Found 23 phrases starting with IS:


is anyone here a doctorAsked to call upon a doctor to come forth from a group of people.Rate it:
is anyone sitting hereUsed to ask whether a seat near the interlocutor is currently occupied.Rate it:
is goCan proceed; can be done at this moment.Rate it:
is itUsed other than as an idiom: see is, it.Rate it:
is itreally? is that so?Rate it:
is it going to rainIs it going to rain?Rate it:
is it just meAm I the only one who thinks this?Rate it:
is it safe hereis it safe here?Rate it:
is okayEverything is under control, no need to worry anymoreRate it:
is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see meIndicates the speaker has noticed an erection underneath the interlocutor's clothes.Rate it:
is that soReally? Is it true?Rate it:
is that the timeUsed to indicate surprise at how late in time it is.Rate it:
is the Pope a CatholicAlternative form of is the Pope CatholicRate it:
is the pope catholicThe answer to the question is, obviously, resoundingly affirmative.Rate it:
is there a grocery store nearbyIndicates that the speaker wants to know whether a grocery store is nearby.Rate it:
is there a smaller sizeIndicates that the speaker needs a smaller size.Rate it:
is there any problemis there any problem?Rate it:
ISHYGDDTInitialism of I seriously hope you guys don't do this.; used to indicate that the speaker does not approve of something previously mentionedRate it:
isn't it soIsn't it true?Rate it:
isn't it soIsn't it that way?Rate it:
ISTMInitialism of It seems to me.Rate it:
ISTRInitialism of I seem to recall/remember.Rate it:
ISWYDTInitialism of I see what you did there.Rate it:

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