
Phrases related to: gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re

Yee yee! We've found 412 phrases and idioms matching gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re.

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gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua reto show gratitude (in one's acts).Rate it:

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ulcisci aliquem pro aliquo or pro aliqua reto revenge oneself on another for a thing or on some one's behalf.Rate it:

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bonam (praeclaram) gratiam referreto reward amply; to give manifold recompense for.Rate it:

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gratias alicui agere pro aliqua reto thank a person (in words).Rate it:

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pro viribus or pro mea parteas well as I can; to the best of my ability.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
pro re (nata), pro temporeaccording to circumstances.Rate it:

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pro tempore et pro reaccording to circumstances.Rate it:

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gratiam alicui debereto owe gratitude to; to be under an obligation to a person.Rate it:

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gratiam alicui habereto feel gratitude (in one's heart).Rate it:

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alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)to put down to a man's credit.Rate it:

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ulcisci aliquem (pro aliqua re)to punish some one.Rate it:

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satisfacere alicui pro (de) iniuriisto give some one satisfaction for an injury.Rate it:

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argumentum ducere, sumere ex aliqua re or petere ab aliqua reto derive an argument from a thing.Rate it:

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cernitur (in) aliqua re (not ex aliqua re)it is evident from...Rate it:

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doleo aliquid, aliqua re, de and ex aliqua reI am pained, vexed, sorry.Rate it:

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oculos pascere aliqua re (also simply pasci aliqua re)to feast one's eyes with the sight of...Rate it:

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gratiam alicuius sibi quaerere, sequi, more strongly aucuparito court a person's favour; to ingratiate oneself with...Rate it:

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gratiam inire ab aliquoor apud aliquemto gain a person's esteem, friendship.Rate it:

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gratiam inire apud aliquem, ab aliquo (cf. sect. V. 12)to gain some one's favour.Rate it:

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gratiam mererito merit thanks; to do a thankworthy action.Rate it:

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gratiam populi quaerereto court popularity.Rate it:

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in gratiam alicuius venireto gain a person's esteem, friendship.Rate it:

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in gratiam aliquem cum aliquo reducereto reconcile two people; to be a mediator.Rate it:

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in gratiam cum aliquo redireto be reconciled; to make up a quarrel.Rate it:

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opes, gratiam, potentiam consequito acquire influence.Rate it:

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confidere alicui (but aliqua re)to put confidence in some one.Rate it:

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gratulari alicui aliquid or de aliqua reto congratulate a person on something.Rate it:

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pedem referreto retire (without turning one's back on the enemy).Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
ad rei publicae rationes aliquid referreto consider a thing from a political point of view.Rate it:

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ad senatum referre (Cic. Dom. 53. 136)to bring a question before the senate (of the presiding magistrate).Rate it:

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aliquem in deorum numero referreto consider as a god.Rate it:

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aliquem in deorum numerum referre, reponereto deify a person.Rate it:

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aliquid in commentarios suos referre (Tusc. 3. 22. 54)to enter a thing in one's note-book.Rate it:

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dirigere or referre aliquid ad aliquam remto measure something by the standard of something else; to make something one's criterion.Rate it:

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gradum sensim referreto retreat step by step.Rate it:

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in album referre (De Or. 2. 12. 52)to record in the official tablets (Annales maximi).Rate it:

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in otium se referre (Fam. 99)to retire into private life.Rate it:

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in proscriptorum numerum referre aliquem (Rosc. Am. 11. 32)to place a person's name on the list of the proscribed.Rate it:

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in tabulas publicas referre aliquidto enter a thing in the public records.Rate it:

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nomina facere or in tabulas referreto book a debt.Rate it:

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omnia ad suam utilitatem referreto consider one's own advantage in everything.Rate it:

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omnia consilia et facta ad virtutem referre (Phil. 10. 10. 20)to make virtue the standard in every thought and act.Rate it:

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par pari referreto return like for like.Rate it:

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referre in reos aliquemto put some one on the list of the accused.Rate it:

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victoriam ferre, referreto gain a victory, win a battle.Rate it:

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calcaria alicui adhibere, admovere; stimulos alicui admovereto spur, urge a person on.Rate it:

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filiam alicui in matrimonio or in matrimonium collocare or simply filiam alicui collocareto give one's daughter in marriage to some-one.Rate it:

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imperii summam deferre alicui or ad aliquem, tradere alicuito appoint some one commander-in-chief.Rate it:

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pro formaFor the sake of form only.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
quid pro quoSomething understood as something else; an equivocation.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)

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