Found 2,629 phrases starting with S: Page #30


so long asDepending upon some condition or requirement; provided that; if, assuming; as long as.Rate it:
so long, and thanks for all the fishgoodbyeRate it:
so mote it beMay it be thus: a formula once used in ancient church and pagan rituals, and now used to conclude spells in Wicca.Rate it:
so much asEven; suggests a minimum, especially regarding what might be expected.Rate it:
so much forAn expression of disregard, or resignation; something said upon giving up, quitting, or disposing of something.Rate it:
so much the betterThat is or would be even better.Rate it:
so much the worseThat is or would be even worse.Rate it:
so now!This seems to be an early equivalent of "So there!"Rate it:
so on and so forthIndicates that a list continues in a similar manner.Rate it:
so quiet one can hear a pin dropSaid during a lull in a normally bustling place or scene, or as the result of a sudden dramatic or tense moment.Rate it:
so quiet one could hear a pin dropSaid during a lull in a normally bustling place or scene, or as the result of a sudden dramatic or tense moment.Rate it:
so somediocreRate it:
so soaverageRate it:
so sonot badRate it:
so soneither good nor badRate it:
so thereA defiant expression used to finish a poorly-made argument.Rate it:
so whatdoes it matter?Rate it:
so you wanna be a net controlTitle of Orientation Manual for learning to become a Moderator on an Amateur Radio Network.Rate it:
so-and-soA name used to take the place of an epithet.Rate it:
so-and-soA placeholder name, used when a name is not known; a generic name.Rate it:
so-and-soAnything generic.Rate it:
so-calledSame as above, without the negative connotation.Rate it:
so-calledSo named; called by such a name, with a very strong connotation that the item is not worthy of that name.Rate it:
soak inTo wet a surface and be absorbed completelyRate it:
soak inTo spend time experiencing somethingRate it:
soak the richGet money from the richRate it:
soak upAbsorb.Rate it:
soaked to the boneExtremely wet.Rate it:
soaked to the skinExtremely wetRate it:
soaking wetsaturatedRate it:
soap operaTV seriesRate it:
soap plantUsed other than as an idiom: see soap, plant.Rate it:
soap plantAny plant of the genus Chlorogalum, endemic to western North America, especially Chlorogalum pomeridianum, the most widespread species.Rate it:
soapboxA crate for packing soap, or, by extension, any inexpensive crude platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it, especially when used for speeches.Rate it:
soapboxEspecially when only tangentially relevant to an ongoing discussion.Rate it:
sob storyA sad story told to make others feel sympathy for the teller.Rate it:
sober as a judgeCompletely sober.Rate it:
sober upTo become sober.Rate it:
soccer playerfootballerRate it:
social deathThe alienation of certain people from society to the point of being forgotten, excluded, or ignored in society.Rate it:
social distanceTo stay far from someoneRate it:
social ladderThe hierarchy of a society.Rate it:
socialized medicineA politically charged term used to contrast such systems with free market alternatives and emphasize the perceived link to socialism.Rate it:
socialized medicineAn umbrella term for any system of government-run health care.Rate it:
sock inTo cause a temporary disruption of the operations of, usually an airport.Rate it:
sock-it to em!Hit them hard with the price/cost/details/requirements/hard-facts/negative aspects/Sad Reality:Rate it:
sock-knockingstunning, amazing, very impressive.Rate it:
sod allNothing.Rate it:
sod offGo away.Rate it:
soda jerkA person who works at a soda fountain.Rate it:

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Quit ________around, we have loads to do.
A snaking
B horsing
C messing
D snoring