
Phrases related to: some enchanted evening Page #10

Yee yee! We've found 674 phrases and idioms matching some enchanted evening.

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nomen suum posteritati aliqua re commendare, propagare, prodereto win renown amongst posterity by some act.Rate it:

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nose out of jointAn emotional state where someone is in a bad mood because he/she has been offended by or taken exception (objected) to some action.Rate it:

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not do someone any favorsTo reflect badly on or to hurt in some way.Rate it:

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not wanted on voyageA phrase used on destination tags for some of a ship passengers' baggage, for goods that were to be stored in the ship's hold, rather than kept available in the passenger's cabin, or "Wanted in Stateroom"Rate it:

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nuptam esse cum aliquo or alicuito be married to some one.Rate it:

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obviam venire alicuito go to meet some one.Rate it:

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obvium or obviam esse, obviam fierito meet some one by chance.Rate it:

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oculi in vultu alicuius habitanthis eyes are always fixed on some one's face.Rate it:

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odio, invidiae esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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odium alicuius inflammareto kindle hatred in a person's heart; to fill some one with hatred (not implere, vid. sect. IX. 2, note gaudio...).Rate it:

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odium inveteratum habere in aliquem (Vat. 3. 6)to cherish an inveterate animosity against some one.Rate it:

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off the gridIsolated; in a remote location; in seclusion; not participating in some official process or system.Rate it:

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off to the racesIn or into a process of energetic engagement in some activity; in or into a phase of conspicuously increasing satisfaction or success.Rate it:

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offendere aliquem, alicuius animumto hurt some one's feelings.Rate it:

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officiosum esse in aliquemto be courteous, obliging to some one.Rate it:

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oh dark hundredSome unspecified hour in the early morning.Rate it:

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old man stuffWe all have aches and pains once we reach a certain age. Part of the cost of growing older. My trainer uses this phrase when I complain about some age related pain , like my arthritis.Rate it:

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omnes ad vitam copias suppeditare alicuito provide some one with a livelihood.Rate it:

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omnium rerum arbitrium alicui permittereto put the matter entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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on a kickHaving a period of enthusiasm towards some activity.Rate it:

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on ne peut manier le beurre qu'on ne se graisse les doigtsOne cannot touch pitch without soiling one’s fingers; If you have to do with money, some will stick.Rate it:

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on the clockWorking at one's job; occupied in some manner during one's hours of remunerated employment.Rate it:

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on the edge of one's seatIn suspense; waiting eagerly or anxiously for some resolution.Rate it:

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on the wagonBy extension, maintaining a program of self-improvement or abstinence from some other undesirable habit.Rate it:

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on the wholeFor the most part; apart from some insignificant details.Rate it:

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one of these daysOne day, some day (especially in warning of a negative consequence).Rate it:

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one's days are numberedSome period of time, such as a term of employment or a lifetime, is coming to an end.Rate it:

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one-night standAn occasion when a performer or team of them expects to perform at a theater for a single evening.Rate it:

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ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny(biology, social sciences, art, philosophy) The physical, cultural, moral, or intellectual development of each individual passes through stages similar to the developmental stages of that individual's species, society, or civilization.1905, J. A. Harris, "The Importance of Investigations of Seedling Stages," Science, New Series, vol. 22, no. 554, p. 186:With reference to seedling stages the statement that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny must be made with great reserve.1961, M. E. Wolfgang, "Pioneers in Criminology: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)," The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 367:Haeckel maintained that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, and this idea was incorporated by Lombroso into his parallelism between the criminal and the child.2002, B. S. Jackson, "Models in Legal History: The Case of Biblical Law," Journal of Law and Religion, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 11:For even if we accept that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," those responsible for the drafting of ancient legal documents were not children, and are hardly to be endowed with some form of infantile mentality.Rate it:

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open seasonA situation in which or period of time during which some activity or circumstance routinely occurs.Rate it:

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open the floodgatesTo allow some action to proceed more swiftly or to a greater extentRate it:

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operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquemto become a pupil, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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originem ab aliquo trahere, ducereto trace one's descent from some one.Rate it:

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Out in the BoondocksSome place far away, in remote placesRate it:

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out of house and homeIn a manner that deprives one of dwelling or some aspect thereof.Rate it:

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out of itNot participating in some trend or group.Rate it:

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out on one's earFired, dismissed or thrown out, especially for some wrongdoing or otherwise with disgrace.Rate it:

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outer coreThe hot liquid material found near the centre of some planets, distinct from the solid inner core.(geology) The part of the Earth between the mantle and inner core, responsible for generating the planet's magnetic field.Rate it:

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outside worldThe rest of the world outside of some closed, restricted, or remote environment.Rate it:

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pacem facere cum aliquoto make peace with some one.Rate it:

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pacis condiciones dare, dicere alicui (Liv. 29. 12)to dictate the terms of peace to some one.Rate it:

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pactionem facere cum aliquo (Sall. Iug. 40)to conclude a treaty with some one.Rate it:

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partes agere alicuiusto play the part of some one.Rate it:

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paucorum dierum spatium ad deliberandum dareto give some one a few days for reflection.Rate it:

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pay through the noseTo pay a high price, especially an exorbitant or excessive amount, either in money or in some other manner.Rate it:

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pecunia multare aliquemto condemn some one to a fine.Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui credere (sine fenore, usuris)to lend some one money (without interest).Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui debereto owe some one money.Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui mutuam dareto lend money to some one.Rate it:

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pecuniam mutuari or sumere mutuam ab aliquoto borrow money from some one.Rate it:

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She passed that exam by the skin of her ________.
A hair
B nails
C feet
D teeth