
added by A2ztm
6 months ago
hurts so good
Enjoyable pain
added by sharbirt
6 months ago
pressure is a privilege
Saying by Billy Jean King and hanging as a plaquette in one of the stadiums in the US open
added by jgaalders
6 months ago
stand-up comic
Person who tells jokes and/or stories to an audience
added by lore.eargle
6 months ago
from those to whom much is given, much is expected
The more you are given, the more responsibility you have to give to others. This reminds us not to be selfish. You have not been blessed so that you can have for yourself. You are blessed so that you have more ability to share with others and be an example for them.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
don't bite the hand that feeds you
Don't do something bad to the person who does something for you.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
in dire straits
In a very bad, extremely difficult, serious, challenging, unforgiving, desperate, critical, or precarious situation
added by JokerGem
6 months ago
dad-gum it
euphemism for G** damned; used to add emphasis and/or show disgust or disdain; See also: dagnabbit in our definitions.com, and dad-blamed, gosh darn, gosh darn it, doggone it, in phrases.com
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
find a need and fill it
how to make money; a course of action to take in order to create something new
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
now that you mention it
An expression said after someone says something that triggers another thought that you want to say next to continue the conversation on the same or a different subject
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
we have ways of making you talk
This movie quote is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies; also pronounced as "Vee have vays of making you talk" to imitate a German accent.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
vee have vays of making you talk
This is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
trouble in river city
An expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for short
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
oopsie daisy
Something you say to a child or someone who has just fallen down as you pick the up to reassure them that they are okay/not hurt. It also alerts the person that you are going to pick them up.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
duck duck goose
A children's game where kids sit in a circle facing each other with their eyes closed. One child is designated "it" and walks around the outside of the circle saying "duck" as he/she touches each child's head. Finally, instead of saying "duck" the person who is it says "goose!" then runs forward around the circle and tries to sit down in the spot where the "goose" was sitting. The goal of the game is for the person who is "it" to sit down before the "goose" catches him/her. If he/she does sit down before being touched/tagged, then the "goose" becomes "it" and the process begins again. If the "goose" catches the person who was "it" then the person who was "it' is out of the game and the circle moves in closer/smaller until only one sitting winner remains.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
go on git
leave! short for Go on, get out of here!; the speaker is telling the listener to leave, emphatically; also often said to animals to chase them away
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
go on
leave; the speaker is telling you to leave
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
I'm going to...
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
up in here
here; in this place; it doesn't mean "up" (higher) literally
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
vee have vays
This phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
we have ways
A shortened version of "We have ways of making you talk." Usually said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. Also pronounced as "Vee have vays" to imitate a German accent.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
get high on one’s own supply
As an idiom: to become overly confident or arrogant about one’s own hype, talk, image, abilities, ideas, products or accomplishments to the point of losing perspective and objectivity; letting (something) go to your head
added by JokerGem
6 months ago
cream cheese
A soft cheese suitable for mixing or spreading.
added by caren.spencer
6 months ago
fingernails on a chalkboard
a phrase used to liken the sharp or shrill sound that is made when fingernails are scratched across a chalkboard to something that sounds sharp or shrill like that
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
drop the ball
to fail in one's responsibilities or duties; to not complete something
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
do the dishes
to wash out all the dishes after dinners
added by song500az
6 months ago
slow poke
someone who is very slow moving along.
added by anonymous
6 months ago
by a mile
By a large amount or by a great distance - e.g. won by a mile; When prefixed by ‘out’ or ‘off’ it emphasizes that a significant gap exists between the parties involved and that it is to a decisive degree
added by JokerGem
6 months ago
ties that bind
common things that cause people to be close to one another and/or give them a sense of belonging
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
till the wheels fall off
literal meaning - to drive a car until it won't run any more; figurative meaning - dedicated to the end; indicates relentless effort, commitment to something until it is no longer viable/possible/usable
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
you got a bus to catch?
What's your hurry? Why are you rushing me out of here?Usually said when someone feels they are being rushed out of a place
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
clean plate club
When you have finished eating and there is nothing left on your plate, we say you belong to the clean plate club.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
belle of the ball
the best looking and/or best dressed girl at the dance (ball)
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
when you're hot, you're hot. when you're not, you're not
You're either hot or you're not. There's no in between.
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
if you got it, flaunt it
If you have something great, show it off
added by TriplePurple
6 months ago
to move mountains
To do the impossible (usually on behalf of someone else).
added by anonymous
6 months ago

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