
Phrases related to: res est in periculo, in summo discrimine

Yee yee! We've found 1,319 phrases and idioms matching res est in periculo, in summo discrimine.

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res est in periculo, in summo discriminethe position is critical.Rate it:

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res in summo discrimine versaturthe position is very critical.Rate it:

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salus, caput, vita alicuius agitur, periclitatur, in discrimine est or versatura man's life is at stake, is in very great danger.Rate it:

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aliquem ex periculo eripere, servareto rescue from peril.Rate it:

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in periculo esse or versarito be in danger.Rate it:

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in ipso discrimine (articulo) temporisjust at the critical moment.Rate it:

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in ipso periculi discrimineat the critical moment.Rate it:

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in vitae discrimine versarito be in peril of one's life.Rate it:

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res humanae or simply reshuman life.Rate it:

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res, quae moveri possunt; res moventes (Liv. 5. 25. 6)movable, personal property.Rate it:

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collis leniter ab infimo acclivis (opp. leniter a summo declivis)a gentle ascent.Rate it:

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optimo iure (cf. summo iure, sect. XV. 1).legitimately; with the fullest right.Rate it:

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opus summo artificio factuma master-piece of classical work.Rate it:

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summo colore aliquid illustrareto depict a thing in lively colours.Rate it:

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summo ingenio praeditum esseto possess rich mental endowments.Rate it:

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summo iure agere cum aliquo (cf. summum ius, summa iniuria)to proceed against some one with the utmost rigour of the law; to strain the law in one's favour.Rate it:

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summo loco natusof high rank.Rate it:

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summo studio in litteris versarito be an ardent student of...Rate it:

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uno, communi, summo or omnium consensu (Tusc. 1. 15. 35)unanimously.Rate it:

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ce qui est simple est faux, ce qui est compliqué est inutilisableProverbe résumant la difficulté d’une tâche : si on fait les choses au plus simple, on oublie probablement beaucoup de cas particuliers ; si on essaie de prévoir tous les cas, le résultat devient tellement complexe que plus personne ne peut comprendre comment cela fonctionne.Rate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
ita res estit is so.Rate it:

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res ad extremum casum perducta estaffairs are desperate; we are reduced to extremeties.Rate it:

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res confecta estthe question is settled, finished.Rate it:

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res eo or in eum locum deducta est, ut...the matter has gone so far that...; the state of affairs is such that...Rate it:

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res est multi laboris et sudoristhe matter involves much labour and fatigue.Rate it:

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res gladiis geri coepta estswords must now decide the day.Rate it:

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res integra estthe matter is still undecided; it is an open question.Rate it:

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res ita est, ita (sic) se habetthe facts are these; the matter stands thus.Rate it:

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res mihi integra estI have not yet committed myself.Rate it:

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res mihi tecum estI have a point to discuss with you.Rate it:

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est-ce qu'elle est belle?—elle est comme il y en a tantIs she beautiful?—Nothing to stare at; Nothing out of the common.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'est que c'est que çaEmployé pour dire plaisamment qu’est-ce que c’est.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'est que ça que c'estEmployé pour dire plaisamment qu’est-ce que c’est.Rate it:

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des resdesirable residenceRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
a senatu res ad populum reicitura matter is referred (for decision) from the senate to the people.Rate it:

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alias res or aliud agereto be inattentive.Rate it:

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alicuius res gestas versibus ornare, celebrareto celebrate some one's exploits in song.Rate it:

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aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)to separate from, divorce (of the man).Rate it:

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ante oculos vestros (not vobis) res gestas proponitepicture to yourselves the circumstances.Rate it:

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cogitationes in res humiles abicere (De Amic. 9. 32) (Opp. alte spectare, ad altiora tendere, altum, magnificum, divinum suspicere)to study the commonplace.Rate it:

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haec (illa) res me consolaturI console myself with...Rate it:

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imperium populi or populare, civitas or res publica popularisdemocracy.Rate it:

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libera res publica, liber populusthe Republic.Rate it:

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magnas res gerereto perform heroic exploits.Rate it:

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novas res moliri (Verr. 2. 125)to plot a revolution.Rate it:

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ordine narrare, quomodo res gesta sitto detail the whole history of an affair.Rate it:

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quo loco res tuae sunt?how are you getting on?Rate it:

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quorsum haec res cadet or evadet?what will be the issue, end, consequence of the matter?Rate it:

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rem (res) definireto define a thing.Rate it:

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res (ita) fertcircumstances make this necessary; the exigencies of the case are these.Rate it:

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