
Phrases related to: att.

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secunda mensa (Att. 14. 6. 2)the dessert.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
cursum conficere (Att. 5. 12. 1)to finish one's voyage.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
adscribere alicui salutem (Att. 5. 20. 9)to add to one's letter good wishes to some one.Rate it:

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aedificatorem esse (Nep. Att. 13. 1)to be fond of building.Rate it:

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aliquem colere et observare (Att. 2. 19)to pay respect to, be courteous to a person.Rate it:

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aliquem salvere iubere (Att. 4. 14)to greet a person.Rate it:

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anatocismus (ἀνατοκισμός) (Att. 5. 21. 11)compound interest.Rate it:

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animo esse humili, demisso (more strongly animo esse fracto, perculso et abiecto) (Att. 3. 2)to be cast down, discouraged, in despair.Rate it:

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appelli (ad oram) (Att. 13. 21)to land (of ships).Rate it:

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bellum inferre alicui (Att. 9. 1. 3)to invade.Rate it:

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centesimae (sc. usurae) (Att. 5. 21. 11)interest at 1 per cent per month, 12 per cent per annum.Rate it:

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centesimis cum anatocismo contentum esse (Att. 5. 21. 12)to be content with 12 per cent at compound interest.Rate it:

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considere alicubi (Att. 5. 14. 1)to take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere.Rate it:

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de caelo servare (Att. 4. 3. 3)to observe the sky (i.e. the flight of birds, lightning, thunder, etc.)Rate it:

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de statu suo or mentis deici (Att. 16. 15)to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted.Rate it:

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deest mihi argumentum ad scribendum (Att. 9. 7. 7)I have nothing to write about.Rate it:

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deversari apud aliquem (Att. 6. 1. 25)to stop with a person, be his guest for a short time when travelling.Rate it:

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diem proferre (Att. 13. 14)to adjourn, delay.Rate it:

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doctrinae, quibus aetas puerilis impertiri solet (Nep. Att. 1. 2)the usual subjects taught to boys.Rate it:

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dolorem alicui eripere (Att. 9. 6. 4)to free a person from his pain.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
edictum proponere (Att. 2. 21. 4)to publish, post up an edict.Rate it:

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epistulam intercipere (Att. 1. 13. 2)to intercept a letter.Rate it:

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epistulam reddere alicui (Att. 5. 21. 4)to deliver a letter to some one (used of the messenger).Rate it:

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fenus ex triente Id. Quint. factum erat bessibus (Att. 4. 15. 7)the rate of interest has gone up from 4 per cent to 8 per cent.Rate it:

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gladiatoribus (Att. 2. 19. 3)at the gladiatorial games.Rate it:

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hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)I agree with you there.Rate it:

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in maximam spem aliquem adducere (Att. 2. 22. 3)to inspire some one with the most brilliant hopes.Rate it:

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in officio manere (Att. 1. 3)to remain faithful to one's duty.Rate it:

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legem abrogare (Att. 3. 23. 2)to replace an old law by a new.Rate it:

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litterae hoc exemplo (Att. 9. 6. 3)a letter, the tenor of which is...Rate it:

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litteras recitare (Att. 8. 9. 2)to read a letter aloud (in public).Rate it:

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navem retro inhibere (Att. 13. 21)to back water.Rate it:

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non nullus odor est dictaturae (Att. 4. 18)there are whispers of the appointment of a dictator.Rate it:

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nummulis acceptis (Att. 1. 16. 6)for a trifle, a beggarly pittance.Rate it:

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nuptias conciliare (Nep. Att. 5. 3)to arrange a marriage.Rate it:

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patriae amantem (amantissimum) esse (Att. 9. 22)to be (very) patriotic.Rate it:

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pecuniam numerare alicui (Att. 16. 16)to pay cash.Rate it:

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perpetuum fenus (Att. 5. 21. 13)simple interests.Rate it:

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postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5)on the day after, which was September 5th.Rate it:

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pretium alicui rei statuere, constituere (Att. 13. 22)to fix a price for a thing.Rate it:

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quaternas centesimas postulare (Att. 5. 21. 11)to demand 48 per cent.Rate it:

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resipiscere (Att. 4. 5. 2)to recover one's reason, be reasonable again.Rate it:

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scelera moliri (Att. 7. 11)to meditate crime.Rate it:

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senatus consultum fit (Att. 2. 24. 3)a resolution of the senate (not opposed by a tribunicial veto) was made.Rate it:

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sine fuco ac fallaciis (Att. 1. 1. 1)without any disguise, frankly.Rate it:

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Solo capite sanxit, si quis... (Att. 10. 1)Solon made it a capital offence to...Rate it:

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traduci ad plebem (Att. 1. 18. 4)to get oneself admitted as a plebeian.Rate it:

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trientes or trientariae usurae (Att. 4. 15)4 per cent.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
verba dare alicui (Att. 15. 16)to deceive a person, throw dust in his eyes.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
versurā solvere, dissolvere (Att. 5. 15. 2)to pay one's old debts by making new.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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She looked like a _________ in headlights.
A horse
B duck
C chicken
D deer