Found 79 phrases starting with Q: Page #2


Quick on the DrawReady to respond on something in an efficient manner, faster or quicker in something, efficient to acquire some infoRate it:
quick on the uptakeAble to readily understand things; intelligent.Rate it:
quick sandThe kind of sand that when you step in it, you sink. The more you move, the faster you sink. It can be deadly.Rate it:
quick-and-dirtyDone or constructed in a hasty, approximate, temporarily adequate manner, but not exact, fully formed, or reliable for a long period of time.Rate it:
quick-and-dirtyOf or pertaining to the creation or repair of software or hardware in a manner which permits operation within a brief period of time, although with compromised functionality or reliability.Rate it:
quick-fireHaving one thing coming rapidly after another.Rate it:
quicumque vultA forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.Rate it:
quicumque vultThe Athanasian Creed.Rate it:
quid pro quoan equal exchange.Rate it:
quid pro quo(law) This for that; giving something to receive something else; something equivalent; something in return.Rate it:
quid pro quoSomething understood as something else; an equivocation.Rate it:
quid pro quo(law) A form of sexual discrimination where a person implicitly or explicitly offers something in exchange for sexual favours.Rate it:
quiet as a catTo be quietRate it:
quiet as a mouseVery quiet, so as to not be heardRate it:
Quiet as a MouseExtremely silent; non-talkative; silent or making very less soundRate it:
quiet downTo become quieter.Rate it:
quiet downTo reduce intensity of an activity.Rate it:
quiet downTo make someone or something become quieter.Rate it:
quiet the wavesA positive development, incident, action, minor miracle, change, reversal, retraction, in a situation and the possible positive effects.Rate it:
quieten downTo become quieter.Rate it:
quieten downTo make someone or something become quieter.Rate it:
quieten downTo reduce intensity of an activity.Rate it:
quit your day dreaming!Pay Attention To What YOU Are Doing!Rate it:
quite a bitA considerable amount.Rate it:
quod erat demonstrandumwhich was to be proved; which was to be demonstrated.Rate it:
quod googleWhich one should Google.Rate it:
quot homines tot sententiæThere are as many opinions as there are people who hold them.Rate it:
quote unquoteEmphasizes the following word or phrase for irony, as used almost exclusively in spoken language.Rate it:
qwerty syndromeThe condition of favoring entrenched and inferior technologies or practices over superior technologies or practices.Rate it:

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He's a real penny __________
A pincher
B pusher
C hussler
D fiddler