Found 197 phrases starting with HE:

he could be her fat…he doesn't know his…he has become a mil…
he has carno now.he is always going …he is purdee crazy!
he looked like a dy…he shoots, he scoreshe shoots, he scores
he tapped his finge…he turned out to be…he went a banana
he who hesitates is…he who laughs last …he who laughs last …
he who smelt it dea…he's unconsciousHE-double-hockey-st…
he/she is on firehead and shouldershead and shoulders
head and shoulders …head forhead for the hills
head for the hillshead girlhead honcho
Head Honchohead in the cloudshead in the clouds
Head in the Cloudshead of steamhead off
head offhead offhead off
head over heelshead over heelshead over heels
Head Over Heels in …head scratcherhead scratcher
head southhead starthead start
head starthead to headhead to toe
head triphead triphead trip
head triphead uphead waiter
headlinesheadlinesheads I win, tails …
heads or tailsheads or tailsheads up
heads upheads will rollheads-up
heal upheal uphealth is wealth
healthy as a horsehealthy banterheap on
heap upheap upheap with
Hear a Pin Drophear ofhear of
hear on the grapevi…hear outhear the end of it
hear the grass growhear the grass growhear the grass grow
hear thingshear through the gr…hear, hear
heard that!hearken backhearken back
heart and soulheart and soulheart bursting with…
heart of glassheart of goldHeart of Gold
heart of heartsheart of stoneheart pounding widl…
heart started pound…heart to heartHeart's in the Righ…
heart-breakinghearts and flowershearty as a buck
heat upheat waveheat wave
heave in sightheave toheave to
heave to and splice…heave to and splice…heaven forbid
heaven helps those …heaven knowsheaven only knows
heaven-sentheavens to betsyheavens to murgatro…
heavy as a dead don…heavy goingheavy going
heavy goingheavy handedheavy hitter
heavy hitterheavy hitterheavy lifting
hedge one's betshedge one's betsheebie-jeebies
hell and half of ge…hell hath no fury l…hell if I know
hell in a hand bask…hell mend someonehell of a ride
hell on earthhell on wheelshell or high water
hell raiserhell to payhell week
hell, fire and brim…hell-benthello am home
hello asshello!help ever, hurt nev…
help is on the wayhelp oneselfhelp out
help wantedhelping handhem and haw
hem inhen's teethhen's teeth
hen's toothhens' teethher gunt is massive
herd catsherd togetherhere and now
here and therehere and therehere be dragons
here goes nothinghere lieshere to stay
here today, gone to…here we gohere we go again
here you arehere you gohere's your si…
here's looking at y…here's mud in your …here's the thing
here's tohereinabovehesiod says: even a…
het uphew out 

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Ollie Ollie ___________ free.
A Moxy
B Otts and
C Mocks and
D Oxen