
Phrases related to: have i got a deal for you Page #26

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asfInitialism of age-sex-from : what is your age, what sex are you, and where are you from?Rate it:

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ashes to ashes, dust to dustyou are made of dust and return to ashes and dust after passing away.Rate it:

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assume the positionTo turn away, with your hands in a visible and unmovable position so that you can be searchedRate it:

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at a pinchBy the skin of one’s teeth; only just; Deo volente; perhaps; if you’re lucky..Rate it:

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até maissee you laterRate it:

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até mais versee you laterRate it:

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attendez-moi sous l'ormeYou may wait for me till doomsday.Rate it:

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attendez-vous-yYou may depend upon it; (or, ironic.) Don’t you wish you may get it!Rate it:

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attrape!1. Catch! 2. Take that! 3. It serves you right.Rate it:

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au temps!As you were! (military command).Rate it:

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auctore aliquo uti ad aliquidto have as authority for a thing.Rate it:

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auctorem aliquem habere alicuius reito have as authority for a thing.Rate it:

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auf einem Bein kann man nicht stehenused to encourage someone to have another drink after their firstRate it:

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autant prendre la lune avec les dentsYou might just as well try and scale the moon.Rate it:

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avez-vous besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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avez-vous des frères et sœursdo you have any brothers or sisters?Rate it:

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avoir affaire à quelqu'unTo have to speak to (to deal with) a person.Rate it:

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avoir d'une chose à revendreTo have more than enough of a thing.Rate it:

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avoir dans la peauto be infatuated with; to have a crush onRate it:

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avoir des cornesto have been cuckolded, to have been cheated on.Rate it:

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avoir des raisons avec quelqu'unTo have words with any one; To quarrel with any one.Rate it:

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avoir des yeux derrière la têteto have eyes in the back of one's headRate it:

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avoir du bicepsto have well-developed musclesRate it:

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avoir du monde au balconto be stacked, to have big breastsRate it:

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avoir la berlue (fam.)To see things which do not exist; To have a wrong idea of anything.Rate it:

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avoir la main verteto have a green thumb, to have green fingers, to be green-fingered.Rate it:

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avoir la poisseto have chronic bad luckRate it:

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avoir la tête dans les nuagesto have one's head in the cloudsRate it:

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avoir le cafardTo have the blues, to feel blueRate it:

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avoir le compas dans l'œilTo have a good eye for distances.Rate it:

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avoir le compas dans l'œil (fam.)To have a good eye for distances.Rate it:

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avoir les coudées franches(lit.) To have elbow-room; (fig.) To have full scope.Rate it:

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avoir maille à partir avec quelqu'unTo have a bone to pick (a crow to pluck) with some one.Rate it:

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avoir mal aux cheveux (fam.)To have a head (i.e. a head-ache in the morning after a drinking bout.)Rate it:

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avoir mangé du lionto have eaten lionRate it:

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avoir pignon sur rueTo have a house of one’s own.Rate it:

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avoir quinte et quatorzeTo have the game in one’s own hand.Rate it:

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avoir son affaireTo have what suits one.Rate it:

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avoir son pain cuitTo have one’s bread and cheese, a competency.Rate it:

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avoir toujours la bourse à la mainTo have always one’s hand in one’s pocket.Rate it:

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avoir un chat dans la gorgeTo have phlegm (or, frog) in the throat; To be hoarse.Rate it:

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avoir une araignée dans le (or, au) plafondTo have a bee in one’s bonnet.Rate it:

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avoir une dent contreto have it in for, have a bone to pick withRate it:

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avoir une tête et des jambesto have a combination of intelligence and athleticismRate it:

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awesome possumSomething you say in response to something.Rate it:

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ax to grindTo have some selfish reasons to say or do something, to get a favor from another person greedilyRate it:

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AYTInitialism of are you there? : a telnet command sequence sent from client to server to verify that the connection is still active.Rate it:

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back at yaEye dialect spelling of back at you.Rate it:

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Bark Up the Wrong TreeTo have a wrong guess or idea about someone or some situation, efforts and attentions being diverted in a wrong directionRate it:

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be in a spot of botherTo have a slight problem, to be in a predicament.Rate it:

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A piranha
B herring
C mackerel
D tuna