Found 175 phrases starting with AL:

al-frescoalarm bellalarm bell
alarums and excursi…alarums and excursi…albatross
albatrossalbatrossalbatross around on…
Albatross Around Yo…albatross round one…ale post
alive and kickingall aboardall along
all and someall and sundryall and sundry
all at onceall at onceall bark and no bite
all bets are offall butall but
all cats are gray a…all cats are gray i…all cats are grey a…
all cats are grey b…all cats are grey i…all clear
all correctall correctall dressed
all dressed up and …all duck or no dinn…all ears
all earsAll Earsall eyes
all eyesall eyesall eyes and ears
all fired upall for naughtall fur coat and no…
all goodall good things com…all hands on deck!
all hat and no catt…all hat, no cattleall hell breaks loo…
all hell broke looseall holidayall hollow
all hollowall importantall in
all inall in a day's workall in all
all in allall it's cracked up…all kidding aside
all mouth and no tr…all mouth and trous…all nations
all of a suddenall of a suddenall of one's taste …
all of the suddenall one's eggs in o…all one's eggs in o…
all one's life's wo…all one's taste is …all out
all outall overall over but the sh…
all over grumbleall over grumbleall over hell's hal…
all over oneselfall over the boardall over the map
all over the placeall over the placeall over the place …
all over the shopall over withall piss and wind l…
all right, my loverall rights reservedall roads lead to r…
all rounderall setall sixes and nines
all sizzle and no s…all sizzle and no s…all smoke and no fi…
all starall students take c…all systems go
all talk and no act…all talk and no cid…all that
all that and a bag …all that glisters i…all that glitters i…
All that Glitters i…all that jazzall the marbles
all the rageall the sameall the tea in china
all the timeall the timeall the way to eger…
all the whileall the world's a s…all there
all thereall things being eq…all things come to …
all things consider…all things to all p…all thumbs
All Thumbsall to smashall to the better
all toldall very wellall very well
all walks of lifeall washed-upall well and good
all wetall wetall wool and a yard…
all work and no pla…all y'allall y'all's
all your base are b…all's fair in love …all's one
all's well that end…all-a-mortall-a-mort
all-conqueringall-out brawlall-over oneself
alles anderes ist M…allow foralma mater
almighty dollaralmost doesn't countalmost went into a …
alone in a crowdalong aboutalong the lines
alright me babberalright me loveralright my babber
alright my loveralso known asalso ran
Also-Ranalternative factsaluminum shower
aluminum showeraluminum showeraluminum shower
always a bridesmaid…always be yourselfalways late and a p…
always the bridesma…  

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Time _____ when you're having fun.
A stops
B flies
C waits
D ticks on