
Phrases related to: rei

Yee yee! We've found 113 phrases and idioms matching rei.

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memoriam alicuius rei repraesentare (opp. memoriam alicuius rei deponere, abicere)to picture to oneself again.Rate it:

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modum facere, statuere, constituere alicui rei or alicuius reito set a limit to a thing.Rate it:

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rei publicae rationibus or simply rei publicae consulereto further the public interests.Rate it:

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studere alicui rei, studiosum esse alicuius reito have an inclination for a thing.Rate it:

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a partibus rei publicae animus liber (Sall. Cat. 4. 2)an independent spirit.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
culpam alicuius rei sustinereto bear the blame of a thing.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
pacta merces alicuius reithe stipulated reward for anything.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
a suspicione alicuius rei abhorrereto have no presentiment of a thing.Rate it:

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accusare aliquem rei capitalis (rerum capitalium)to charge some one with a capital offence.Rate it:

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ad gubernacula (metaph. only in plur.) rei publicae sedereto hold the reins of government.Rate it:

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ad rei publicae rationes aliquid referreto consider a thing from a political point of view.Rate it:

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alicui veniam dare (alicuius rei)to pardon some one.Rate it:

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alicuius in re publica or capessendae rei publicae consilia eo spectant, ut...a man's policy is aiming at, directed towards...Rate it:

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aliquem in oblivionem alicuius rei adducere (pass. in oblivionem venire)to make a person forget a thing.Rate it:

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aliquem testem alicuius rei (in aliquid) citareto cite a person to give evidence on a matter.Rate it:

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argumento huic rei est, quoda proof of this is that...Rate it:

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auctorem aliquem habere alicuius reito have as authority for a thing.Rate it:

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certiorem facere aliquem (alicuius rei or de aliqua re)to inform a person.Rate it:

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clavum rei publicae tenereto hold the reins of government.Rate it:

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commoda publica or rei publicae rationesthe interests of the state.Rate it:

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comprehensam quandam animo speciem (alicuius rei) habereto have formed an ideal notion of a thing.Rate it:

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coniecturam alicuius rei facere or capere ex aliqua reto infer by comparison, judge one thing by another.Rate it:

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conversio rei publicae (Div. 2. 2. 6)revolution.Rate it:

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culpa alicuius rei est in aliquosome one is to blame in a matter; it is some one's fault.Rate it:

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cupiditate alicuius rei accensum, inflammatum esseto be fired with desire of a thing.Rate it:

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cupiditate alicuius rei ardere, flagrareto have an ardent longing for a thing.Rate it:

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desiderio alicuius rei teneri, affici (more strongly flagrare, incensum esse)to long for a thing, yearn for it.Rate it:

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documento, indicio est (without demonstr. pron. but cui rei documento, indicio est)this shows, proves...Rate it:

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eadem (longe alia) est huius rei ratiothe case is exactly similar (entirely different).Rate it:

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egregiam operam (multum, plus etc. operae) dare alicui reito expend great labour on a thing.Rate it:

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ex rei publicae dissensioneowing to political dissension.Rate it:

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exspectatione alicuius rei pendēre (animi) (Leg. Agr. 2. 25. 66)to be in suspense, waiting for a thing.Rate it:

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facultatem alicui dare alicuius rei or ut give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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fidem addere alicui reito confirm, ratify, sanction something.Rate it:

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fidem alicuius rei facere alicuito make some one believe a thing.Rate it:

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fidem facere, afferre alicui rei (opp. demere, de-, abrogare fidem)to make a thing credible.Rate it:

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fidem tribuere, adiungere alicui reito believe in, trust in a thing.Rate it:

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fiduciam (alicuius rei) habereto have great confidence in a thing.Rate it:

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finem facere alicuius reito finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing.Rate it:

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finem imponere, afferre, constituere alicui reito finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing.Rate it:

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forma rei publicaethe constitution.Rate it:

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gubernacula rei publicae tractareto hold the reins of government.Rate it:

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huic rei deest apud nos vocabulumwe have no expression for that.Rate it:

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iacturam alicuius rei facereto throw away, sacrifice.Rate it:

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in mentionem alicuius rei incidereto mention a thing incidentally, casually.Rate it:

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in possessionem alicuius rei invadereto take forcible possession of a thing.Rate it:

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in possessionem alicuius rei venireto come into the possession of something.Rate it:

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indignitas, atrocitas rei (Mur. 25. 51)the revolting nature of an action.Rate it:

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initium facere, ducere, sumere (alicuius rei)to commence a thing.Rate it:

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inopia (opp. copia) rei frumentariaewant of corn; scarcity in the corn-market.Rate it:

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