
Phrases related to: Ad-hoc-Komposita

Yee yee! We've found 51 phrases and idioms matching Ad-hoc-Komposita.

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hic liber est de amicitia (not agit) or hoc libro agitur de am.the book treats of friendship.Rate it:

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hoc est luce (sole ipso) clariusthis is as clear as daylight.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
aemulatio dupliciter dicitur, ut et in laude et in vitio hoc nomen sitthe word aemulatio is employed with two meanings, in a good and a bad sense.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
absque hocThe technical words of denial used in denying what has been alleged.Rate it:

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atque etiam hoc animadvertendum estthere is this also to notice.Rate it:

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big shopA large, regular purchase of groceries; as opposed to ad hoc or impulse purchases.Rate it:

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et hoc genus omneAnd all this kind.Rate it:

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his fere verbis, hoc fere modo convertere, transferreto translate freely.Rate it:

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hoc (illo) solacio me consōlorI console myself with...Rate it:

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hoc (not tantum) certum estthis much is certain.Rate it:

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hoc cadit in aliquidthis can be said of..., applies to...Rate it:

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hoc convēnit inter noswe have agreed on this point.Rate it:

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hoc dici potest de aliqua rethis can be said of..., applies to...Rate it:

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hoc est a (pro) methis goes to prove what I say.Rate it:

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hoc est Graecis hominibus in proverbiothis is a proverb among the Greeks.Rate it:

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hoc facile intellegi potestthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hoc in aperto estit is clear, evident.Rate it:

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hoc in medio relinquamuslet us leave that undecided.Rate it:

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hoc in promptu estit is clear, evident.Rate it:

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hoc in sapientem non caditit is incompatible with the nature of a wise man; the wise are superior to such things.Rate it:

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hoc in te reprehendo (not ob eam rem)I blame this in you; I censure you for this.Rate it:

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hoc loco exsistit quaestio, quaeriturat this point the question arises.Rate it:

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hoc longe aliter, secus estthis is quite another matter.Rate it:

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hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)I agree with you there.Rate it:

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hoc nihil ad sapientem pertineta wise man is in no way affected by this.Rate it:

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hoc per se intellegiturthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hoc positoon this supposition, hypothesis.Rate it:

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hoc probato consequens estit follows from what we have shown.Rate it:

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hoc solacio frui, utito solace oneself with the thought...Rate it:

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hoc sua sponte appāretthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hoc temporeat this moment.Rate it:

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hoc transferri potest in aliquidthis can be said of..., applies to...Rate it:

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hoc verbum alte descendit in pectus alicuiuswhat he said made a deep impression on...Rate it:

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hoc vocabulum generis neutri (not neutrius) est)this word is neuter.Rate it:

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illud, hoc teneoI abide by this opinion.Rate it:

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in hoc praeclaro consulatuduring this brilliant consulship.Rate it:

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jam sessionAn ad-hoc meeting where whoever shows up joins the group to play music.Rate it:

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litterae hoc exemplo (Att. 9. 6. 3)a letter, the tenor of which is...Rate it:

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propīno tibi hoc (poculum, salutem)I drink your health.Rate it:

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quid hoc rei est?what is the meaning of this?Rate it:

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quid hoc sibi vult?what is the meaning of this?Rate it:

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quid huic homini (also hoc homine) faciam?what am I to do with this fellow?Rate it:

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scriptor hoc loco dicitour (not noster) author tells us at this point.Rate it:

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sed de hoc alias pluribusmore of this another time.Rate it:

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sed hoc nihil (sane) ad rembut this is not to the point.Rate it:

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sepulcro (Dat.) or in sepulcro hoc inscriptum estthis is the inscription on his tomb...Rate it:

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straw pollA survey of opinion which is unofficial, casual, or ad hoc.Rate it:

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tantum or unum illud or hoc dicoI will only say this much...Rate it:

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ut hoc utar or afferamto use this example.Rate it:

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virtus hoc habet, ut...this is a characteristic of virtue, it...Rate it:

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She had the whole _______ in the palm of her hand.
A storm
B chocolate bar
C hazelnut
D world