
Phrases related to: start without you Page #27

Yee yee! We've found 2,276 phrases and idioms matching start without you.

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gut feelingAn instinct or intuition; an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale.Rate it:

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gut reactionAn instantaneous reaction made without thought.Rate it:

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haben Sie Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamenteare you allergic to any medications?Rate it:

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habla inglésdo you speak English?Rate it:

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hablas inglésdo you speak English?Rate it:

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Hands are TiedNot able to help or assist; stay away from doing what you are willing to do; helpless to do somethingRate it:

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hands upPut your hands up (if you wish to participate).Rate it:

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Hanging by a ThreadTo remain in insecure and risky situation, to take help of a very small to secure youRate it:

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happy New YearA wish said at and before the start of a new year to wish someone well for New Year or for the new year.Rate it:

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happy trailsan expression wishing someone a good journey (typically on a road or path); short for 'happy trails to you'; a way of saying goodbyeRate it:

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hast du Allergien gegen irgendwelche Medikamenteare you allergic to any medications?Rate it:

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hasta luegogoodbye, see you later, bye, take careRate it:

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hasta mañanagoodbye, see you tomorrow, until tomorrow.Rate it:

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hate abounds, eye's awaken/ still your heart, the grounds only quakin'The cumulative mindset of our human condition and how we affect matter without even realizing it, yet we fail or refuse to see exactly what’s we/you’re doing no matter the consequences.Rate it:

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hate yaSincerely I hate a person like youRate it:

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haters gonna hateCritics' opinions ultimately do not affect you and are unlikely to change, so ignore them.Rate it:

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have a mind of one's ownTo form one's personal opinions and choose one's actions without being governed by the views or choices of others; to be independently minded; to think for oneself.Rate it:

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have it your wayDo something the way you want to, but be prepared for the consequences.Rate it:

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have one's wayTo have sexual intercourse with, especially without the consent of one's partner.Rate it:

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have one's way withTo engage in sexual intercourse with, especially without the consent of one's partner.Rate it:

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have someone by the short hairsTo have someone in a difficult situation in which he or she is without alternatives and can be controlled.Rate it:

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hay que jodersewould you believe it; fuck meRate it:

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he aquívoilà; here you have; beholdRate it:

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head scratchersomething you can't figure out; a conundrum; something puzzling for which you don't know the answerRate it:

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healthy banterhaving different ideas in conversation without being meanRate it:

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Hear a Pin DropSoundless, muted, without any noise, complete silenceRate it:

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heard that!Something you wholeheartedly agree onRate it:

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high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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high horseTo show in your actions and expressions that you are superior to others, arrogant and haughtyRate it:

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hippo birdie two ewehappy birthday to youRate it:

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hit itStart performing; start playing a song, etc.Rate it:

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hit the nail on the head!To do something perfectly, to give a textbook answer to a question that shows you grasp the concept at hand.Rate it:

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hoc facile intellegi potestthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hoc in te reprehendo (not ob eam rem)I blame this in you; I censure you for this.Rate it:

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hoc mihi tecum convēnit (Att. 6. 1. 14)I agree with you there.Rate it:

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hoc per se intellegiturthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hoc sua sponte appāretthat is self-evident, goes without saying.Rate it:

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hold on to your seatPrepare for: something exciting or unexpected, e.g. a bumpy ride, a shocking revelation, “you may want to avert your eyes”Rate it:

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hold up one's endI'm holding up my end and you had better hold up yours.Rate it:

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home truthsTo be honest about something and tell it as it is, without holding anything back.Rate it:

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how bistHow are you? A generic greeting.Rate it:

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how do ye doAlternative form of how do you doRate it:

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how do?Shortened form of "How do you do?" ; emphasis on the word "do" when you say "How do?"Rate it:

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how much does it costWhat is its price?, How much money do you want for it?Rate it:

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how's it goinghow are you?Rate it:

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how's it hanginghow are you?Rate it:

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how's lifeAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are youRate it:

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how's thingsAn informal greeting roughly equivalent to how are you?Rate it:

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howdedoEye dialect spelling of how do you do.Rate it:

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hoy por ti, mañana por miyou scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursRate it:

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Inch by inch anything's ______.
A possible
B a cinch
C easier
D faster