
Phrases related to: macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)

Yee yee! We've found 274 phrases and idioms matching macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo).

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macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.Rate it:

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virtute praeditum, ornatum esse (opp. vitiis obrutum esse)to be virtuous.Rate it:

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te valere iubeoI bid you good-bye, take my leave.Rate it:

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con esto y un bizcocho, hasta las ochosee you later, alligatorRate it:

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con esto y un bizcocho, hasta mañana a las ochoSe usa para despedirse o dar por zanjado un tema.Rate it:

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esto es chino para míIt's all Greek to me; I don't understand any of this.Rate it:

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qué quiere ser estoExpresión de extrañeza o incredulidad.Rate it:

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multarum rerum cognitione imbutum esse (opp. litterarum or eruditionis expertem esse or [rerum] rudem esse)to be well-informed, erudite.Rate it:

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propenso animo, studio esse or propensa voluntate esse in aliquem (opp. averso animo esse ab aliquo)to look favourably upon; to support.Rate it:

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a maiorum virtute desciscere, degenerare, deflectereto deteriorate.Rate it:

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a virtute discedere or deficereto deviate from the path of virtue.Rate it:

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de virtute praecipere alicuito give moral advice, rules of conduct.Rate it:

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nihil ex pristina virtute remittereto live as scrupulously moral a life as ever.Rate it:

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praecepta de moribus or de virtutemoral precepts.Rate it:

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summum bonum in virtute ponereto consider virtue the highest good.Rate it:

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populum liberum esse, libertate uti, sui iuris esse patito grant a people its independence.Rate it:

(1.50 / 2 votes)
animo esse humili, demisso (more strongly animo esse fracto, perculso et abiecto) (Att. 3. 2)to be cast down, discouraged, in despair.Rate it:

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gratiosum esse (opp. invisum esse)to be popular, influential.Rate it:

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in exsilio esse, exsulem esseto live in exile.Rate it:

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memorem esse (opp. obliviosum esse)to have a good memory.Rate it:

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mente captum esse, mente alienata esseto be out of one's mind.Rate it:

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multi cibi esse, edacem esseto be a great eater.Rate it:

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propensum, proclivem esse ad aliquid (opp. alienum, aversum esse, abhorrere ab aliqua re)to have an inclination for a thing.Rate it:

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subiectum esse, obnoxium esse imperio or dicioni alicuius (not simply alicui)to be subject to some one, under some one's dominion.Rate it:

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superstitione teneri, constrictum esse, obligatum esseto be the slave of superstition.Rate it:

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magna auctoritate esseto possess great authority; to be an influential person.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
a doctrina mediocriter instructum esseto have received only a moderate education.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
continentem esse terrae or cum terra (Fam. 15. 2. 2)to have the same boundaries; to be coterminous.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
oculis captum esse (vid. sect. IV. 6., note auribus, oculis...)to be blind.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
verbis abundantem esse, abundareto be rich in words.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
(animo) paratum esse ad aliquidto be resigned to a thing.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
(rerum) imperitum esseto have had no experience of the world.Rate it:

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a fortuna desertum, derelictum esseto be abandoned by good luck.Rate it:

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a latere regis esseto belong to the king's bodyguard.Rate it:

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a vero aversum esse (Catil. 3. 1. 29)to be averse to truth.Rate it:

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ad iniurias fortunae expositum esseto be a victim of the malice of Fortune.Rate it:

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ad pedes alicuius iacēre, stratum esse (stratum iacēre)to prostrate oneself before a person.Rate it:

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admiratione incensum esseto be fired with admiration.Rate it:

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admirationi esseto be admired.Rate it:

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aedificatorem esse (Nep. Att. 13. 1)to be fond of building.Rate it:

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aegritudine afflictum, debilitatum esse, iacēreto be bowed down, prostrated by grief.Rate it:

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aequalem esse alicuiusto be a contemporary of a person.Rate it:

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aere alieno obrutum, demersum esseto be deeply in debt.Rate it:

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aere alieno oppressum esseto have pressing debts.Rate it:

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aestus et frigoris patientem esseto be able to bear heat and cold.Rate it:

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aetate affecta esseto be infirm through old age.Rate it:

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aetate provectum esse (not aetate provecta)to be advanced in years.Rate it:

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affinem esse culpaeto be almost culpable.Rate it:

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alacri et erecto animo esseto show a brisk and cheerful spirit.Rate it:

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alicuius studiosum esseto be a follower of some one.Rate it:

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That book was a real labour of _______ for her.
A love
B memory
C hope
D truth