Found 375 phrases starting with DO: Page #2


do justiceTo really allow to be apprehended in its full scope.Rate it:
do me a favourUsed to ask someone for a favour.Rate it:
do me a favourExpressing incredulity.Rate it:
do me a lemonExpresses disbelief.Rate it:
do not disturbUsed to indicate that somebody does not wish to be disturbed, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door, or a "busy" mode of an instant messenger.Rate it:
do not enterUsed to ask not to enter, e.g. a sign on a hotel room door.Rate it:
do not enterSigns along the road to indicate this is a one way street.Rate it:
do not pass go, do not collect $200A phrase telling someone to pursue a path directly without deviations.Rate it:
do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollarsAlternative spelling of do not pass go, do not collect $200Rate it:
do not pass go, do not collect £200A phrase telling someone to pursue a path directly without deviations.Rate it:
Do not regret, it is living in pastIf we regret, we are recalling the past. Should not do it.Rate it:
do not wantUsed to indicate that the speaker does not like something they have seen or heard.Rate it:
do ofAlternative spelling of do offRate it:
do offTo take off.Rate it:
do oneTo depart from a place, often with a sense of urgency.Rate it:
do one's bitTo make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.Rate it:
do one's blockTo become enraged.Rate it:
do one's businessto defecate or urinateRate it:
do one's businessTo ruin somebody.Rate it:
do one's damnedestTo do one's utmost; to make every effort or to try every possible approach or way.Rate it:
do one's darnedestTo do one's utmost; to make every effort or to try every possible approach or way.Rate it:
do one's thingTo do what one habitually does.Rate it:
do one's utmostTo make the greatest possible effort.Rate it:
Do or DieTo get complete success or failure; to take the chance of destroy oneself in trying to succeedRate it:
do outto redecorate; to adornRate it:
do overTo cover with; to smear or spread on to.Rate it:
do overTo beat up.Rate it:
do overTo repeat; to start over.Rate it:
do right byTo treat, deal with, or act toward (someone) in a morally just, socially honorable fashion.Rate it:
do someone a frightenTo frighten someone, especially a dogRate it:
do someone dirtyTo deliberately treat someone in an unfair or harmful manner.Rate it:
do someone proudTo cause someone to feel pride, admiration, or satisfaction.Rate it:
do someone's head inTo frustrate, irritate or disturb someone.Rate it:
do something with mirrorsTo insinuate one has performed a magic or optical trick with the use of hidden mirrors, insinuating trickery and sham.Rate it:
do something with mirrorsTo jokingly pretend that one did something using magic mirrors, that one is a magician; a joking explanation of the fantastic or the unexplained.Rate it:
do the best and live the restFirst do your work with your 100% dont think about the resultRate it:
do the deedTo have sex.Rate it:
do the deedUsed other than as an idiom: to do a given deed.Rate it:
do the dirty onTo treat in an unfair manner; to cheat or betray.Rate it:
do the dishesto wash out all the dishes after dinnersRate it:
do the hard yardsTo perform a difficult task or tasks.Rate it:
do the honorsAct as a host to guests.Rate it:
do the honorsPerform a duty.Rate it:
do the honoursAct as a host to guests.Rate it:
do the honoursPerform a duty.Rate it:
do the mathYou can do the calculation yourself, with the implication that you don't have to trust someone else's assertions.Rate it:
do the nastyTo engage in sexual intercourse.Rate it:
do the right thingTo do what is ethical or just.Rate it:
do the trickTo work; to be successful; to solve a problem.Rate it:
do unto others as you would have them do unto youOne should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself; an expression of the golden rule.Rate it:

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Wise _____ owl.
A feathered
B old
C night
D bearded