
Phrases related to: almost certain

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to a certain extenta phrase to indicate a statement is true to a limited degree; partly true but not completely trueRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
le pire n'est jamais certainQuoi qu’il arrive, même si la situation est grave, il se peut que les choses s’améliorent.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
almost doesn't countNear success (or correctness) is not deemed success (or correctness).Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
almost went into a coma earning this diplomaLong hard work for the diplomaRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
hounded me almost to deathA continuing harassment, a constant and recurring state of personal raging.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
nice to almost meet youAn expression used upon first conversing with someone by phone, text, email, etc. when you can't say "Nice to meet you" because you haven't actually met in personAn expression used upon first conversing with someone by phone, text, email, etc. when you can't say "Nice to meet you" because you haven't actually met in person; a friendly and informal way of acknowledging that the encounter is not happening in person at the moment but might occur in the future. It is often used humorously or to convey a sense of anticipation.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
people with almost virginous minds.Naive, trusting, honest, loving people that want to believe that all other people are as honest and trustworthy as themselves.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
a closed mouth gathers no feetOne who does not speak can be certain he won't say anything embarrassing.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
are you allergic to any medicationsAsked mostly by doctors and nurses to ascertain whether certain medications should not be given to patients.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
bustle withTo teem with; abound with; to exhibit an energetic and active abundance of a thing; to be full of a certain activity or active beings.Rate it:

(5.00 / 7 votes)
death spiralA manoeuvre in which a male skater spins in place while holding one hand of his female skating partner as she circles around him with one skate on the ice and one leg extended outward parallel to the ice surface, all the while slowly lowering herself until her back almost touches the ice surface.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
everything but the kitchen sinkAlmost everything, whether needed or not.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
game outTo run through scenarios to determine what will happen given certain decisions; to play out possibilities; to examine several ideas to come up with their likeliest end results.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
holy cricketIn shock, terrified, etc. Saying it that will make you almost petrified or Stunned.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
i'm going to build my own x with blackjack and hookers! in fact, forget the xIndicates that the speaker is not interested in joining others in a certain group or activity, and instead the speaker is going to form their own.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are it's a duckif something has all the attributes and appearances of being a certain thing, the probability exists that it is that thing.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
in a wayto some extent, in a sense, in a certain mannerRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
lay outTo arrange in a certain way.Rate it:

(5.00 / 5 votes)
live onTo survive solely by consuming a certain thing.Rate it:

(5.00 / 7 votes)
needs a swift kick in the slats!Depression Expression; Threats and assertions of physical violence toward certain individuals during 'hard times' was common. Circa 1929-1939.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
on the cardsCertain, likely to happen. Foretold and expected but not yet brought to pass.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pay upTo pay for something in total, after a certain amount of time after receiving a purchase.Rate it:

(5.00 / 5 votes)
people's republicA particular area with strong left-leaning tendencies, especially one with a certain level of autonomyRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
quasi et presque empêchent les gens de mentirAlmost and very nigh save many a lie.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
under the roseKeep in secret, whatever is said in a certain room stays in that room. Generally used in conspiracies.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nailWith limited tools, single-minded people apply them inappropriately or indiscriminatelyIf a person is familiar with a certain, single subject/has with them a certain, single instrument, they may have a confirmation bias to believe that it is the answer to/involved in everything.Rate it:

(4.67 / 3 votes)
all very wellAll right, to a certain extent.Rate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
bet one's bottom dollarto be absolutely sure of something; to be certain enough of something to wager everything.Rate it:

(4.25 / 4 votes)
potter aboutTo potter, to be gently active doing various things in an almost aimless manner.Rate it:

(4.25 / 4 votes)
sit on the fenceTo remain neutral on a certain topic, to not have a stance or opinion.Rate it:

(4.20 / 10 votes)
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushIt is preferable to have a small but certain advantage than a mere potential of a greater one.Rate it:

(4.00 / 8 votes)
a cat may look at a kingEven a purported inferior has certain abilities, even in the presence of a purported superiorRate it:

(4.00 / 10 votes)
just aboutAlmost.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
never say neverAnything can happen; a certain option should not be totally dismissed.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
potter aroundTo potter, to be gently active doing various things in an almost aimless manner.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
vicar of brayA person who changes their beliefs and principles to stay popular with people above them is a Vicar of Bray. The religious upheavals in England from 1533 to 1559 and from 1633 to 1715 made it almost impossible for any individual to comply with the successive religious requirements of the state.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
Throw the Book at SomeoneSevere punishment for breaking of certain rules or laws; highest level of penaltyRate it:

(3.67 / 3 votes)
nail downFirm or certain.Rate it:

(3.50 / 4 votes)
are you taking any medications?Asked mostly by doctors and nurses to ascertain whether certain drugs should not be given to patients, as they may interact adversely with other medications.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
as brown as a berryEntirely or almost completely brown; often referring to a suntanned skin.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
bend the truthTo change or leave out certain facts of a story or situation, generally in order to elicit a specific response in the audience.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
break outTo begin suddenly; to emerge in a certain condition.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
cut and driedSimple, straightforward, clear, or certain.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
gray areaA part that is not clear or certain; something that is open to interpretation.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
Nothing New Under the SunEverything is almost the same as seen before, everything happening now has happened previouslyRate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
jerk-offSomeone who behaves rudely or inappropriately, or is ignorant of certain social norms, usually a male.Rate it:

(2.75 / 4 votes)
sous (or, par) bénéfice d'inventaire1. (lit. in a legal sense) Without prejudice. 2. (fig.) Only to a certain point, conditionally, for what it is worth, with a pinch of salt.Rate it:

(2.50 / 2 votes)
come acrossTo give an appearance or impression; to project a certain image.Rate it:

(2.33 / 3 votes)
Chinaman's chanceNo chance; zero possibility; a high or almost certain risk of death or failure.Rate it:

(2.25 / 4 votes)
Black Sheep of the FamilyA disrespected member of a family, community or any other group or society due to certain actions. It happens when all other are performing or doing well but one person lacks it allRate it:

(2.00 / 2 votes)

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