
Phrases related to: gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 412 phrases and idioms matching gratiam alicui referre (meritam, debitam) pro aliqua re.

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quid pro quoSomething understood as something else; an equivocation.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
verbum pro verbo reddereto translate literally, word for word (not verbo tenus).Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
argumentum immortalitatis afferre (not pro)to quote an argument in favour of immortality.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
bellum pro religionibus susceptuma religious war.Rate it:

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causam dicere pro aliquoto defend a person.Rate it:

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ex, pro meritoaccording to a man's deserts.Rate it:

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falsa (pro veris) dicereto tell lies.Rate it:

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hoc est a (pro) methis goes to prove what I say.Rate it:

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ignem excitare (pro Mur. 25. 51)to make up, stir up a fire.Rate it:

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illud pro certo affirmare licetthis much I can vouch for.Rate it:

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mortem occumbere pro patriato die for one's country.Rate it:

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nullum periculum recusare proto avoid no risk in order to...Rate it:

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pro aris et focis pugnare, certare, dimicareto fight for hearth and home.Rate it:

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pro consule in Ciliciam proficiscito go to Cilicia as pro-consul.Rate it:

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pro lege dicereto support a bill (before the people).Rate it:

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pro maleficiis beneficia reddereto return good for evil.Rate it:

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pro testimonio dicereto state as evidence.Rate it:

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pro victimis homines immolareto sacrifice human victims.Rate it:

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pro viribus eniti et laborare, utto strain every nerve, do one's utmost in a matter.Rate it:

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pro virili parte (cf. sect. V. 22.)as well as I can; to the best of my ability.Rate it:

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quid pro quo(law) A form of sexual discrimination where a person implicitly or explicitly offers something in exchange for sexual favours.Rate it:

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quid pro quoan equal exchange.Rate it:

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res ipsa (pro me apud te) loquiturthe matter speaks for itself.Rate it:

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sanguinem suum pro patria effundere or profundereto shed one's blood for one's fatherland.Rate it:

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se morti offerre pro salute patriaeto sacrifice oneself for one's country.Rate it:

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sponsionem facere, sponsorem esse pro aliquoto be security for some one.Rate it:

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stationes agere pro portisto be on duty before the gates.Rate it:

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testimonium dicere pro aliquoto give evidence on some one's behalf.Rate it:

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vitam profundere pro patriato sacrifice oneself for one's country.Rate it:

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when the going gets weird, the weird turn proIn times of change or upheaval, anyone can make a legitimate business from their own personal vision, however different it may be.Rate it:

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causa posita est in aliqua rethe motive, cause, is to be found in...Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
a consilio deterreri aliqua reto be deterred from one's intention by something.Rate it:

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ab aliqua re proficiscito originate in, arise from.Rate it:

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ad felicitatem (magnus) cumulus accedit ex aliqua rehis crowning happiness is produced by a thing; the culminating point of his felicity is...Rate it:

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adduci aliqua re (ad aliquid or ut...)to be induced by a consideration.Rate it:

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alicuius animum ab aliqua re abducereto draw away some one's attention from a thing.Rate it:

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aliqua ex parteto a certain extent.Rate it:

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aliqua re moveri, commoverito be moved by a thing.Rate it:

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aliquid efficere, consequi in aliqua re (De Or. 1. 33. 152)to obtain a result in something.Rate it:

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animum relaxare, reficere, recreare or simply se reficere, se recreare, refici, recreari (ex aliqua re)to recruit oneself, seek relaxation.Rate it:

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appellare tribunos plebis (in aliqua re a praetore) (Liv. 2. 55)to appeal to the plebeian tribunes against a praetor's decision.Rate it:

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assuefactus or assuetus aliqua reaccustomed to a thing.Rate it:

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benevolentiam, favorem, voluntatem alicuius sibi conciliare or colligere (ex aliqua re)to find favour with some one; to get into their good graces.Rate it:

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causa repetenda est ab aliqua re (not quaerenda)the motive, cause, is to be found in...Rate it:

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certiorem facere aliquem (alicuius rei or de aliqua re)to inform a person.Rate it:

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cohaerere, coniunctum esse cum aliqua reto be closely connected with a thing.Rate it:

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concludere, colligere, efficere, cogere ex aliqua reto draw a conclusion from a thing.Rate it:

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coniecturam alicuius rei facere or capere ex aliqua reto infer by comparison, judge one thing by another.Rate it:

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conqueri, expostulare cum aliquo de aliqua reto expostulate with a person about a thing.Rate it:

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consilium capere, inire (de aliqua re, with Gen. gerund., with Inf., more rarely ut)to form a plan, make a resolution.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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