
Phrases related to: wrong-site surgery Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 165 phrases and idioms matching wrong-site surgery.

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go pear-shapedTo go wrong; to go awry.Rate it:

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go under the knifeHave surgeryRate it:

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gut factorFeelings about what feels right or wrong, good or bad. An inner persuasion that one may feel convinced is the appropriate decision.Rate it:

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haul somebody over the coalsTo express anger with someone in no uncertain terms when they do something wrong.Rate it:

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haul someone over the coalsTo express anger with someone in no uncertain terms when they do something wrong.Rate it:

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historical landmarkA National Historic Landmark is a building, district, object, site, or structure that is officially recognized by the United States government for its outstanding historical significance.Rate it:

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I hope you're happySaid to scold someone who did something wrong, after seeing the consequences.Rate it:

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ICBWInitialism of I could be wrong.Rate it:

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il a l'esprit aux talonsHe shines at the wrong end; He is not witty.Rate it:

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il a mauvaise têteHe is a wrong-headed fellow.Rate it:

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il a mis son bonnet de traversHe is in a bad temper; He got out of bed the wrong side.Rate it:

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il écorche l'anguille par la queueHe sets (goes) the wrong way to work.Rate it:

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il l'a fait fort mal à proposHe did it very unseasonably, just at the wrong time.Rate it:

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In the DoghouseFacing severe penalty, punishment or retribution for having done something wrongRate it:

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iniuria abstinere (Off. 3. 17. 72)to refrain from doing a wrong, an injustice.Rate it:

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iniuria afficere aliquemto wrong a person.Rate it:

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iniuriam ferre, patito suffer wrong.Rate it:

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iniuriam inferre, facere alicuito wrong a person.Rate it:

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iniurias neglegereto leave a wrong unpunished, to ignore it.Rate it:

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it's all goodThe same as saying: you don't need to worry about it; I'm not worried about it;. there's nothing to worry about; nothing is wrong; used to express unconcern.Rate it:

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log onTo visit a Web site; construed with to.Rate it:

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male-to-femaleChanging or having changed (via gender reassignment surgery) from being physically male to being female.Rate it:

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might makes rightThe stronger and more powerful rule others, control the situation or determine right and wrong.Rate it:

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NTTAWWTAbbreviation of not that there's anything wrong with that.Rate it:

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off-colorOf the wrong color.Rate it:

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out of fixWrong, broken, nonfunctional.Rate it:

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out of whackWrong, broken; specifically.Rate it:

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pain and sufferingA species of damages that one may recover for physical or mental pain that results from a wrong done.Rate it:

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partir du mauvais piedTo start off on the wrong foot.Rate it:

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post no billsA Printed/Scripted sign; addressed to the Public to wit; "Do Not Post nor Affix"; any Bills, Notices, Wanted Posters, Advertising, Missing persons, Court Notices, Auction Bills et al on/upon this site, wall, post, b'ldg., Private PropertyRate it:

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put one's foot in one's mouthTo misspeak; to say something embarrassing or wrong.Rate it:

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put up toTo encourage or trick to perform an action which is foolish or wrong.Rate it:

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Put Your Foot in Your MouthTo become trouble maker by uttering wrong words at wrong time, to put yourself into problem with your blundersRate it:

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qui s'excuse, s'accuseIf you try to excuse yourself you practically acknowledge that you have done wrong; A guilty conscience needs no accuser.Rate it:

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red flagA cue, warning, or alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong.Rate it:

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right as rainright as rain expresses the truism. rain is from nature and a higher power, so therefore it has to be right because nature and the creator are never wrong!Rate it:

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rire jauneTo laugh on the wrong side of one’s mouth.Rate it:

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sens devant derrièreWrong side first.Rate it:

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Settle an Old ScoreTo take revenge for one’s wrong actions being done in the past, to get even with someoneRate it:

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Smell a RatTo be skeptical about something wrong, someone who could sense the dangerRate it:

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something's fishy in denmarkA shortened version of the expression, "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"; the speaker is suspicious that there is or appears to be something wrong, amiss, illegal or dishonestRate it:

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straighten outTo correct; to stop doing something wrong.Rate it:

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tenir le loup par la queueTo have hold of the sow by the wrong ear.Rate it:

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the end justifies the meansMorally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes; actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality of the outcome.Rate it:

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tickle the dragon's tailTo do something that has a risk of going catastrophically wrong.Rate it:

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to let a frog out of one's mouthTo say the wrong thing.Rate it:

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tout mauvais cas est niableA man may be expected to deny a deed that he knows to be wrong.Rate it:

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Two FacedDeceitful and disloyal; wrongRate it:

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up jumped the devilwhen wrong is being doneRate it:

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vous faites fausse routeYou are taking the wrong road; You are on the wrong track.Rate it:

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Form is temporary, _______ is permanent.
A patience
B tension
C strength
D class