Found 1,558 phrases starting with P: Page #25


pull one's finger outTo stop wasting time in preliminaries, and concentrate on the important task.Rate it:
pull one's head inTo withdraw as a turtle might; to discontinue support of a particular argument.Rate it:
pull one's own weightTo do the work that one is obligated to.Rate it:
pull one's punchesAlternative form of pull punches.Rate it:
pull one's socks upTo start making an effort; to renew or redouble one's efforts.Rate it:
pull one's weightTo do the work that one is obligated to.Rate it:
pull oneself togetherTo become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused.Rate it:
pull oneself up by one's bootstrapsTo begin an enterprise or recover from a setback without any outside help; to succeed only on one's own effort or abilities.Rate it:
pull outTo withdraw; especially of military forces; to retreat.Rate it:
pull outTo use coitus interruptus as a method of birth control.Rate it:
pull outTo remove something from a container.Rate it:
pull outTo maneuver a vehicle from the side of a road onto the lane.Rate it:
pull out all the stopsTo reserve or hold back nothing.Rate it:
Pull out All the StopsTo do something eagerly or whole heatedly, putting in all to succeedRate it:
pull out of one's assTo fabricate (a factual-sounding claim) from no factual basis or evidenceRate it:
pull out of the fireTo save from impending failure, destruction, or defeat.Rate it:
pull out of the hatTo select at random, or seemingly at random.Rate it:
pull overTo cause to pull over.Rate it:
pull punchesTo avoid using a high level of force when punching.Rate it:
pull punchesTo word something delicately to avoid giving offense or inciting anger.Rate it:
pull rankTo assert one's authority over a subordinate who disagrees.Rate it:
pull somebody's legTo tease someone; to lead someone on; to goad someone into overreacting. It usually implies teasing or goading by jokingly lying.Rate it:
pull someone down a pegTo lower someone's high self-opinion.Rate it:
pull someone's bacon out of the fireTo rescue someone, especially at the last moment.Rate it:
pull someone's legTo tease someone; to lead someone on; to goad someone into overreacting. It usually implies teasing or goading by jokingly lying.Rate it:
pull stringsTo manipulate, especially by asking favours of.Rate it:
Pull StringsTo secretly influence something with great impact, to control something from distanceRate it:
pull teethTo do something that is especially difficult or effortful.Rate it:
pull teethTo remove teeth, usually because they are diseased or damaged.Rate it:
pull the other legIn imperative/precative form, used to imply that the speaker does not accept or believe what another has just said.Rate it:
pull the other oneAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:
pull the other one, it's got bells onThe implication is that one leg has been pulled, and the joker will have more fun with the other one due to the bells.Rate it:
pull the other one, it's got bells onMonty Python's Holy Grail.Rate it:
pull the other one, it's got brass bells onAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:
pull the plugTo cease from production or publication.Rate it:
pull the plugTo cease life support.Rate it:
pull the plugTo cease to support; to halt.Rate it:
pull the plugTo unplug or cut power.Rate it:
pull the rug out from underTo suddenly remove support fromRate it:
pull the rug out from under someoneTo suddenly remove support from someone.Rate it:
Pull the Rug out from Under YouTo ruin someone’s dreams, hopes or plans, to suddenly withdraw supportRate it:
pull the triggerTo commit to a course of action.Rate it:
pull the triggerTo fire a gun.Rate it:
pull the wool over someone's eyesTo deceive (someone).Rate it:
Pull the Wool over Your EyesTo play trick with someone making him or her fool, to deceive or cheat someoneRate it:
pull throughA length of cord about a metre long with a narrow cylindrical weight at one end and loops at the other. Used for cleaning rifle barrels, by pulling through a piece of cloth.Rate it:
pull togetherTo unite for a common objective.Rate it:
pull upLift upwards or vertically.Rate it:
pull upRetrieve; get.Rate it:
pull upDrive close to something, especially a curb.Rate it:

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A drop in the _______.
A bucket
B tucket
C luckett
D duckett