
Phrases related to: wildfire: spread like wildfire Page #11

Yee yee! We've found 536 phrases and idioms matching wildfire: spread like wildfire.

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the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:

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the whole nine yardsAnd everything. Often used, like etc., to finish out a list.Rate it:

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there you have it, folksA tagline commonly used after someone ends a news piece, shows a clip of something, etc; often said at the conclusion of a piece of news, an explanation, a scenario, etc. signifying the end of it or like saying, "There, we brought it to you", "That's what happened" like a stamp off approval that "This is what we found"Rate it:

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Through the GrapevineSpreading of the message in an informal manner; rumors about something or spread of a confidential infoRate it:

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tickle the ivoriesI don't have as much time as I'd like, but I still enjoy tickling the ivories from time to time.Rate it:

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tintlikeThe carshades that look like a tinted windowsRate it:

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tipo assimlikeRate it:

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to give a person lineTo allow a person more or less liberty until it is convenient to stop or check him/her, like a hooked fish that swims away with the line.Rate it:

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tomato, tomatoThis expression is pronounced like toe-may-toe, toe-mat-toe. Saying tomato two different ways like this means that something can be either of two things since the two things are basically the same; makes no difference; alternate spelling: tomayto, tomahtoRate it:

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tricherie revient à son maîtreCurses, like chickens, come home to roost.Rate it:

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tu me payeras de gré ou de forceYou shall pay me, whether you like it or not.Rate it:

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turn-offA road where one turns off like a motorway exit.Rate it:

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type outTo be rejected as an actor because of categorical factors like height, race and general appearance, rather than acting ability.Rate it:

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une face de carêmeA sad, pale, woe-begone face (like that of one who has fasted all Lent).Rate it:

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up topWhen someone says "up top" to you they are asking you to give them a high five--to tapthe palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "high five" or "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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vel sim.Or the like; or similar.Rate it:

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ventus ignem distulit (B. G. 5. 43)the wind spread the conflagration.Rate it:

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voilà comme vous êtesThat is just like you.Rate it:

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voilà un discours qui n'est pas piqué des versThat’s a fine speech if you like [lit. not worm-eaten.]Rate it:

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voilà un nom à coucher dehors (avec un billet de logement dans la poche)That’s a name too ugly for words; That’s an outlandish name if you like.Rate it:

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voulez-vous coucher avec moiWould you like to sleep with me?Rate it:

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vous êtes orfèvre, monsieur josse!That is a bit of special pleading; That is not disinterested advice; There’s nothing like leather!Rate it:

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walk on waterTo be able to perform god-like or superhuman feats.Rate it:

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walk the walkAct competently, like an expert.Rate it:

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what's your poisonUsed to ask someone what alcoholic beverage they would like to drink.Rate it:

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who are youShort for: Who are you and what have you done with {the person I know--ie. my friend, my wife, etc, whatever relationship you have with the listener) Besides the normal meaning to ask who someone is, this phrase is something usually said in jest ( jokingly) to someone when they are acting very differently than normal; to insinuate or assert that they aren't acting like themselves or that they have become a different personRate it:

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wishful thinkingThe illusion that what one would like is actually true.Rate it:

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with one voiceIn a mutually agreeing or like-minded manner; concordantly.Rate it:

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WLTMInitialism of would like to meet.Rate it:

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you don't know shit from shinola1. Like calling someone ignorant 2. Often said in reference to something specific, the person saying this phrase is expressing that they don't think the subject of their complaint knows what they are talking about, or doesn't know what they are doing or that they don't know anything at all 3. Same as the phrase: "You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground"Rate it:

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your on my last nerveTo be annoying someone so much they feel like they’re going to explodeRate it:

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вы мне нравитесьI like youRate it:

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וכדומהet cetera, and the likeRate it:

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日日如是Everyday is like this.Rate it:

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槓鈴般的笑聲“barbell-like laughter”; Used to refer big laughter.Rate it:

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神馬都是浮雲All things are of no consequence, just like floating clouds. / Everything is nothing.Rate it:

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Wise _____ owl.
A old
B feathered
C bearded
D night