Found 249 phrases starting with RU:


rub alongTo go on with difficulty.Rate it:
rub downto rub, e.g. for cleaning, stripping paint or massageRate it:
rub elbowsTo associate closely; to socialize, consort, or mingle.Rate it:
Rub Elbows with SomeoneTo keep yourself with others at the same place, or to associate with othersRate it:
rub inTo irritatingly make a point.Rate it:
rub inTo apply by rubbing.Rate it:
rub it inTo add insult to injury; to emphasize one's strengths or another's weaknesses in a manner that degrades another.Rate it:
rub offTo cause to come off by rubbingRate it:
rub offTo clean by rubbing.Rate it:
rub offto be transferred with little or no effortRate it:
rub off onTo adapt to a way of behaving after constant exposure to it.Rate it:
rub one's hands togetherTo eagerly anticipate an activity.Rate it:
rub oneself offTo masturbate.Rate it:
rub outBy rubbing.Rate it:
rub outTo kill.Rate it:
rub outdelete, eraseRate it:
rub salt in someone's woundsTo make a painful situation even worse (even with the best of intentions).Rate it:
rub salt in the woundTo make an injury feel worse.Rate it:
rub shouldersTo associate closely; to socialize or mingle.Rate it:
rub somebody the wrong wayTo bother, disturb, irritate, or annoy.Rate it:
rub someone the wrong wayTo bother, disturb, irritate, or annoy.Rate it:
rub the fear of God intoAlternative form of put the fear of God into.Rate it:
rub the wrong wayTo annoy someone without intending to.Rate it:
Rub the Wrong WayIrritating someone or annoying an individual; handling someone in an insensitive mannerRate it:
rub upAlternative form of rub-upRate it:
rub up againstTo touch something with one's body.Rate it:
rub up againstTo touch another person with one's body in a sexually stimulating manner.Rate it:
rub up againstOf pets. To touch a person's body in a friendly manner, seeking attention.Rate it:
rub up onTo rub one's body against another person as a form of sexual stimulation or flirting.Rate it:
rub up onTo stimulate, interact, or resonate with.Rate it:
rub up onUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see rub,‎ up,‎ on.Rate it:
rub up the wrong wayTo annoy or anger someoneRate it:
rubber baby buggy bumpersa tongue twister; a phrase that if spoken rapidly and repeatedly is difficult to say without making a mistakeRate it:
rubber bandself explanatoryRate it:
rubber johnnycondomRate it:
rubber jungleIn a commercial passenger airliner, the dense, forest-like profusion of suspended tubes, straps, bags, and masks which results when large numbers of oxygen masks are deployed.Rate it:
rubber roomA cell used for confinement of a mentally disturbed person.Rate it:
rubber roomEspecially in New York City, a temporary workplace assigned to a teacher who is not permitted to teach in a classroom because he or she is under disciplinary review.Rate it:
rubber stampTo make officialRate it:
rubber-chicken dinnerA formal dinner or event thrown by politicians to raise funds.Rate it:
rubbish dumptipRate it:
rubbish in, rubbish outAlternative form of garbage in, garbage out.Rate it:
ruby slippersvaluable feature (of software etc) overlooked by the userRate it:
rude awakeningan unforeseen discoveryRate it:
rue the dayto seriously regret one's actions.Rate it:
ruffle some feathersTo disturb; to arouse resentment, anger, or concern.Rate it:
ruffle someone's feathersTo unease, cause discomfort to someoneRate it:
ruffle upTo disturb the smoothness of.Rate it:
ruffle upTo destroy or ruin the arrangement or order of; disarrangeRate it:
rug pullMostly, a type of crypto scam where developers raise funds from investors and then ditch the project they used to create the buzz.Rate it:

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Inch by inch anything's ______.
A possible
B a cinch
C faster
D easier