
Phrases related to: there's no use Page #11

Yee yee! We've found 803 phrases and idioms matching there's no use.

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pons est in fluminethere is a bridge over the river.Rate it:

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pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:

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pourquoi restez-vous là les bras croisés?Why are you waiting there doing nothing?Rate it:

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power chordA chord or combination of notes used in rock music and typically selected to sound good at high volume and high levels of distortion. Power chords make extensive use of intervals such as open fourths and fifths.Rate it:

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psychological warfareThe use of various techniques to demoralize or intimidate someone.Rate it:

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puddin' tame. ask me again and i'll tell you the same.An impertinent response to being asked "what is your name?"; a response indicating that the speaker does not want to reveal their real name.Rate it:

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Pull All Your Eggs into One BasketTo take all your chances on one plan or idea, to use all your options at one timeRate it:

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pull outTo use coitus interruptus as a method of birth control.Rate it:

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punch outTo use a punch to remove a piece of material or to remove a piece already scored.Rate it:

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punch outTo extract data from a computer by the use of a keyboard.Rate it:

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put her there (pronounced put 'er there)something said to someone when extending one's hand, inviting you to shake hands with them in agreement or sympathyRate it:

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put it thereafter a discussion of barter etc the 'seller' offers his hand to shake on the deal (particularly in the US)Rate it:

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put outWhen someone is feels "put out". It means they did something they didn't want to do and now they feel "put out" about being taken advantage of after they did it (begrudgingly).Rate it:

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put someone underTo anesthetize someone or render them unconscious through the use of narcotic substances, usually either alcohol or pharmaceutical drugs.Rate it:

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put to useto use; to utilise; to applyRate it:

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put to workto put to useRate it:

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que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère?Whatever induced him to get into that fix? Whatever business had he there?Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
qui a temps a vieWhile there is life, there is hope; Dum spiro spero.Rate it:

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qui veut la fin veut les moyensWhere there is a will there is a way; If you want the end you must not stick at the means.Rate it:

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quid attinet? with Infin.what is the use of?Rate it:

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quot homines tot sententiæThere are as many opinions as there are people who hold them.Rate it:

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rag the puckTo proceed slowly at any activity in order to use up time; to stall for time.Rate it:

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rag the puckTo retain possession of the puck by skillful skating and stickhandling without attempting to score, as a deliberate tactic intended to use up time.Rate it:

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rain or shineIt doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or whatever happens; whatsoever the conditions or the weather is; it's most commonly used to say that an event still happen (will not be canceled) even if it rains; See also, come rain or come shineRate it:

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raise cainTo cause trouble; to behave in a disruptive manner; to make a problem; the phrase is actually "raise Cain" since Cain is a person's nameRate it:

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read 'em and weepWhen playing cards (usually poker) and the final hand is played, a person often shows their cards in anticipation of winning and boasts this phrase to brag that their hand is good enough to win that roundRate it:

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ready upto prepare for use, to get readyRate it:

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res habet aliquid offensionisthere is something repulsive about the thing.Rate it:

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res obsolescita thing is going out of use, becoming obsolete.Rate it:

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res spectat ad vim (arma)there seems a prospect of armed violence; things look like violence.Rate it:

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rien n'y faitNothing has any effect upon him (or, on it); It is all of no use.Rate it:

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rise above your raisin's (raisings)become better than how you were raised; "Rise above your raisin's" is how you pronounce the phrase because in southern expressions, the "g" sound in words ending in "ing" is usually not spoken); rise above your raisingsRate it:

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rise from the ashesTo make a comeback after a long hiatus. To come back into common use or practice. To come back into popularity. To come back to being a thing of today.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
rob the cradleTo use a young person for a purpose inappropriate to his or her age.Rate it:

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root aboutTo forage by poking the snout here and there.Rate it:

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rough and readyCrude or unpolished, but still fit for use; good enough.Rate it:

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round robinan arrangement of choosing all elements in agroup equaly in some rational order e.g. 'taking turns"Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
rumour has itpeople who gossip are saying that..., there is a rumor going around that...Rate it:

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run intoTo blend into; to be followed by or adjacent to without there being a clear boundary.Rate it:

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run into the groundTo wear out, especially through excessive use.Rate it:

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run throughTo use completely, in a short space of time. Usually money.Rate it:

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safety in numbersShort for there is safety in numbers.Rate it:

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salt awayTo save or preserve (especially money) for future use.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
Save for a Rainy DayTo save something for bad time or for a time of need, To keep something in store for future useRate it:

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scaredy cata children's word for a person who is easily frightenedRate it:

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Scrape the Bottle of the BarrelTo make use of something from leftover and off cuts. To be left to choose from scrap or residueRate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
scrape the bottom of the barrelTo use the least desirable parts of something.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
screen outTo use a screen, grate, sieve or similar means to separate large from small objects or particles.Rate it:

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séance tenanteForthwith; There and then.Rate it:

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sermo latinus (opp. sermo parum latinus) (cf. sect. VII. 2., note For the use of adverbs...)good Latin.Rate it:

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She's a real ___________ in the rough, that one.
A ruby
B gem
C jewel
D diamond