
Phrases related to: important-looking Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 162 phrases and idioms matching important-looking.

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l'âge n'est fait que pour les chevauxL’âge n’est pas important tant qu’on est en bonne santé.Rate it:

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la belle affaire!Is that all? (i.e. it is not so difficult or important as you seem to think).Rate it:

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la fin justifie les moyensSi le but à atteindre est suffisamment juste ou important, il peut justifier des méthodes immorales, voire illégales ou violentes.Rate it:

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la montagne a accouché d'une sourisDisproportion entre un projet annoncé comme très important et l’inconsistance ou le ridicule du résultat final.Rate it:

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Left Out in the ColdTo ask someone to get out of the room so that he may not listen something important, ignored and left outRate it:

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les affaires sont en voie de hausseThings are looking up.Rate it:

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little did [they] know/realize/imagineThey weren't aware of something ahead of time; they didn't know some important information before making a decision/acting.Rate it:

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looker, a looker'Good looking', attractive, 'outstanding beauty', 'knockout'Rate it:

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looking like a wrecka self-realization of one's negative appearance because of unfortunate or unintentional circumstances.Rate it:

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low on the totem poleLeast important.Rate it:

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meat rackA place where people can meet looking for sexual partners.Rate it:

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melted faceA very frowny, lazy, and boring-looking face.Rate it:

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momento temporisat the important moment.Rate it:

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my eyes are up hereSaid to persuade the interlocutor to stop looking lustfully at the speaker's body.Rate it:

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neither here nor thereNot important; having no significance or influence on the question at hand; not related; not relevant; not germane; not pertinent.Rate it:

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never mindIt is not important; do not fret.Rate it:

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no time to loseIt is important to do something immediatelyRate it:

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not for nothingUsed to soften the impact of what is said next, implying that it is important.Rate it:

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not the end of the worldIt's of minor importance, at least not as important as it first seemed.Rate it:

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not to mentionUsed by the speaker to mention another important point; an apophasis.Rate it:

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nous parlions de la pluie et du beau tempsWe were not talking of anything important or confidential; We were talking of indifferent matters.Rate it:

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nous y voilàExprime l’idée qu’on atteint finalement la destination, le point important ou la situation que l’on envisageait, attendait ou espérait.Rate it:

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noves forarefers to the act of verification, looking for proofRate it:

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off the radarUnlikely to happen, or be important in the near future or tending to escape detection or attention.Rate it:

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on the radarLikely to happen, or be important in the near future or tending to attract attention.Rate it:

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one eye lookin at a squirrel and the other eye lookin at a possum.Describing a person with eyes looking in different directions at once. Someone who’s walleyed or has wonky eyes.Rate it:

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Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jourIl faut du temps pour accomplir un projet important.Rate it:

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parting of the waysa separation of two things or people because of a disagreement, a point of divergence, especially an important oneRate it:

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pertinere ad aliquidto be essentially important to a thing.Rate it:

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plus c'est gros, plus ça passePlus un mensonge est important, plus ceux qui l’entendent se disent qu’il serait impossible que quelqu’un ait menti autant, et deviennent enclins à le croire.Rate it:

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prawn cocktail offensiveA strategy of the Labour Party in winning over important people in the world of finance.Rate it:

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pull one's finger outTo stop wasting time in preliminaries, and concentrate on the important task.Rate it:

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put asideTo ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.Rate it:

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quod maius estwhat is more important.Rate it:

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rap atTo talk to; to communicate with; to tell of important things.Rate it:

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reckon without one's hostTo forget the most important person.Rate it:

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road to damascusA road to Damascus moment, or change, is an important point in someone's life where a great change, or reversal, of ideas or beliefs occurs.Rate it:

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Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jourIl faut du temps pour accomplir un projet important.Rate it:

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Rose-Colored GlassesLooking life in a positive manner; seeming something in a desirable and better way; expectations and hopefulness about something Rate it:

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sa sœur aînée n'est pas malHer elder sister is not bad-looking.Rate it:

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set upto provide the money or other support that someone needs for an important task or activity.Rate it:

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shoot from the lipTo speak confidently and unhesitantly but without careful forethought or a reliable knowledge of important facts pertaining to the subject matter.Rate it:

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show roundTo show someone the important parts of somethingRate it:

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sit aroundTo spend time sitting idle, not doing anything important.Rate it:

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spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tarTo have something important fail for want of a small amount of money or effort.Rate it:

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stage rightThe area to the right of the stage when looking towards the audienceRate it:

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stop pressThe event or news article important enough to delay or interrupt the print, or require a reprint, of a publication, particularly of a newspaper edition.Rate it:

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stop the pressesAn imperative form used to introduce especially new, important, surprising, or recent developments.Rate it:

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take a back seatTo be second to someone or something; to be less important or have a lower priority.Rate it:

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take one's eye off the ballTo lose one's concentration on what is most important.Rate it:

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B young
C old
D short