
Phrases related to: two less lonely people in the world Page #19

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side wallEither of the two parallel walls in a racquetball or squash court, perpendicular to the front wall; either of the walls on the side of the court.Rate it:

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sift outTo isolate or identify one particular thing from a collection that includes less relevant things.Rate it:

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sign upTo add a name to the list of people who are participating in something.Rate it:

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sign upTo add one's own name to the list of people who are participating in somethingRate it:

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six degrees of separationpeople are all connected by, at most, six degrees of separation.Rate it:

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six of one, half dozen of anotherIt makes no difference, they're still the same This expression is sometimes said a little differently, but is all the same no matter how it is said. Sometimes people say "half dozen" and sometimes "half a dozen " Also, sometimes the expression is "six of one, half dozen of THE other" and sometimes it is said, "six of one, half a dozen of ANother."Rate it:

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Skeleton in Your ClosetA shocking secret people do not like to reveal, something shameful kept in secretRate it:

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skip ropeTo jump over a rope, both of whose ends are held by the jumper or by two others, while the rope is moved under the jumper's feet in a continual rhythm; to play the game of jump rope or exercise by jumping rope.Rate it:

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slacken offTo slacken or lessen; to become less intense.Rate it:

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slacken offTo do less intensely.Rate it:

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slap downTo browbeat or reprimand someone harshly, usually in front of other people.Rate it:

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smarten upTo become less stupid or naiveRate it:

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smarten upTo make less stupid or naiveRate it:

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snakes and laddersany situation in which people or events go forward and backward, seemingly at randomRate it:

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snitches get stitchesPeople who snitch or tattle will in return receive repercussions.Rate it:

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snow outTo prevent people entering somewhere, because of snow.Rate it:

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social deathThe alienation of certain people from society to the point of being forgotten, excluded, or ignored in society.Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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sophie's choiceFrom a movie. Choosing between two unthinkable options. Sophie had to select which child lived/died.Rate it:

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speak another vesselMy Captain signaled with pennants',/came within hailing distance 'spoke with megaphone. He learned SKIPPER of upwind ship/Mandarin/ two masted schooner es 'Mandarin's Skipper's spouse aboard as assistant navigator:Rate it:

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spell offIn a spelling bee, of two or more participants, to spell words one after the other until a champion is determined. Usually refers to a series of rounds of spelling in which no spellers are eliminated.Rate it:

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split the differenceTo choose an option or take a position roughly midway between two opposed alternatives; to compromise.Rate it:

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stake outTo watch a location and/or people, generally covertly.Rate it:

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state of the unionAddress given by US president annually in January to explain to the country the current status of the US government, and how it relates to the worldRate it:

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Stir up a Hornet's NestTo stimulate or stir people to get angry or annoyed, to cause a great problem, to invite dangerRate it:

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suck and blowTo perform two incompatible actions; to hold views which are in contradiction.Rate it:

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superi; inferithe gods of the upper, lower world.Rate it:

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swim with sharksTo operate among dangerous people.Rate it:

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tag teamTwo or more people or groups acting alternately to accomplish some task.Rate it:

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take a back seatTo be second to someone or something; to be less important or have a lower priority.Rate it:

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take a turnTo participate in an activity involving two or more participants.Rate it:

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take the red pillTo understand the world in its previously unknown reality.Rate it:

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take this job and shove ita way of telling your boss that you are quitting your job; something people say before they quit their job or about quitting their jobRate it:

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tal para cualtwo peas in a pod, two of a kindRate it:

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talk of the townA subject discussed by many people.Rate it:

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task forceA group of people working towards a particular task, project, or activity, especially assigned in a particular capacity.Rate it:

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tear alongTo break something into two pieces by separating at a line of perforations.Rate it:

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telephone tagA situation in which a person unsuccessfully attempts to contact another person by telephone and leaves a message instead, and in which the second person then unsuccessfully attempts to return the initial call and leaves a message for the first person, and so on as if the two are playing a game of tag in which the most recent person to have been left with a message is now designated as "it" (i.e. as the player now obliged to chase the other and to attempt anew to make contact).Rate it:

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TEOTWAWKIThe end of the world as we know it.Rate it:

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Thatcher's childrenPeople who grew up or were born in the United Kingdom during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990) and who adopted the ideology of Thatcherism.Rate it:

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the devil looks after his ownBad people often prosper unfairly, because the devil helps them.Rate it:

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the grass is always greener on the other sideWhen one views other people's lives or situations as better than your own.Rate it:

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the map is not the territoryOur models of the world, and our sensations of the world, are not the true world.Rate it:

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the measure of society is how it treats its weakest membersSocieties who help and take care of those who are the most in need are worth more than societies who don't or who even mistreat those who are in need--the least of them--much less help them.Rate it:

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the natives are restlessA group of agitated people—such as a set of residents, customers, or citizens—is expressing annoyance, distress, or other discomposure.Rate it:

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the rain in spain stays mainly in the plainEnglish people use this phrase to try to "correct" people's accents to speak what they like to call "proper" English by changing the way words in this sentence are pronounced.Rate it:

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the shoe is on the other footThe roles of people in a situation have been reversed, such the advantage has shifted to a party which was previously disadvantaged.Rate it:

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there must be something in the waterThere are so many cases of something; there are so many people or things doing a particular thing or having a certain trait.Rate it:

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there's a sucker born every minuteThere are a great number of fools in the world, and there always be.Rate it:

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there's no accounting for tasteWhen it comes to subjective matters of taste, people have wildly different opinions.Disagreements about matters of taste can't be objectively resolved.Rate it:

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