Found 363 phrases starting with IN: Page #2


in charge ofBe in charge of Means to having responsibility about That you should control it or lead it.Rate it:
in chorusin unison, all together (at the same time)Rate it:
in cloverHappy and contented.Rate it:
in cloverIn a condition of prosperity.Rate it:
in cold bloodIn a ruthless and unfeeling manner; premeditated and deliberate.Rate it:
in contentionContending for a title or championship.Rate it:
in contentionUsed other than as an idiom: see in, contention.Rate it:
in controlWhen one is controlling a machine, or a situation, or an activity. Similar to in charge, but one person can be officially in charge, while another person is, in fact, in control.Rate it:
in deed and in truthsincere and truthful actions; not hypocriticalRate it:
in detailThoroughly; including every detail.Rate it:
in Dickie's meadowin trouble, in a predicament, in a difficult situationRate it:
in dire straitsIn a very bad, extremely difficult, serious, challenging, unforgiving, desperate, critical, or precarious situationRate it:
in dutchIn trouble or in disfavor.Rate it:
in dutchWritten or spoken in the dutch language.Rate it:
in effigySymbolizing, usually as an effigy.Rate it:
in evidenceVisibly present; noticeable.Rate it:
in exchangeas an exchange or replacementRate it:
in exchangeto reciprocateRate it:
in factActually, in truth.Rate it:
in factResulting from the actions of parties.Rate it:
in feeOf an estate in land, inherited or owned by one who has the absolute right to dispose of the land as they desire, including the right to select an inheritor of the land.Rate it:
in fine featherIn splendid condition; lively and cheerful.Rate it:
in focusClearly perceived.Rate it:
in focusSharp and clear with no fuzziness.Rate it:
in for a dime, in for a dollarAmericanised form of in for a penny, in for a pound.1983, Allen Drury, Decision, p. 356:In for a dime, in for a dollar, he thought crazily, and said what he had to say in a voice he forced to stay level and calm.1998, Ellen Miller, Like Being Killed, p. 47:In for a dime, in for a dollar. I whispered to Gerry, Rate it:
in for a penny, in for a poundExpressing recognition that one must, having started something, see it through to its end, rather than stopping short thereof; accepting that one must Rate it:
in for an inch, in for a mileGiven that one is partly involved in or committed to a project, action, position, etc., there is no reason to refrain from becoming fully involved or fully committed.Rate it:
in for itin troubleRate it:
in for the killIntending to kill or destroy someone or something.Rate it:
in for the killIn a manner intending to kill or destroy someone or something.Rate it:
in from the coldmoved from an ineffective positionRate it:
in front of one's nosePlain; clearly apparent; obvious.Rate it:
in full forcetotally; fully; completelyRate it:
in full gearProceeding fully, quickly, or completely; thoroughly begun and in progress.Rate it:
in full swingProceeding fully, quickly, or completely; thoroughly begun and in progress.Rate it:
in funas a joke; not seriousRate it:
in good conscienceWithout feeling guilty; with respectable motivesRate it:
in good spiritsto be in a good mood, especially after a traumatic experienceRate it:
in handunder controlRate it:
in heaven's nameAn intensifier used with questions.Rate it:
in high dudgeonResentfully or furiously.Rate it:
in high gearserious and intenseRate it:
in hot waterIn trouble; in the position of arousing somebody's anger or displeasure.Rate it:
In Hot WaterTo be in a troubling situation with someone, being embarrassed to face someone especially in chargeRate it:
in it for the long haulWill get involved for whatever time it takes.Rate it:
in its infancyStill in an early stage.Rate it:
in jestAs a joke.Rate it:
in kindIn the form of goods and service rather than money.Rate it:
in lawrelations by marriageRate it:
in layman's termsExplaining something in simple words.Rate it:

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Better late than _____.
A sorry
B absent
C never
D early