Found 149 phrases starting with TI:

tick all the boxestick awaytick down
tick offtick offtick off
tick off!tick overtick past
tickle pinktickle somebody's f…tickle someone's fa…
tickle someone's fu…tickle someone's pi…tickle someone's pi…
tickle the dragon's…tickle the dragon's…tickle the dragon's…
tickle the ivoriestickle the ivoriesTickle the Ivories
tickle the ivorytickle the twineTickle Your Funny B…
tickled pinktickled pinkTickled Pink
tide overtidy uptie back
tie downtie downtie one on
tie overtie someone's handstie the knot
tie uptie uptie up
tie uptie up loose endsTied to Someone's A…
ties that bindtiger teamtiger team
tight as a duck's a…tight lippedtight lipped
tight lipstight shiptight spot
tight-lippedtight-lippedtighten one's belt
tighten the purse s…tighten uptighten up
tighten uptighten uptighten up
Tighten Your Belttighter than Dick's…tightfisted
till death do us pa…Till The Cows Come …till the wheels fal…
tilt at windmillstilt at windmillstilting at windmills
time after timetime alone will telltime and material
time and tidetime and tide tarry…time and tide wait …
time bandittime burglartime flies
time flies when you…time heals all woun…time is money
time is of the esse…time is of the esse…time moves on
time of the monthtime offtime out
time outtime out of mindtime out of mind
time out of mindtime stands still f…time thief
time will telltime you got a watchtime's up
timeservertimeservertiming is everything
TIMTOWTDItin eartin god
tin potTINATinker to Evers to …
Tinker to Evers to …tinker’s damTINLC
TINSTAAFLtintliketiny but mighty
tip backtip backtip of the hat
tip of the icebergtip of the icebergTip of the Iceberg
tip offtip offtip one's hand
tip one's handtip one's hattip one's hat
tip outtip overtip the scale
tip the scaletip the scalestip up
tip-offtipping it downtipsy turvy
tiptoe aroundtiptoe aroundtire fire
tire outtired and emotionaltit for tat
tit for tattits uptits up
titsuptittle along sonny 

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ____.
A cow
B pig
C horse
D dog