
Phrases related to: res inter alios acta

Yee yee! We've found 116 phrases and idioms matching res inter alios acta.

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inter aliosAmong other people.Rate it:

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acta rescindere, dissolvere (Phil. 13. 3. 5)to declare a magistrate's decisions null and void.Rate it:

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inter cenam, inter epulasduring dinner; at table.Rate it:

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adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit or alii de adulescente bene sperare possunthe is a young man of great promise.Rate it:

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et aliosAnd others; used of people, unless exclusively of female genderRate it:

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res humanae or simply reshuman life.Rate it:

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res, quae moveri possunt; res moventes (Liv. 5. 25. 6)movable, personal property.Rate it:

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accusare aliquem inter sicarios (Rosc. Am. 32. 90)to accuse a person of assassination.Rate it:

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conexum et aptum esse inter seto be closely connected with each other.Rate it:

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coniurare (inter se) de c. Gerund. or form a conspiracy.Rate it:

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consilia inter se communicareto take common counsel.Rate it:

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continuatio seriesque rerum, ut alia ex alia nexa et omnes inter se aptae colligataeque sint (N. D. 1. 4. 9)systematic succession, concatenation.Rate it:

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dextram iungere cum aliquo, dextras inter se iungereto shake hands with a person.Rate it:

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hoc convēnit inter noswe have agreed on this point.Rate it:

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inter manus auferre aliquemto carry some one away in one's arms.Rate it:

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inter omnes constatit is a recognised fact.Rate it:

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inter poculawhilst drinking; at table.Rate it:

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inter se consalutare (De Or. 2. 3. 13)to exchange greetings.Rate it:

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inter se pugnare or repugnareto be mutually contradictory.Rate it:

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inter spem metumque suspensum animi esseto hover between hope and fear.Rate it:

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litteras inter se dare et accipereto be in correspondence with...Rate it:

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multa et magna inter nos officia intercedunt (Fam. 13. 65)we are united by many mutual obligations.Rate it:

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primum or principem inter oratores locum obtinereto be considered the foremost orator.Rate it:

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provincias inter se comparant(the magistrates) arrange among themselves the administration of the provinces, the offical spheres of duty.Rate it:

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ratio, qua sententiae inter se excipiunt.the connection of thought.Rate it:

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sententiae inter se nexaethe connection.Rate it:

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spectare inter occasum solis et septentrionesto be situate to the north-west.Rate it:

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transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo or inter seto transact, settle a matter with some one.Rate it:

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vetus usus inter nos interceditwe have known each other well for several years.Rate it:

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des resdesirable residenceRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
a senatu res ad populum reicitura matter is referred (for decision) from the senate to the people.Rate it:

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alias res or aliud agereto be inattentive.Rate it:

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alicuius res gestas versibus ornare, celebrareto celebrate some one's exploits in song.Rate it:

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aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)to separate from, divorce (of the man).Rate it:

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ante oculos vestros (not vobis) res gestas proponitepicture to yourselves the circumstances.Rate it:

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cogitationes in res humiles abicere (De Amic. 9. 32) (Opp. alte spectare, ad altiora tendere, altum, magnificum, divinum suspicere)to study the commonplace.Rate it:

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haec (illa) res me consolaturI console myself with...Rate it:

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imperium populi or populare, civitas or res publica popularisdemocracy.Rate it:

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ita res estit is so.Rate it:

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libera res publica, liber populusthe Republic.Rate it:

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magnas res gerereto perform heroic exploits.Rate it:

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novas res moliri (Verr. 2. 125)to plot a revolution.Rate it:

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ordine narrare, quomodo res gesta sitto detail the whole history of an affair.Rate it:

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quo loco res tuae sunt?how are you getting on?Rate it:

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quorsum haec res cadet or evadet?what will be the issue, end, consequence of the matter?Rate it:

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rem (res) definireto define a thing.Rate it:

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res (ita) fertcircumstances make this necessary; the exigencies of the case are these.Rate it:

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res (opp. verba) mihi suppetitI have abundance to say.Rate it:

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res a me probaturI express my approval of a thing.Rate it:

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res ad arma venitmatters have reached the fighting-stage.Rate it:

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ____.
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C dog
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