Found 419 phrases starting with PU: Page #8


put the cat among the pigeonsIf you set the cat among the pigeons, you will cause a flutter in the dovecote.Rate it:
put the cat among the pigeonsProfessor Stephen Hawking put the cat among the pigeons last week with his cheery remarks about comet Machholz-2, which some astronomers believe could be heading our way. — The Times, 19 September 1994.Rate it:
put the cat among the pigeonsTo cause alarm.Rate it:
put the clock backTo change the time in a time zone to an earlier time.Rate it:
put the clock forwardTo change the time in a time zone to a later time.Rate it:
put the fear of God intoTo cause someone to repent through fear of the wrath of God.Rate it:
put the fear of God intoTo cause someone to fear abjectly in other contexts; to terrify completely.Rate it:
put the fear of God intoTo cause someone to obey through fear in other contexts; to terrify into submission.Rate it:
put the feedbag onTo dine; to eat.Rate it:
put the hammer downTo drive quickly; to step on the accelerator.Rate it:
put the kibosh onTo halt, stop, or squelch.Rate it:
put the moves onTo make an effort to gain someone's romantic or sexual interest; to try to woo or seduce.Rate it:
put the pedal to the metalTo exert maximum effort.Rate it:
put the pedal to the metalThe literal meaning is to press the gas pedal to the maximum extent; see our other entry for the figurative meaning this phrase has also come to meanRate it:
put the plug in the jugTo cease drinking alcohol; to become teetotal.Rate it:
put the same shoe on every footTo attempt to apply a single solution to different problems.Rate it:
put the screwsTo apply pressure (to something)Rate it:
put the wind upTo frighten or disturb.Rate it:
put this one to bedWorking unceasingly on a challenge or problem. Spending oodles of time and money on a particular project.Rate it:
put throughTo connect (a telephone caller with intended callee).Rate it:
put throughto cause to endureRate it:
put throughTo pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.Rate it:
put through its pacesTo test completely; to exercise the full range of abilities or functions.Rate it:
put through the mangleAlternative form of put through the wringer.Rate it:
put through the wringerTo interrogate or scrutinize closely; to subject to some trial or ordeal.Rate it:
put toTo ask or pose a question, or make a proposal.Rate it:
put to bedTo help someone, for example a child, go to bedRate it:
put to bedTo prepare a newspaper for printingRate it:
put to bedTo finalise the result, seal a win.Rate it:
put to bedTo dispel.Rate it:
put to bed with a shovelTo bury (someone).Rate it:
put to the swordTo execute, especially by using a sword.Rate it:
put to the swordTo severely defeat.Rate it:
put to the testTo test something or someone; to evaluate, scrutinize or explore by testing or experimentation.Rate it:
put to useto use; to utilise; to applyRate it:
put to workto put to useRate it:
put to workGive a job; Force to workRate it:
put togetherTo assemble, construct, or build.Rate it:
put two and two togetherTo figure out; to deduce or discern.Rate it:
put upTo place in a high location.Rate it:
put upTo hang or mount.Rate it:
put upTo cajole or dare to do something.Rate it:
put upTo store away.Rate it:
put upTo house, shelter, or take in.Rate it:
put upTo present, especially in "put up a fight".Rate it:
put upto build or as past tense, builtRate it:
put up one's dukesPrepare to fight; literally, to raise your fists.Rate it:
put up or shut upDesist from saying something unless one is able to prove it.Rate it:
put up toTo encourage or trick to perform an action which is foolish or wrong.Rate it:
put up withTo tolerate, suffer through, or allow, esp. something annoying.Rate it:

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No more excuses. It's time to ________ up the money.
A bring
B throw
C send
D cough