Found 1,558 phrases starting with P: Page #12


pipe upTo speak up.Rate it:
piping hotVery hot.Rate it:
piss aboutto joke or playRate it:
piss aboutto misbehave; to act foolishlyRate it:
piss and moanTo complain, especially needlessly and loudly.Rate it:
piss and vinegarExuberance or enthusiasm, especially to an excessive degree; bravado; youthful energy.Rate it:
piss aroundto joke or playRate it:
piss aroundto misbehave; to act foolishlyRate it:
piss awayTo spend wastefully.Rate it:
piss downTo rain heavily.Rate it:
piss in someone's cornflakesTo disappoint or irritate someone.Rate it:
piss like a racehorseTo urinate profusely.Rate it:
piss money up the wallTo waste money, normally through ineptness in business.Rate it:
piss more than one drinksto boast; to bragRate it:
piss offTo leave, to go away.Rate it:
piss offTo annoy, anger.Rate it:
piss onTo show complete contempt for someone or something.Rate it:
piss on someone's bonfireto disappoint or discourage someone by ruining or criticising their plans or aspirations.Rate it:
piss one's pantsto wet oneself, to urinate in one's clothes when they're being worn.Rate it:
piss one's pantsto laugh uncontrollablyRate it:
piss upAlternative spelling of piss-up.Rate it:
piss upto screw up, make a mess ofRate it:
piss upto blunder, to make a mistakeRate it:
piss up a ropeTo engage in futile or impossible activity.Rate it:
pissassworthless, backward, undeveloped, nondescript, reprehensible, or smallRate it:
pissed as a fartVery drunk.Rate it:
pissed as a newtDrunk to the point of incapacity, inebriated.Rate it:
pissed offAnnoyed, upset, angry.Rate it:
pissin like a race horseTo urinate profusely.Rate it:
pissing contestA boys' prankish competition to determine who can urinate the furthest up a wall.Rate it:
pissing contestAn argument which is instigated, or exacerbated while consuming alcohol.Rate it:
pissing contestAn immature dispute over some trivial matter.Rate it:
pissing matchA pointless competition, dispute or conflict, often over some trivial matter.Rate it:
pissing warAn often vicious conflict in which combatants contend for dominance over certain territory.Rate it:
pissing warAn immature dispute over some trivial matter.Rate it:
pistol whiphit someone with a hand gun/pistolRate it:
pitTo bring (something) into opposition with something else.Rate it:
pitTo return to the pits during a race for refuelling, tyre changes, repairs etc.Rate it:
pitA seed inside a fruit; a stone or pip inside a fruit.Rate it:
pitA shell in a drupe containing a seed.Rate it:
pitTo remove the stone from a stone fruit or the shell from a drupe.Rate it:
pitroad, path, wayRate it:
pitbreastRate it:
pitA seed inside a fruit.Rate it:
pitrafsi of plita.Rate it:
pitA hole in the ground.Rate it:
pitcunt, pussyRate it:
pitfemale external genitalia, vulvaRate it:
pitto putRate it:
pitvulvaRate it:

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Let's not ________ the boat.
A beat
B shake
C rock
D sink