
Phrases related to: all hands on deck Page #10

Yee yee! We've found 962 phrases and idioms matching all hands on deck.

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God's gift to manSomeone irresistible to men, someone whom all men find attractive.Rate it:

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il faut à toute force l'empêcher de sortirYou must prevent him going out by all the means in your power; We must do all we can to prevent him going out.Rate it:

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In the LimelightAll eyes on someone, all focus and attention on particular person or thingRate it:

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it's Greek to meAlternative form of it's all Greek to meRate it:

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or elseGo now, or else you'll have to stay all night.Rate it:

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Santa's workshopThe mythical structure, usually envisioned as located at the North Pole, where Santa Claus and a large number of capable elves work tirelessly and gladly year-round to produce all of the toys and other gifts to be delivered throughout the world on Christmas Day.Rate it:

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stroke of workWith "do not do a", to do none of the assigned task at all.Rate it:

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tooth and nailViciously; with all one’s strength or power; without holding back..Rate it:

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voice in the wildernessA person, publication, or other source of assertions that expresses an opinion, doctrine, or point of view which is ignored or rejected by almost all others; the actual utterance of an unpopular opinion, doctrine, or point of view.Rate it:

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(supinas) manus ad caelum tendereto raise the hands to heaven (attitude of prayer).Rate it:

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à l'en croire il a eu tous les prixIf he is to be believed he won all the prizes.Rate it:

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à l'impossible nul n'est tenuThere is no doing impossibilities; No living man all things can.Rate it:

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à plus forte raisonAll the more reason; A fortiori.Rate it:

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à telle fin que de raisonAt all events; At any rate.Rate it:

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a todo custoat all costs; whatever it takesRate it:

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à tous ceux qu'il appartiendraTo all whom it may concern.Rate it:

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à tout prixat all costs, by any means, no matter whatRate it:

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ABCA straightforward, uniform playing style, often focusing on betting for value, folding weak hands, and avoiding bluffing.Rate it:

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across the boardPertaining to all categories or things.Rate it:

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actum est de meit's all over with me; I'm a lost man.Rate it:

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ad omnes casus se comparareto prepare oneself for all contingencies.Rate it:

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ad omnes casus subsidia comparareto be prepared for all that may come.Rate it:

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adieu paniers, vendanges sont faitesYou come too late, it is all over.Rate it:

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adopt a positive agendaThousands of successful individuals maintain their goals have been achieved mainly because of their positive attitudes in all challenging projects and situations.Rate it:

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AKICIFInitialism of all knowledge is contained in fanzines : a humorous allusion to the tendency of irrelevant topics to be discussed in venues ostensibly devoted to fandom.Rate it:

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alarums and excursionsAll the sounds and activities of preparations for war.Rate it:

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aliquem toto pectore, ut dicitur, amare (Leg. 18. 49)to love some one very dearly, with all one's heart.Rate it:

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altissimis montibus undique continerito be shut in on all sides by very high mountains.Rate it:

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amen to that!Amen offers a verbal agreement, an end-all to a prayer, a statement, an agreement in progress.Rate it:

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anaconda mortgageA loan arrangement in which all of the money borrowed from a lender, for whatever purpose, is secured by one's home, land, and other property.Rate it:

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and his motherServes as an intensifier for an inclusive noun or phrase such as everyone, anyone, each someone or all someones.Rate it:

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animum a voluptate sevocareto hold aloof from all amusement.Rate it:

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animus meus ad dolorem obduruit (Fam. 2. 16. 1)I have become callous to all pain.Rate it:

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APDTAInitialism of all people don't think alike.Rate it:

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APDTAInitialism of all praises due to Allah.Rate it:

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APDTAInitialism of all patriots don't trust America.Rate it:

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arbitrio alicuius omnia permittereto put the matter entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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around robin hood's barnAll over the place.Rate it:

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assume the positionTo turn away, with your hands in a visible and unmovable position so that you can be searchedRate it:

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au bout du compteUpon the whole; After all.Rate it:

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avast there!Attention all hands!Rate it:

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avoid like the plagueTo shun, or evade if at all possible.Rate it:

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AWALTInitialism of All Women Are Like ThatRate it:

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away with the fairiesNot with it, dreaming, not all there.Rate it:

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AYBABTUInitialism of all your base are belong to us.Rate it:

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bag and baggageAll one's possessions.Rate it:

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bagatelles que tout celaThat is all stuff and nonsense.Rate it:

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bang strawA nick name for a thresher, but applied to all the servants of a farmer.Rate it:

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bas les mainsHands off.Rate it:

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be the way to goRepresent the best of all possible options or courses of action; pre-eminate over all other choices or alternatives.Rate it:

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People with light blond hair are also known as...
A sister golden hair
B pool babies
C sunlight children
D towheaded