Found 1,558 phrases starting with P: Page #5


pay offTo become worthwhile after a lapse.Rate it:
pay offyield good results; succeed.Rate it:
pay offTo bribe, especially to deter oversight.Rate it:
pay one's debt to societyTo serve time in prison or a similar correctional facility.Rate it:
pay one's duesTo acquire status or to earn the right to enjoy certain benefits, especially through lengthy experience, hardship, or service to an organization.Rate it:
pay one's duesTo outlay money which is owed as a membership fee or price of admission.Rate it:
pay outTo distribute money; to disburse.Rate it:
pay outTo slacken a rope by lengthening it; to allow a rope to run out.Rate it:
pay outTo repay, take revenge.Rate it:
pay packetA sealed envelope containing a person's wages.Rate it:
pay packetthe amount a person earns from employment.Rate it:
pay the billsTo provide enough income to sustain one's lifestyle.Rate it:
pay the fiddlerTo contribute in order to participate.Rate it:
pay the fiddlerTo face the consequences of one’s actions..Rate it:
pay the freightTo bear the cost.Rate it:
pay the freightTo pay for the cost of transport.Rate it:
pay the piperTo pay a monetary debt or experience unfavorable consequences, especially when the payment or consequences are inevitable in spite of attempts to avoid them.Rate it:
pay the rentTo provide enough income to afford a place to liveRate it:
pay through the noseTo pay a high price, especially an exorbitant or excessive amount, either in money or in some other manner.Rate it:
Pay Through the NoseTo pay high price for somethingRate it:
pay towardsTo subsidize; to contribute to paying part of the cost of; to contribute to.Rate it:
pay upTo pay for something in total, after a certain amount of time after receiving a purchase.Rate it:
payback's a bitchUsually a complete sentence as an interjection: I am amused that someone got their revenge on you...but you certainly had it coming.Rate it:
payback's a bitchUsually a complete sentence: I will get revenge when you least expect it.Rate it:
PBCInitialism of passed by censor.Rate it:
pea patchA baseball field.Rate it:
pea patchA realm of endeavor.Rate it:
pea patchA small farm.Rate it:
pea patchA small piece of land planted with peas.Rate it:
peace and quietTranquility; freedom from stress or interruptions.Rate it:
peace outGoodbye.Rate it:
peace outgo in peace.Rate it:
peaches and creamA very enjoyable experience.Rate it:
peaches to choke cherriesThat doesn't add up, not the same, something is off....Rate it:
peaches-and-creamOf facial complexion, smooth, with attractive yellow-pink coloring.Rate it:
peachy keenExtremely good, exactly right; all right. Often used in the negative or with an ironic or sarcastic connotation to mean the opposite.Rate it:
peacock bluecolourRate it:
peal outTo ring loudly.Rate it:
peal outTo cause to ring loudly.Rate it:
peanut butter and a punch in the bellyChild's aggressive behavior.Rate it:
peanut galleryAny source of heckling, unwelcome commentary or criticism, especially from a know-it-all or of an inexpert nature.Rate it:
pearl necklaceA necklace made of pearls.Rate it:
pearl necklaceA sexual act whereby semen is ejaculated onto a partner's neck.Rate it:
pearl of wisdomA succinct, insightful saying, piece of advice, or moral precept.Rate it:
pearl-clutcherA prim, prudish, or easily offended person.Rate it:
pearl-clutchingTimid, sanctimonious, or easily offended.Rate it:
pearl-clutchingPrim, prudish, or easily offended.Rate it:
pearly whitesTeeth.Rate it:
peas and carrotsa phrase used by actors in background scenes that is either verbally said or mouthed to other actors so that their lips moveRate it:
peashooterAny small or ineffective gun.Rate it:

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Time ______ still.
A stands
B resides
C waits
D holds