
Phrases related to: mid city stoners 13

Yee yee! We've found 52 phrases and idioms matching mid city stoners 13.

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Can't Fight City HallThe under authority person cannot do anything against an administrative system, there is no way to win the struggle against official procedureRate it:

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city slickerOne accustomed to a city or urban lifestyle or unsuited to life in the country.Rate it:

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one can't fight city halltaking on any government entity in a contest is difficult and easier said than done.Rate it:

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trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:

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you can't fight city hall(chiefly US) Nothing can be done to change the situation, because it is a governmental decision.I see they're going to build the airport after all. I suppose you can't fight city hall.Rate it:

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atomic cocktailA mixed alcoholic beverage, created in Las Vegas, USA, in the mid-20th century.Rate it:

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fashion policeThe mythical fashion police are always standing in the wings eyeballing female employees as they pursue their careers in the executive offices of New York City.Rate it:

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na-na na-na boo-boo[c. mid 20th century?] A taunt or putdown, typically used to indicate that the speaker believes he or she has beaten the listener in a competition or is better in some other way or in a general sense; or an expression of satisfaction that the listener has received some supposedly deserved minor punishment or misfortune (a schadenfreude).Rate it:

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civitatem alicui dare, tribuere, impertireto present a person with the freedom of the city.Rate it:

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not in kansas anymoreNo longer in quiet and comfortable surroundings; in the big city.Rate it:

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אני צריך מפה של העירI need a city mapRate it:

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BroadwayThe wide road which runs diagonally through Manhattan, New York City.Rate it:

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3-on-the-treeOn an automobile (especially those produced from 1939 through the mid-1970s), a three-speed manual transmission whose gearshift lever is mounted on the steering column.Rate it:

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angle of attackThe angle between a mid-sail and the direction of the wind.Rate it:

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anno ab urbe condita quintoin the fifth year from the founding of the city.Rate it:

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appropinquare urbi, rarely ad urbemto draw near to a city.Rate it:

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asphalt jungleA city or urban area, where the landscape is covered by pavement and the environment is alienating and unsafe.Rate it:

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barnburnerLiberal faction of the New York state United States Democratic Party in the mid 19th century.Rate it:

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Bim, BEM, BumRetro art composition; composition stereotypical for the cover art of mid-20th-century science fiction pulp magazines.Rate it:

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brick and mortarBuildings and property for the conduct of business, particularly in the sale of retail goods to the general public. (Used to contrast an Internet-based sales operation that lacks customer-oriented store fronts and a "traditional" one for which most capital investment might be in the building infrastructure.) [since the mid-1990s]Rate it:

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bright lightsThe glamour and glitz of a place, especially a big cityRate it:

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cake walkFrom the mid 1900s, a game at a fair or party in which people walk around a numbered circle along to music. When the music is stopped, the caller draws a number from a jar and whoever is standing on or closest to that number that number wins a cake.Rate it:

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company townA town, city, or other municipality in which a single large business has a controlling influence over the economy and, sometimes, over the societal structure and local government.Rate it:

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country girl (cowgirl)a girl who lives and/or is from a rural area, small town, farm and/or ranch (not a city environment.) She is usually seen wearing a cowgirl hat, cowgirl boots and often wears jeans and/or a shirt tied into a knot in the frontRate it:

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exterminare (ex) urbe, de civitate aliquem (Mil. 37. 101)to expel a person from the city, country.Rate it:

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funniesThe section of a newspaper containing comic strips. [from the mid-19th c.]Rate it:

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geeze freezeLike when Biden Freezes mid sentence.Rate it:

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global community cleanlinessMovement, term, and hashtag created by Renowned Global Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe and encourage global litter eradication and resource preservation efforts-one community at a time. The movement is inspired by De Bouse's father, humanitarian Curtis Lassiter's continued commitment to global community cleanliness, safety, and beautification, one city at a time via litter prevention, prompt waste pickup/removal, properly set concrete, and more #global communitycleanliness #gccmovement #activistdebouseRate it:

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ich brauche einen StadtplanI need a city mapRate it:

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inflammare urbemto set fire to a city.Rate it:

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ingredi, intrare urbem, introire in urbemto enter a city.Rate it:

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Main StreetThe generic street name (and often the official name) of the primary retail street of a village, town, or small city in the United States, Canada, Ireland, some parts of Scotland and also in some countries in central Europe.Rate it:

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money gone to townGoing to the big city on a spending spree.Rate it:

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neck of the woodsA certain part of the city, neighborhood, area, or country.Rate it:

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on the townCasually enjoying the nightlife of a town or city.Rate it:

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oppidum constituere, condereto build, found a city.Rate it:

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oppidum obsidereto besiege a city.Rate it:

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oppidum obsidione claudereto besiege a city.Rate it:

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pestilentia (not pestis) in urbem (populum) invaditthe plague breaks out in the city.Rate it:

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propius accedere ad urbem or urbemto advance nearer to the city.Rate it:

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ride on a railTo be subjected to a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. The victim was then paraded around town or taken to the city limits and dumped by the roadside.Rate it:

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rubber roomEspecially in New York City, a temporary workplace assigned to a teacher who is not permitted to teach in a classroom because he or she is under disciplinary review.Rate it:

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sinus urbis (Sall. Cat. 52. 35)the heart of the city.Rate it:

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tel avivIsraeli cityRate it:

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town and gownOn one hand, the members of the city, borough, or similar community near a university and, on the other hand, the students and faculty of the university itself, especially when understood as rivals in a state of tension or conflict.Rate it:

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urbs in sinu sita estthe city is situate on a bay.Rate it:

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urbs situ ad aspectum praeclara estthe city is very beautifully situated.Rate it:

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valvas (portam) obstruereto barricade a door (a city-gate).Rate it:

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what happens in vegasThe phrase "What happens in Vegas" is a well-known tagline associated with Las Vegas, a popular city in Nevada, United States, renowned for its vibrant entertainment, casinos, nightlife, and various forms of adult-oriented entertainment. The phrase implies that Las Vegas is a place where people can engage in activities and experiences that may be considered unconventional, exciting, or indulgent, without judgment or consequences following them outside of the city. It conveys a sense of freedom, privacy, and discretion regarding one's actions and experiences while visiting Las Vegas. However, it's important to remember that responsible behavior and adherence to legal and ethical standards should always be maintained, even in a city known for its entertainment and lively atmosphere.Rate it:

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winning is no option, it's a rule.I came up with this walking past the new baseball field (Franklin Quest Field) that was being constructed in Salt Lake City Utah back around 1996 I believeRate it:

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