
Phrases related to: deep-sea Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 145 phrases and idioms matching deep-sea.

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animal domésticoAnimal criado y condicionado para ser usado o aprovechado por el ser humano, que generalmente ha sido modificado por selección genética. El hombre aprovecha de estos sus productos, su trabajo asi como cualquier otra característica que le sea de utilidad.Rate it:

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ask my arseA common reply to any question; still deemed wit at sea, and formerly at court, under the denomination of selling bargains.Rate it:

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at seaOn the ocean or sea, typically of a ship or person aboard a ship.Rate it:

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at seaConfused, lost, or adrift; bewildered.Rate it:

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au largeIn the open sea. Rate it:

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bendito sea Diosgood Lord, good heavensRate it:

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaTo be in a very dangerous situation and not knowing what to do, Or to be involved in some precarious situation that has bad results or outcomeRate it:

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bow and scrapeTo make a deep bow with the right leg drawn back (thus scraping the floor), left hand pressed across the abdomen, right arm held aside.Rate it:

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bow and scrapeA deep formal bow with right leg drawn back touching the ground.Rate it:

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break groundTo lift off the sea bottom when being weighed.Rate it:

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bred-in-the-boneFirmly established or instilled; deep-seated.Rate it:

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brown studyA melancholy mood accompanied by deep thought; a moody daydream.Rate it:

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c'est un vieux loup de merHe is an old sea dog.Rate it:

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c'est une fine moucheHe is a sly dog, a deep one.Rate it:

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cast adriftTo abandon a ship at seaRate it:

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cet homme est un puits de scienceHe is a man of deep learning.Rate it:

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chestnutOf a deep reddish-brown colour, like that of a chestnut.Rate it:

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chew the cudTo meditate or ponder before answering; to be deep in thought; to ruminate.Rate it:

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Chew Your CudTo have a detailed analysis about anything or to think about something in a very deep mannerRate it:

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conch don't grow on treesmeat that comes out of sea shellsRate it:

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cupón de descuentoparte de un aviso, ya sea impreso o virtual por internet que da el derecho pero no la obligación a recibir un descuento en la compra de un servicio o producto.Rate it:

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dar poraceptar o considerar que una persona o cosa es o está como se dice, sin confirmarlo, o antes de que sea así.Rate it:

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de quita y ponExpresión utilizada en para referirse a un objeto que se puede colocar, poner, adosar, etc o lo inverso con algun medio ya sean botones, velcro, tornillos, cremalleras, o cualquier método de fijación que no sea permanente.Rate it:

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dead asleepSleeping in a deep sleepRate it:

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deliver the message to garcia...heaves in a deep breath, gathers himself as though he's crossed a continent to deliver the message to Garcia.Rate it:

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do quieraEn cualquier parte. Donde sea o en el lugar que se quiera.Rate it:

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dolor infixus animo haeret (Phil. 2. 26)grief has struck deep into his soul.Rate it:

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donde quieraEn cualquier parte. Donde sea o en el lugar que se quiera.Rate it:

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en buen romanceDicho con claridad y de manera que sea comprensible para todos.Rate it:

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en líneaSe usa este término cuando nos referimos a realizar cualquier actividad dentro de internet, bien sea en una página web, un portal o un sitio web.Rate it:

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ensayo ciegoEstudio médico en el que el paciente no sabe que medicamento se le está administrando, ya sea el fármaco objeto del estudio o una sustancia placebo.Rate it:

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entre le marteau et l'enclumebetween a rock and a hard place; between the devil and the deep blue seaRate it:

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être entre l'enclume et le marteauTo be in a dilemma; To be between the devil and the deep sea.Rate it:

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fast asleepSleeping, in a deep sleep.Rate it:

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figura retóricaEstrategia, recurso, giro o forma que se aplica al lenguaje, sea a nivel de pensamiento, de significado, de pronunciación o de construcción gramatical, para producir cierto efecto expresivo. Se conoce también como figura literaria, discursiva, de estilo, o recurso estilístico.Rate it:

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geografía regionalRama de la Geografía que estudia de forma concreta una porción de la superficie terrestre ya sea un área, un país o una región.Rate it:

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get up inTo have sexual intercourse with deep penetration.Rate it:

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go to seaTo become a sailorRate it:

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heavy hitterA player with a favorable batting average who is especially good at hitting the ball deep into the outfield or farther.Rate it:

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hemisferio cerebralCada una de los dos mitades, izquierda y derecha, en que se divide el cerebro. Se caracterizan por controlar el lado opuesto del cuerpo, por tener algún grado de especialización en ciertos mecanismos cognitivos, así como porque la predominancia de un hemisferio sobre el otro hace que una persona sea diestra o zurda.Rate it:

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hoc verbum alte descendit in pectus alicuiuswhat he said made a deep impression on...Rate it:

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huelga de hambreForma de protesta hecha por una o más personas, que consiste en dejar de ingerir alimentos durante el tiempo que haga falta hasta que lo que se solicita sea atendido o aceptado.Rate it:

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hush puppieswhen not capitalized, hush puppies are deep fried balls of cornmeal batter, a side dish popular in the southeast U.S. often served with seafood; See also Hush Puppies (the phrase when it is capitalized has a different meaning)Rate it:

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il a le pied marinHe has got his sea-legs; He is a good sailor.Rate it:

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il n'est pire eau que l'eau qui dortStill waters run deep.Rate it:

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in cogitatione defixum esseto be deep in thought.Rate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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je ne m'y reconnais plusI don’t know where I am, what I am about; I am quite at sea.Rate it:

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killA creek; a body of water; a channel or arm of the sea.Rate it:

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laissez faireEstilo de liderazgo, donde el líder proporciona muy poca o ninguna guía a sus subordinados y les otorga libertad tanta como sea posible, los subordinados deben tomar decisiones y resolver problemas por ellos mismos.Rate it:

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She's a real ___________ in the rough, that one.
A gem
B jewel
C ruby
D diamond