
Phrases related to: all hands on deck Page #13

Yee yee! We've found 962 phrases and idioms matching all hands on deck.

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être gros jean comme devantTo be no better off than one was before, in spite of all one’s efforts.Rate it:

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every which wayAll over; in every direction.Rate it:

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everybody who is anybodyAll of the people who are well-known or important, especially those who have prominent social standing.Rate it:

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everything seemed to fall right into place.after all that effort, it seemed to be made in the shadeRate it:

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evocare undique copiasto call up troops from all sides.Rate it:

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express elevatorA high-speed elevator that does not serve all floorsRate it:

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extorquere arma e manibusto wrest weapons from some one's hands.Rate it:

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extra, praeter modumbeyond all measure.Rate it:

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eye catchingTwo words which may have evolved from the marketing and advertising entities, The phrase says and sees it all, appeals only to the sighted.Rate it:

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faire force de ramesTo row with all one’s might.Rate it:

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faire force de voilesTo crowd on all sail.Rate it:

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faire les cent coupsTo amuse oneself noisily; To play all sorts of tricks.Rate it:

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faire maison neuve (or, nette)To change all one’s servants.Rate it:

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Fanny AdamsNothing (sanitized version of fuck all).Rate it:

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feed a cold, starve a feverEating more will cure the common cold, and eating less will cure a fever.1887, J. H. Whelan, "The Treatment of Colds.", The Practitioner, vol. 38, pg. 180:"Feed a cold, starve a fever." There is a deal of wisdom in the first part of this advice. A person with a catarrh should take an abundance of light nutritious food, and some light wine, but avoid spirits, and above all tobacco.1968, Katinka Loeser, The Archers at Home, publ. Atheneum, New York, pg. 60:I have a cold. 'Feed a cold, starve a fever.' You certainly know that.2009, Shelly Reuben, Tabula Rasa, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, ISBN 015101079X, pg. 60:They say feed a cold, starve a fever, but they don't tell you what to do when you got both, so I figured scrambled eggs, tea, and toast.Rate it:

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field dayTop-to-bottom all-hands cleaning.Rate it:

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finish withTo put aside, break all relations with, or reject finally.Rate it:

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Four Corners of the EarthFrom all across the world, from all over the placeRate it:

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from here to sundayEverywhere; all over the place.Rate it:

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From Soup to NutsHaving all from beginning to endRate it:

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full of fuzzy logicAssertions, proclamations, white papers, theses, replete with wide ranging extrapolations, speculations, all lacking the crispness and contrast of 'black and white' logic.Rate it:

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full of himself/herselfThe self-centered individual awash with a smattering of ego expresses an all-knowing, all familiar, par excellence in the extreme. If someone said this about themselves, you could say that they are full of themselves, or "He's full of himself."Rate it:

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full of himself/herself:The self-centered individual awash with a smattering of 'ego' expresses an 'all-knowing', 'all familiar', par excellence in the extreme:Rate it:

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full-fledgedHaving all its feathers; able to fly.Rate it:

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game overA message usually signaling that the player failed a computer or video game, for example by losing all of their lives, although the phrase sometimes follows the score after successful completion of a game.Rate it:

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gentilall very wellRate it:

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get out of dodgeTo leave; in particular to leave a difficult or dangerous environment with all possible haste.Rate it:

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get out while the getting's goodTo sell all or part of one's holdings in stocks, real estate, a business, etc. while conditions are good, particularly in anticipation of a drop in prices.Rate it:

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go belowTo go below deck on a ship; to leave the top deck of a ship.Rate it:

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go out on the townTo party all night long.Rate it:

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go to the wallTo make an all-out effort.Rate it:

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go upstairsTo request a decision by the third umpire (traditionally by making a sign of a TV set with the hands)Rate it:

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God does not play dice with the universeThe course of all events is predetermined.Rate it:

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gong showAn event that was a disaster, often in a way that is fun or memorable. (e.g. "Last night, we all went drinking, and the whole thing turned into a total gong show.") Or, an initially serious event that went completely out of control (e.g. "That biology class was a gong show")Rate it:

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good to goEverything is all set; we can proceed.Rate it:

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gouty-handedSuffering from gout in the hands.Rate it:

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hand over handby passing the hands alternately one before or above the other, especially with ropeRate it:

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have a handle on itUnderstand all the minute details, the goal, the dangers, the possible glitches, the possible adversarial action.Rate it:

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have eyes in the back of one's headTo be particularly, especially uncannily, observant; a perceived ability to see in all directions at once.Rate it:

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have had itTo have endured all that one can.Rate it:

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have it madeTo have accomplished all there is to do; to have no further work or difficulty; to have achieved a lifestyle characterized by good fortune and comfort.Rate it:

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histoire (or, chansons) que tout cela!That is all stuff and nonsense.Rate it:

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hit one out of the ballparkTo hit a fair ball so well that the ball flies over all of the spectators' seats and lands outside the stadium.Rate it:

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hors de pairBeyond all comparison; Above the level of others.Rate it:

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if the shoe fitsMore common version of the original "If the shoe fits, wear it"; If it has all of the characteristics of a thing, it probably is that thing.Rate it:

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il a fait jouer tous les ressortsHe used all the means in his power.Rate it:

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il a fait la noce toute la semaineHe has had a high old time of it all the week; He has been on the spree all the week.Rate it:

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il a jeté tout son feu1. His anger is over now. 2. He has used up all his ideas.Rate it:

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il a les mains nettes (fig.)He is honest; His hands are clean.Rate it:

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il connaît paris comme sa pocheHe knows Paris perfectly; He knows all the ins and outs of Paris; His knowledge of Paris is extensive and peculiar.Rate it:

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The _____ has no clothes.
A queen
B jester
C king
D emperor