Found 200 phrases starting with PO: Page #3


popcorn movieA motion picture without serious dramatic content, a weighty message, or intellectual depth, which serves simply as enjoyable entertainment.Rate it:
pope's noseThe tail end piece of a cooked chicken.Rate it:
popped the questionproposedRate it:
poppie joeA guy named Joe being a grandfather or great grandfatherRate it:
porcelain goddessmetaphor for a woman, often stressing paleness, delicateness or lack of emotion.Rate it:
porcelain goddesstoiletRate it:
porcelain goddessUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see porcelain,‎ goddess.Rate it:
porcelain skinsmooth skinRate it:
porcelain thronea humorous name for the toiletRate it:
porch monkeyA lazy black person.Rate it:
pore overTo examine something carefully and attentively.Rate it:
pork outSynonym of blimp outRate it:
pork sausagesbangersRate it:
pork upTo grow fat.Rate it:
porn star nameUsed other than as an idiom. the name taken by an adult film performer.Rate it:
porn star namea comical name for a person, typically made from the name of their first pet and the name of the first street they lived on.Rate it:
portal to portalWhen quoting a remote project that involves travel, we calculate travel time as being "Portal to Portal", meaning cost is based on what I charge for travel time from home (or where ever the start point is) to the project location.Rate it:
portion outTo distribute in portions or shares; to apportion or allot.Rate it:
Portuguese man-of-warUsed other than as an idiom: see Portuguese, man-of-war.Rate it:
Portuguese man-of-warA floating colony of hydrozoans (Physalia physalis) attached to a float; it superficially resembles a jellyfish.Rate it:
pose asTo pretend to be; to purport to be a person, or kind of person, that one is not.Rate it:
position can be far left or right life to allow for tilting...You must allow tilting when photographing the subject.TRate it:
possession is nine points of the lawDated form of possession is nine-tenths of the law.Rate it:
possession is nine-tenths of the lawOne who has possession of a thing has some right to it; a popular statement of the doctrine of adverse possession.Rate it:
post no billsA Printed/Scripted sign; addressed to the Public to wit; "Do Not Post nor Affix"; any Bills, Notices, Wanted Posters, Advertising, Missing persons, Court Notices, Auction Bills et al on/upon this site, wall, post, b'ldg., Private PropertyRate it:
post offTo send through the postal service; to mail.Rate it:
post offTo put off; to delay.Rate it:
post upTo affix a notice, announcement etc, to a post, board, wall or the like.Rate it:
post upTo enter any information, data etc.Rate it:
post upTo establish a position in the frontcourt on one side or the other of the free throw lane, especially used against smaller defenders.Rate it:
poster boySee poster child.Rate it:
poster childOne who is a prototypical or quintessential example of something.Rate it:
poster girlSee poster child.Rate it:
postgasmThe period immediately following an orgasm.Rate it:
postponeto cancel until a future a timeRate it:
pot calling the kettle blackA situation in which somebody comments on or accuses someone else of a fault which the accuser has or shares.Rate it:
pot upTo put into a potRate it:
pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:
potato chaserAn Asian person with a strong inclination and attraction toward White men.Rate it:
potato chipSnack foodRate it:
potato sackA heavy-duty, reusable, burlap bag.Rate it:
potato saladA picnic or side dish made from mashed or cubed cooked potatoes including some or all of the following: mayonnaise, onions, pickles, boiled eggs, bacon, and spices. Typically served cold.Rate it:
potato skinsAn appetizer made by halving a baked potato, scooping out most of the inside, mixing that with cheese, sour cream, and chives and placing that mixture back into the potato skin then baking until crisp.Rate it:
Potemkin villageAny false construct devised to disguise a shortcoming or improve appearances.Rate it:
potluckQuaint {American ?} social gathering, mayhaps hosted by an entity. Attendees bring 'dish to pass'; {Luck of Pot} 'Purpose'; Good Food, Goodwill, Good-Gab:Rate it:
potterGod, the creator.Rate it:
potterOne who makes pots and other ceramic wares.Rate it:
potterOne who places flowers or other plants inside their pots.Rate it:
potter aboutTo potter, to be gently active doing various things in an almost aimless manner.Rate it:
potter aroundTo potter, to be gently active doing various things in an almost aimless manner.Rate it:

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You take my _______ away.
A cup of tea
B breath
C heart
D socks