
Phrases related to: rem out

Yee yee! We've found 2,000 phrases and idioms matching rem out.

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rem outTo temporarily disable a section of source code by converting it into a comment.Rate it:

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rem (bene, male) gerere (vid. sect. XII. 2, note rem gerere...)to win, lose a fight (of the commander).Rate it:

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contra rem publicam facereto be guilty of high treason.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
contra rem publicam sentireto foster revolutionary projects.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
rem acu tetigistiyou have hit the nail on the head.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
accedere, se conferre ad rem publicamto devote oneself to politics, a political career.Rate it:

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ad rem redireto come back to the point.Rate it:

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auspicato (rem gerere, urbem condere)after having duly taken the auspices.Rate it:

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contrahere rem or negotium cum aliquo (Cluent. 14. 41)to have business relations with some one.Rate it:

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dirigere or referre aliquid ad aliquam remto measure something by the standard of something else; to make something one's criterion.Rate it:

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dissipare rem familiarem (suam)to squander all one's property.Rate it:

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e re publica (opp. contra rem p.)for the advantage of the state; in the interests of the state.Rate it:

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gladio comminus (opp. eminus) rem gerereto fight with swords at close quarters.Rate it:

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hoc in te reprehendo (not ob eam rem)I blame this in you; I censure you for this.Rate it:

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in rem publicam omni cogitatione curaque incumbere (Fam. 10. 1. 2)to devote one's every thought to the state's welfare.Rate it:

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multitudinis suffragiis rem permittereto leave a matter to be decided by popular vote.Rate it:

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negotium (rem) conficere, absolvereto settle, finish a transaction.Rate it:

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nullam habere rem publicamto have no constitution, be in anarchy.Rate it:

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omissis pilis gladiis rem gerereto throw down the javelins (pila) and fight with the sword.Rate it:

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omnes curas et cogitationes in rem publicam conferreto devote one's every thought to the state's welfare.Rate it:

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principes rem publicam administrantes or simply principesstatesmen.Rate it:

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rem (res) definireto define a thing.Rate it:

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rem actam or simply actum agere (proverb.)to have all one's trouble for nothing.Rate it:

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rem ad consilium deferreto refer a matter to a council of war.Rate it:

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rem bene (male) gerere (vid. sect. XVI. 10a)to manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill.Rate it:

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rem dissolutam conglutinare, coagmentareto reunite disconnected elements.Rate it:

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rem divinam facere (dis)to sacrifice.Rate it:

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rem domesticam, familiarem administrare, regere, curareto keep house.Rate it:

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rem familiarem neglegereto neglect, mismanage one's household matters.Rate it:

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rem familiarem tuerito manage one's affairs, household, property well or ill.Rate it:

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rem frumentariam comparare, providereto look after the commissariat.Rate it:

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rem or opes habere, bona possidere, in bonis esseto possess means, to be well off.Rate it:

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rem paucis absolvere (Sall. Iug. 17. 2)to explain a matter briefly, in a few words (not paucis verbis).Rate it:

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rem pecuariam facere, exercere (cf. Varr R. R. 2. 1)to rear stock.Rate it:

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rem publicam alicui permittereto give some one unlimited power in state affairs.Rate it:

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rem publicam augere, amplificareto aggrandise, extend the power of the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam capessere (Off. 1. 21. 71)to devote oneself to politics, a political career.Rate it:

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rem publicam constituereto give the state a constitution.Rate it:

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rem publicam funditus evertereto completely overthrow the government, the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam gerere, administrare, regere, tractare, gubernareto govern, administer the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam in libertatem vindicare a or ex dominationeto deliver the state from a tyranny.Rate it:

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rem publicam in pristinum statum restituereto restore the ancient constitution.Rate it:

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rem publicam labefactareto shake the stability of the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam legibus et institutis temperare (Tusc. 1. 1. 2)to give the state a constitution.Rate it:

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rem publicam perturbareto throw the state into confusion.Rate it:

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rem publicam quaestui habereto enrich oneself at the expense of the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam tueri, stabilireto defend, strengthen the state.Rate it:

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rem publicam vexareto damage the state.Rate it:

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sed hoc nihil (sane) ad rembut this is not to the point.Rate it:

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studio ad rem publicam ferrito throw oneself heart and soul into politics.Rate it:

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