
Phrases related to: dare to dream

Yee yee! We've found 116 phrases and idioms matching dare to dream.

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munus gladiatorium edere, dare (or simply munus edere, dare)to give a gladiatorial show.Rate it:

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operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquemto become a pupil, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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"a dream motivated by intuition does not rest until it achieves its goal."DreamRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
dream teamIndividuals brought together to create a team considered the perfect combination for a particular purpose.Rate it:

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i had a dreamIt was said by Martin Luther King Jr.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
i'm livin' the dreamI am living, experiencing in my reality my dream of excellence, beauty, success, and all uplifting emotional, actual pleasantries one might only expect in a dream stage: The opposite; I'm living the 'nightmare'!Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
"a woman motivated by a goal doesn't rest until she realizes her dream."DreamRate it:

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"only those who dream in color can change a black and white world."DreamRate it:

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American DreamA widespread determination by Americans to provide their children with a better upbringing than their parents were able to provide for them.Rate it:

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American DreamA philosophy that with hard work, courage and determination, anyone can prosper and achieve success.Rate it:

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dream onTo continue dreaming.Rate it:

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dream upTo have an imaginative, unusual or foolish idea, to invent something unreal.Rate it:

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honey doesn't fly to the bee. wheat does not make bread.the dream doesn't come to you.AttitudeRate it:

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live the dreamTo experience the achievement of every success that one has aspired to achieve, especially from a career.Rate it:

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pipe dreamA plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility.Rate it:

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pipe dreamfanciful hopeRate it:

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there is a dream in the nightmare.DreamRate it:

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to be the impossible dream.To be a fancy which will never become reality.Rate it:

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wet dreamAn ejaculation or orgasm while asleep, often accompanying an erotic dream.Rate it:

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wet dreamAn exciting fantasy; a very appealing, ideal thing, person, or state-of-affairs.Rate it:

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work like a dreamTo function very efficiently and effectively, with few or no problems.Rate it:

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i dare to jump beyond a black stumpto do something i haven`t done before as a challengeRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
civitatem alicui dare, tribuere, impertireto present a person with the freedom of the city.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
alicui bibere dareto give some one to drink.Rate it:

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alicui veniam dare (alicuius rei)to pardon some one.Rate it:

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aliquem affligere, perdere, pessumdare, in praeceps dareto bring a man to ruin; to destroy.Rate it:

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aliquem testem dare, edere, proferreto produce as a witness.Rate it:

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aliquid alicui crimini dare, vertereto reproach a person with...Rate it:

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aliquid alicui crimini dare, vitio vertere (Verr. 5. 50)to reproach, blame a person for...Rate it:

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aliquid laudi alicui ducere, dareto consider a thing creditable to a man.Rate it:

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ansas dare ad reprehendum, reprehensionisto give occasion for blame; to challenge criticism.Rate it:

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beneficium alicui dare, tribuereto do any one a service or kindness.Rate it:

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colloquendi copiam facere, dareto give audience to some one.Rate it:

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commeatum militibus dare (opp. petere)to give furlough, leave of absence to soldiers.Rate it:

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consilium dare alicuito give a person advice.Rate it:

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conveniendi aditum dare alicuito give audience to some one.Rate it:

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dare a Cesare quel che è di Cesarecredit where it's dueRate it:

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dare spettacolo di sémake a spectacle of oneselfRate it:

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dare venenum in paneto give a person poison in bread.Rate it:

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dare, concedere aliquidto grant, admit a thing.Rate it:

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dextram alicui porrigere, dareto give one's right hand to some one.Rate it:

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dotem filiae dareto give a dowry to one's daughter.Rate it:

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egregiam operam (multum, plus etc. operae) dare alicui reito expend great labour on a thing.Rate it:

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epistulam (litteras) dare, scribere, mittere ad aliquemto write a letter to some one.Rate it:

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epistulam dare alicui ad aliquemto charge some one with a letter for some one else.Rate it:

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fabulam dareto produce a play (of the writer).Rate it:

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facultatem alicui dare alicuius rei or ut give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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fidem dare alicui (opp. accipere) (c. Acc. c. Inf.)to give one's word that...Rate it:

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fidem publicam dare, interponere (Sall. Iug. 32. 1)to guarantee the protection of the state; to promise a safe-conduct.Rate it:

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filiam alicui in matrimonium dareto give one's daughter in marriage to some-one.Rate it:

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I'm _____ over a four-leaf clover.
A standing
B kissing
C looking
D picking