
Phrases related to: atomic power Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 133 phrases and idioms matching atomic power.

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numen (deorum) divinumthe sovereign power of the gods.Rate it:

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out of one’s handsNo longer responsible for or in one’s power to controlRate it:

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Pen is Mightier than the SwordWords have more power than war, to influence with ones words not with fightRate it:

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penes aliquem esseto be in a person's power.Rate it:

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plebem continereto hold the people in one's power, in check.Rate it:

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potestas vitae necisquepower over life and death.Rate it:

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potestatem habet in aliquem vitae necisque (B. G. 1. 16. 5)he has power over life and death.Rate it:

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powers that beThe holders of power or the authorities in a given situation, especially as seen as being faceless or unreasonably bureaucratic.Rate it:

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Pull No PunchesTo hit something with great force and power, attacking something potently, to be honestRate it:

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pull the plugTo unplug or cut power.Rate it:

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put not your trust in princesA warning that men of power and influence can be just as fickle and unreliable as the rest of us.Rate it:

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religione obstrictos habere multitudinis animos (Liv. 6. 1. 10)to have power over the people by trading on their religious scruples.Rate it:

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rem publicam alicui permittereto give some one unlimited power in state affairs.Rate it:

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rem publicam augere, amplificareto aggrandise, extend the power of the state.Rate it:

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right as rainright as rain expresses the truism. rain is from nature and a higher power, so therefore it has to be right because nature and the creator are never wrong!Rate it:

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run downTo lose power slowly. Used for a machine, battery, or other powered device.Rate it:

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run for officeTo seek political power.Rate it:

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say sopower of decisionRate it:

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spin upTo power up, launch, or instantiate.Rate it:

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stop at nothingTo take any measures to do or achieve something, especially if it involves great risk or danger; to do everything in one's power.Rate it:

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stranger on the phoneDr. Greshun De Bouse's brilliant true account of a present-day angel in female human form who uplifts and changes lives of countless downtrodden men whom have never seen her, via telephone through the power of Biblical scripture and the Holy Spirit.Rate it:

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stuffed shirtOne who is overly official or officious; somebody in charge but not necessarily in power or effective.Rate it:

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the ;WYEWYE, SPECIAL RAILROAD TRACK LAYOUT DESIGNED SO AS TO Be Able To Reverse Direction Of An Entire Freight Train. Subject to Constraints Relavent to Consist, Train Length, Engine Power, Terrain, Weather, Traffic Condx., Company Rules, Govt Regs, Crews et al:Rate it:

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there is a new sheriff in townA new person has come to power and is going to make changes.Rate it:

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Throw Your Weight AroundUsing power in a mean way or to threaten; to be in the command in a threatening wayRate it:

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to theShort for to the... power, or to the...Rate it:

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tooth-and-nailvicious; violent; full of strength and powerRate it:

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top handThe batsman's hand that is further up the handle; used for control rather than power.Rate it:

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turn onTo power up; to start a device by switching it on.Rate it:

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ultra viresbeyond the legal power or authority of a person or bodyRate it:

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under one's own steamBy means of the power of its own engines.Rate it:

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vis dicendioratorical power.Rate it:

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weak-kneedLacking will power or strength of character; timid.Rate it:

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______ up a fuss.
A talking
B kicking
C breaking
D making