
Phrases related to: take ones lumps Page #8

Yee yee! We've found 783 phrases and idioms matching take ones lumps.

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run backTo take someone home by car. Give someone a lift to their house.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
sacramentum (o) dicere (vid. sect. XI. 2, note sacramentum...)to take the military oath.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
saluti suae consulere, prospicereto take measures for one's safety; to look after one's own interests.Rate it:

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save faceTo take an action or make a gesture intended to preserve one's reputation or honour.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
scribereto take to writing, become an author.Rate it:

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se changer les idéesto start a new activity in order to change one's state of mind, to take a break from doing something boring or to escape from a displeasing situation.Rate it:

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se conicere, se conferre in fugamto take to flight.Rate it:

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se convertere, converti ad alicuius nutumto take one's directions from another; to obey him in everything.Rate it:

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se cuidatake careRate it:

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se dare in fugam, fugaeto take to flight.Rate it:

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se faire raison à soi-mêmeTo take the law into one’s own hands.Rate it:

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se mettre en campagne(lit., of a general) To take the field; (fig.) To canvass or look out for a post; To start working.Rate it:

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se vita privareto take one's own life.Rate it:

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sedem ac domicilium (fortunas suas) constituere alicubito take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere.Rate it:

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sedem collocare alicubi (Rep. 2. 19. 34)to take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere.Rate it:

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see a manTo take one's leave for some urgent purpose, especially to go to the bathroom.Rate it:

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see toTo take care of; to effect; to make happen.Rate it:

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seize uponTo grasp or take hold of suddenly, forcibly, or tightly.Rate it:

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seize uponTo take up, embrace, enact, or turn eagerly to; to grasp, understand, and accept quickly; to adopt wholeheartedly or vigorously.Rate it:

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seize uponTo take possession of or claim as one's own; to assimilate, absorb, annex, co-opt.Rate it:

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sell a bargainA species of wit, much in vogue about the latter end of the reign of Queen Anne, and frequently alluded to by Dean Swift, who says the maids of honour often amused themselves with it. It consisted in the seller naming his or her hinder parts, in answer to the question, What? which the buyer was artfully led to ask. As a specimen, take the following instance: A lady would come into a room full of company, apparently frightened, crying out "It is white, and follows me!" As soon as someone responded "What?" she sold him the bargain, by saying "Mine arse".Rate it:

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serve two mastersto take orders from two superiors or two conflicting partiesRate it:

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Settle an Old ScoreTo take revenge for one’s wrong actions being done in the past, to get even with someoneRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
sex upTo take part in sexual acts with.Rate it:

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shady pinesSomething said to an older person (usually your mother) to correct their bad behavior by threatening to take them to live in a retirement home.Rate it:

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shanks' nagTransportation by foot. To "take a shanks' nag" means using one's own legs to walk.Rate it:

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shape upTo take shape; to transform into or become.Rate it:

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she came in from the cold with her bold, brazen, out-spoken, take on the world positive attitude.Speaking her mind, daring to take on/face challenges, speaking up and speaking out, not staying shut to anyone, ready/willing to face whatever life/anyone dishes out to her.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
shoot first and ask questions laterTo take action with serious consequences without delay, preserving the benefit of surprise by not providing indication of one's intent.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
shoot the moonTo take a risk which may result in great rewards; to succeed after taking such a risk.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
shut up and take my moneySaid about something that the speaker wants to buy immediately.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
si vous lui en donnez long comme le doigt, il en prendra long comme le brasGive him an inch, he will take an ell.Rate it:

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sibi exemplum sumere ex aliquo or exemplum capere de aliquoto take a lesson from some one's example.Rate it:

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sibi sumere aliquid (Planc. 1. 3)to take upon oneself.Rate it:

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side withTo choose to take the same point of view as.Rate it:

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sign inTo take some action to access a secured program or web page on a computer; to log in.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
sign outTo sign one's name as an indication that one is leaving some location; to take some action to indicate one is leaving a secured program or web page on a computer.Rate it:

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sit in forTo substitute; to take somebody's place.Rate it:

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skittles partythe party where teenagers or young adults bring with them a lot of random pills, take them, and see what happensRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Sleep on ItTo take time in taking a decision , to delay one’s decision or plan because it is yet to be ponder uponRate it:

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snake eyesTwo ones, after rolling two dice.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
so-and-soA name used to take the place of an epithet.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
spin upTo reach a sufficient spinning speed for reads and writes to take place.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
split the differenceTo choose an option or take a position roughly midway between two opposed alternatives; to compromise.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
spring the trapTo cunningly trick someone or take advantage of a situation in a deceptive wayRate it:

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stake a claimTo take an action that asserts a property right in something.Rate it:

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stand down!Stand-Down!', Stands4; Cease And Desist. Take No Further Action; Maintain Your Stance; Stand By, Await Orders;Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
stand in one's own lightTo take a position which is harmful to one's own interests.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
stand in the gapTo expose oneself for the protection of something; to make defence against any assailing danger; to take the place of a fallen defender or supporter.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
stand up and be countedTo take significant individual action to help a group effort.Rate it:

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Early ________ catches the worm.
A fig
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C tiger
D lion