Found 78 phrases starting with AR: Page #2


around the hornA difficult or precarious route that is less advisable than a simpler alternative; also, in baseball, throwing the ball from third base to second to firstRate it:
around the HornFollowing the extremely hazardous naval route around Cape Horn, the southernmost point in South America.Rate it:
arrive atTo reach.Rate it:
arrows in your quiverTo have more arrows in your quiver means you have other ideas, options, resources, alternative ways and/or strategies to accomplish a goalRate it:
arse aboutUsed other than as an idiom: see arse, about.Rate it:
arse aboutTo turn round.Rate it:
arse aboutThe wrong way round; exactly opposite to that which is desirable; contrary; conceptually inverted; wrong.Rate it:
arse about faceSomething that is placed or arranged the opposite way to the way it should be.Rate it:
arse aroundTo behave in a clownish, irresponsible or inefficient manner.Rate it:
arse end of nowhereA very remote place.Rate it:
arse has gone clean out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse has gone out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse has gone right out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse is clean out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse is gone right out of 'erMatters, especially economic matters, have gone very wrong; things are out of control.Rate it:
arse is out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse is right out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
arse over tipTumbling or falling; upside-down.Rate it:
arse over titTumbling; falling; upside-down; unstable or unbalanced.Rate it:
arsy varseyTumbling upside down; head over heels.Rate it:
arsy varsyTumbling upside down; head over heels; backwards.Rate it:
arsy versyTumbling upside down; head over heels; backwards.Rate it:
art classA lesson in artRate it:
art collegeA place where you learn artRate it:
art imitates lifeThe observation that a creative work was inspired by true events; based on a true story.Rate it:
art schoolPlace where you learn artRate it:
artful dodgerA crafty person who commits minor crimes or behaves in a rather unscrupulous manner.Rate it:
artful dodgerOne who deftly evades obstacles, pursuers, inconveniences, or other difficulties.Rate it:

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She was on the ______ stretch.
A home
B final
C remote
D end